Categories: Fan Fiction Original

The Beauty In Our Stars (Intro)

The Beauty of our Stars.

This is the beautiful starry love sort of five people who search for their love.

Tara : She is the pampered daughter of her father. She is very pure at heart and has everything except love.

Dhruv : He thinks he is a loser as he never got his true love. But he is a very sensible guy and has a best friend called Raj. He is an Assistant Director.

Abeer : He is the heart throb of all the girls. All girls fall for him at the instant they meet and being the Superstar he has that arrogance !

Natasha : She is Abeer’s sister. She is pretty and very soft at heart.

Raj : Dhruv’s best friend but very naughty and too obsessed with X rated videos. But he cares a lot about his friend and always helps him in the conquest of love.

The real catch in the story is that Tara is not a human but a fairy and has magical powers.

I never thought about a villain as I hate them badly ! Hope you like this story. It will only be continued if you want and love the story.

Who do you think will be Tara’s dream man ! A question for millions !


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