Categories: Begusarai

Begusarai 24th August 2015 Written Episode Update

Begusarai 24th August 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Poonam is tied, lakhan is unconscious, Poonam thinks what to do, she prays that she may die but Lakhan is safe, her mouth is closed with tape too. Bindya comes to Rekha and says you are working alone, i will help you, she starts setting dining table and says i was thinking that Badi Amma should give her responsibility, like Phulan retired, Badi Amma should retire from money, finance and all this, Rekha says i knew you wanted all this only, Bindya says i dont need money and all, all i need is respect, till you are alive i cant get throne of house, Rekha says what you wanna say? Bindya says you should now give rest to Badi Amma, take house keys from her and sit on money’s carton now, you didnt get any happiness which was your right, now as per rights you deserve all this, retire Badi

Amma from all this, Rekha starts dreaming about all that, Bindya smirks and leaves, Rekha dreams of sitting between money, she starts laughing and says i never thought about it, Bindya no younger daughter in law is right, i was thinking wrong about her and she is talking about my rights, there is Bindya and otherside is Poonam who never thought about me.
Poonam tries to reach Lakhan, she thinks i cant see Lakhan burning in fever, i have to do something, she gets down from bed, breaks glass and starts cutting rope of hands with glass, she frees herself, goes to Lakhan and ask him to get up, she ask him to open eyes, she ask for help, Piddi comes there, Poonam says he fainted because of fever, help me to put him in bed, Piddi says what kind of women are you? he did so bad with you and you are still doing it, why? Poonam says only goodness can change badness, Piddi says person like Lakhan can never change, Poonam says everything can change in world, i will do this, i will change him, Piddi says ok i will help you, he makes Lakhan rest on bed and leaves, Poonam calls doctor and ask him to come.

Scene 2
Badi Amma is talking to Choti Amma and says you forget things, Bindya comes and says if she forget things then give responsibility to Maya, Badi Amma says you need experience for all this, Bindya says experience will come only when you give duties, Choti Amma says its difficult to handle house, Bindya says when responsibility will come only then experience will come and you will also know if daughter in laws can handle house or not, Badi Amma brings out money, Bindya says not this but give something which increases status and respect of your daughter in law, Badi Amma ask like? Bindya says like key of house, all are stunned, Rekha comes there too, Bindya ask did i say anything wrong? i am asking what is right of daughter in law of this house, like Phulan made Priyom king so that he can get experience and handle begusarai same way you both should give keys to daughter in laws so that they can handle house, Choti amma says you dont have to worry, we are here to take decision, Bindya says yes take decision and give keys of house to Rekha, Rekha gets happy, Badi amma thinks that she is shooting in right direction but why she is using Rekha? i have to see this, she says Bindya is right, Bindya is stunned and thinks how this lady agreed so fast, Bindya thinks i am old player of this game, you cant change rules of game till i am here, Badi Amma calls Rekha and says giving keys doesnt mean that you have power of this house, these keys only signifies that you have some rights in this house too, you will get control only when you love people of this house, you have to prove that you are capable of this duty, i will keep an eye on you, she gives house keys to Rekha, Rekha takes her blessing and looks at Bindya with gratitude, Bindya smirks, Badi amma stares her.

Scene 3
Rekha comes in locker room and finds money boxes there, she dances and says this is all mine, is this true? i must be dreaming? it will break, Bindya comes there and says see this is not dream, its truth, Rekha says you have made this dream possible, she hugs Bindya and blesses her, Bindya says i have done all this for you as i like you and Lakhan most in house, i feel you both are very good at heart and injustice happened with you like it happened with me, you didnt get what you deserved, Rekha says for first time i am feeling there is someone who understand my pain, i give you promise that i will do anything for you, bindya thanks her and thinks that i am doing all this for me, i became queen but i need soldiers who can die for me and REkha you are my army head, now it will be easy to control house.
Choti Amma tells Priyom how Bindya forced Badi Amma to give keys to Rekha, i thought she changed but she is still same, Rekha was so happy to get keys, Priyom recalls how Bindya forced him to become king and make her queen of Begusarai, Choti Amma ask Priyom will you not say anything? you are king of begusarai, will you not say anything? we have some hopes from you, i think you cant see anything infront of your love for your wife, i listened people changing in love but i am seeing it first time, Priyom leaves from there, Choti Amma says to Badi Amma that there is some reason behind Priyom’s changed behavior.

PRECAP- doctor says to Poonam that Lakhan has high fever, his fever should not increase more than 100F, else it will be dangerous for his life, he leaves, Poonam brings ropes and says i have to do this for his life, she ties his hands and feet.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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