“Diiiiiii”..some one shouted ..
A-are meri behena…mere kan ke parde phadne ka irada hai kya???(aree my sister do u have any plans of making me deff)
that u r screaming so loudly..
i m right here na…
Anika gets down from the stairs…and cms to her..
now cm lets go choti…!
m-arrhhhh dont call me that dii..
O-what ever u say but u ll be our choti…
A-are wahhh so u are also accompning me for shopping…
wow..after a long time we all ll have fun…
O-s..i m cmming today..
but i need to discuss something…really urgent and that too with u..
A-han bolo…
wait m i forgetting something..
all oldies medicines are also their..
as i had said harikaka to keep them..
maa had a meeting..but any way shes cming next month…
so no prob..
then whats the problem…
O-ufff u girls…
dii my frnd need ur help..for his sister..so..
plzz dii help him…
A-hmm..say me whats the matter..
M-ufffff..again started ..u guys cm and discuss about it..in car..
by the time we ll reach their..
O-ooooo..time management..
M-obvio after all i m soon to be the best writer..
as my stories are best time sellers..
O-dont forget its all dii helps u..
u just give her the prologue..
but shes the one who guides u..so creadit goes to dii..
u better ge that chudaillll..
A-basssss..stop guys stop…
had hoti hai yar..
now lets go and omi say me about the girl…
and how to help her..
trio lev n car..
O-actually dii..i have a frnd…hIS sis ranked the state..
but her brother i mean another one is not allowing her to study further..
so my frnd is making her study
T-(interupts) oky oky..i got it..
get her tommo or her brother dayafter tommo..
all the trio do shopping and are back home…
there is a bell a the door..
ding dong!
A-chk whos it mahi..
M-chk whos it bhai..
O-what?me…its as if..ghode ne gade se kaha n gade ne bandar Se..
(its as if like a horse said to donkey and donkey to monkey..its a provrb..)
M-oooo so u mean ur monkey..
O-s..n u donkey…
both start the cusion fight…
A-ufff…(she huzzes off and goes to open the door…
their comes the siblings of beast..hehehehe!)
hello mohit..
M-diii i missed ur hand food…
so i came here with my sis to have it…
A-awww…how swwet of u..
cm its paneer tikka today…
cm lets go in first these devils are their…
M-okky challo…
A-are is she the same about whom omi said me..
A-feel free amya..u can cal me dii..as all call me so..
M-yeah including all elders coz shes their mother m i right..
O-just shup up u donkey..
M-u monkey..
Am-shall i help u dii..
A-no re ur guest..so enjoy..
Am-u just said me i m ur sister and a sister can help other sister ri8..
A-hmm vo..no i like doing things my own..
Am-n i like helping u
A-oky challo..
O-learn from her something…
hai amya plz teach this donkey some values…
M-and mohit u teach this monkey oky…
O-hes ur brothers best frnd..u call me bhai na?
call him same..
M-what bhai and he..
no way…i wont call (getting wt she was about to speak)
A-wts going on?
M-vo..dii is one duffer bhai less..to get another?
no way..
achha anyway amya..say me so from when shd we start the classes..
M-when bhai is not around u can..
A-dont worry..i dont get how can a brother be obstracle to their sibblings…
Am-(hugs her)tq so much..actually bhai is not like this..hes made to be so..
anyway mahi dii..
diii hahaah!beter call me mahii.
AM-oky mahi dii..opps i mean mahi..
M-u guys better start from tommo…
as bhai ll not be their..tommo..
but never cm alone tommo..if at all we are caught..
i can say that u came with omi..
once he meets u and omi together then i ll say u bth became frnds…
and then u can cm often..
M-wow…muhhhhuu(gives flying kiss)u are the best mohit…
T-ahem ahem..
we are still here…
M-what?dont run horses oky..
just frnds…
next day…
Anika in party..
Shivay is also present their..
and it was announced the best bussinessman award goes to mis
rather say best bussiness women award!
Anikas POV’
i proceedeed to t ake the award..
all were praising me..my eyes went on the best person of my life my omi..
who was their just to cheer me..with my rather say our little sister..
she was jumping and clapping..
and cheering me..
“dii u r the best”
s..i knew these two were my life i can surender my life to them then their wish of seeing me as n this stage was also fulfilled by me..
n i was happy…!
as i proceeded down back i saw the best..
s the person who ruined my life years ago was their…
i was like y the hell god cant wish to see me happy..
days went on..and on…mahi started guiding amya..
and sucessfully with mahis guidence amya wrote the exams..
Ding dong!
the bell rang..
Anika entered a big mansion…
she saw the board Oberio..
but ignored it as their are many Oberio in the world…
she saw amya their..
amya ran and hugged her tight…
and twriling her..
shouting jumping and wahat not…!
Am-tq diii..
A-accha wr is mohit..
Am-u know na wr might bhai b and wt he might be doing..
obvio he is with my future bhabhi…
A-ask ur partents if i can meet them…
Am-did u?
Am-let me call nani dadi and bebe…
amya gets them…
and says all with the excitment…
Bebe-but beta..elders are supposed to get rishta,,
A-i agree…actually only dadi stays with us…here…
maa and all are in london…
and dadi needs rest..i cant let her do these all..
Bebe-wow beta…i really like u…
are u married…?
matlab ur elder than mahi u shd be married first….
A-i know its an custom but sometimes a daughter ca also becm son and take responsibilites..
i have few more left…after they all are completed i ll think of my marriage…bebe..
btwn shall i think it as s..from u guys..
actually mohit said me..
that its already s..
but i taught..
its better if i speak to u all too once..
Nani-beta…if u are so sanskari then obvio ur sister ll also b..
i m ready…
Dadi-me too
A-dont worry maa knows all..
bhai said her
bebe-but v shd consult him too..
mohit-no need..its my life i can handle it..
i dont care if he is or not n my marriage..
i m happy that most precious members of my life are with me..
next day..
Anikas POV’
i got a blank call that day..
i taught who would call be in such early morning..
as it was just 3..
i with great difficulty picked the call..
“whos it?” i grumbled…
“hiii babs..how are u”a voice choked from other side..
i was terified to listen the same voice….
i was like “dont know what game is now god again planning to pay with me”
he said”meet me if u love ur sister”
“what the hell..dont u dare go near her..else i ll chop u”i screwd
“then meet me”he said..i m right at ur home..enterance..
come to backyrd..i ll b waiting for u…
i went to back yard..and what he said to me took my life..
ss..it was the beast..the same beast…of my life…
he thretnd me to marry him else he would brak the alliance…
pov ends…
a tear dropped from her eye
(camera rolled..she was on the sage..
dressed like a queen..
lets go near to her..
omg she wore mangalsutra…had filled her vermillon…lets c what happens now)
a thudd…voice came..
s it was the noice of the door getting locked..
a guy walked in..
it was shown to be as Shivay….
“so how are u feeling mrs Shivay …”Shivay spoke..
“how would a girl feel..
s..i m married to the guy i loved the most whom i felt as my everything..
but to my utter itterence….it was the same guy who destryed me life..who raped me… who is coward…who killed my child…,
what do u think i feel ” said Anika in a firm voice..
“and do u love me still”Shivay said..
“no way..i just hate u..to the cor..who killed his own child..
who is a beast…
did u listen what i say s..u are a beast…
from whom his own family fears”,Anika repled…
k-“aww..Anika this is what i like n u..
u r hatred..is what makes me more crazy…this is what i love in u…must say…u are still hot…the same fragrence..(going towards her..touching her sensuily…)
Anika pushed him…
S-dont u dare do it again…
he pinned her to wall..and placed his rough lips on hers…
she mouned n pain…
“this to make me angry”,and when ever u do so..i ll reply u in this way..
oky baby..
now lets start…
A-what?dont even dare..
S-dont worry…i wont…till u approve..
he goes to couch and sleeps…
thats it…
so how was it guys….
sudden change over of story na?
dont worry u have many shocks waiting for u….
hopw u like it..
throw the tantrumssss!
1 moreepisode to go guys..
keep showing ur love..
n yup do follow my facebook page “Frictional Stories by crazy” to read the FF/SS/OS on Paya,Twinj,Swasan,Shivika
Awesome…. Never expected this type of twist….
Thanks..Btwn just wait n read
U ll c much more unexpected things 1 more episode remain’g to cmplte d ss
Seriously… U r driving me crazy… Nxt episode asap
It was amazing….Loved it!
Thanks dear glad u liked it
What a twist oh god but it’s very different he is really a devil post next one crazy
Han ll surly post d next one tommo
Don’t jump so soon
He may b devil but
Humans only becm devil m I ri8?
So just wait n watch d further twists
Ya totally agree with u and eagerly waiting to know the reason. But are you going to end this soon? Plz add few more episodes crazy
Im going crazy over here
Uff… wt a twist?
Loved the twist…I m going crazy over this twist
they are so many words for this ff intresting awesome fabulous thrilling wow
Loved d twist a lottt….awesummm…..shivaaay reallyyy such a beast….omg….
Omg ??waiting! For the next part
Waiting it was very nice… Vaise I have a doubt what do u mean by 1 more episode to go…..
it means that next episode is last episode of my story
But y… I mean any particular reason
He raped her. Oh my mata shivaay. Beat the beast anika. Awesome episode
My goodness

crazy are you planning to give yo readers 440 volt ka jatka or what
seriously man hats off
what a twist & shivaay the beast
it was juz awesome
keep going
n update soon
nd yeah perfect pen name crazy
you really r crazy