Fan Fiction


Hello doodles, I am back to post another story named as BEHIND THE BARS. This story revolves around Saumya and her life after she gets arrested on the day of her marriage. Do read the story and share your opinions. A HUMBLE REQUEST TO BHAVYA LOVERS, PLEASE STAY AWAY DEARIES OR ELSE YOU MAY END UP FEELING BAD.


‘They say to find riches is a beggar’s dream, but to find love is the dream of kings, she was indeed the princess of her family and the queen of her king who know to love everyone and above of all, love themselves’ I am Lilly Raichaind, a lawyer… the story started two years back with my entry in her life and her entry in jail.



I was unsure of the fact that Tia would help her sisters in the court, I have still not filed the case from my side and the prosecution was going on registering charges over Saumya. Tia got the call to say her statement, last time when this case was called for hearing Tia wasn’t there so the day got postponed to today. I looked around to see Tia, she stood over the witness stand and looked at Saumya, Saumya faintly smiled reciprocating the looks of her di. Tia to smiled back but tear oozed out of her eye.

“Mrs. Tia… would you please tell us that what exactly Ms. Svetlana Kapoor and Saumya Kapoor has planned” the prosecution asked.

“Sir… my sisters never wanted to kill anyone, all they wanted was to separate Oberois and that had a motive behind it” Tia stopped. I feared that she will lie further saying that her sisters changed their plan lastly but the next words completely shattered Tia’s image in front of my eyes.

“After that… please Mrs. Tia tell the entire truth” the prosecution asked her to speak up.

“Sir… I am sorry to say but because of this Oberoi family our childhood got shattered, we lose our dad and our mother had to bear a lot while bringing up us” Tia broke down remembering their bad times, Saumya too got teary eyed.

I looked at the Oberois, Daadi had her head bent down due to shame and rest others were looking at Tia in shock, as if bringing Tia to the court was the greatest mistake of them. ACP’s mouth was hung open. I wonder that how does Oberoi family earns, today because of the hearing the entire family has come to court, but wait… where is Rudra, no he isn’t here. I searched for Rudra everywhere in the court room but he wasn’t there.

“But Tia… you promised us that you will say the truth, and what are you saying is…” ACP was saying the words and got cut by Tia in middle “all these what I am saying is truth Bhavya… you have come to Oberoi’s life just last year so dear it will be better that you keep your mouth shut and let me speak” ACP sat back looking at everyone’s faces.

“My lord, I agree that Saumya has burned the marriage hall and they have even plotted against Oberois and those are crimes but my lord no one has ever asked us that what damage Oberois did to us… no one gave us chance to speak up” Tia looked back at Samuya.

I now understood why Saumya told me that be it whatever but Tia won’t betray them. None of the Oberois would deny the fact Tia stated just now, neither they can accept. For the first time ever Shivay Singh Oberoi has his head bent down in shame. Anika is looking at Saumya with affection. Hatred has wiped away it’s place from Omkara’s eyes. And ACP was looking at Saumya in disgust.

“Mrs. Tia… do you even know that your Svetlana di has murdered so many people” the prosecution cross questioned.

“No my lord, my Svetlana di has not murdered any… she was in the captive of the fake Svetlana from past some years, I still remember the stormy night when Svetlana di and her friend went out for her friend’s treatment… after that she never came back and the person who came back was the fake Svetlana, we never understood that she was fake until my own di got arrested for doing nothing… just nothing” Tia stated her point. The more I am listening more to the story, the more I am wanting to listen what has happened next.

“Then where is the fake Svetlana… and without any proof why would we believe you… Mrs. Tia… please say the truth and if you have any proof then please prove it” the judge said.

“The major eye witness of fake Svetlana is Omkara and his wife Gauri… the court would believe Oberois I know… so ask them” Tia pointed towards the couple and got down the witness stand.

Omkara was called upon. He was asked question to which he nodded his head in positive and thus confirming it that fake Svetlana has taken real Svetlana’s place and they have tried hard to safeguard the real Svetlana. Gauri too nodded yes to Om’s words. Then where is the cluprit… how does real Svetlana got arrested when she was being safeguarded by Oberois. Urrghhh why all these confusions are created.

“The court is adjourned for today” the judge announced. Now two questions were left to be answered, one is where is fake Svetlana… how she eloped being in police’s custody and where is real Svetlana kept. Saumya broke down, she was crying continuously, one thing I understood was that she came to know this truth at that moment itself… why didn’t Tia and her mother reveal this truth to Saumya. I decided not to interrupt between sisters moment so I went to my place with lots of thoughts in my mind. I have to talk to Tia and her mother as well now.

When I was going out, one thing caught my attention and that was Bhavya’s restlessness. She was trying to connect to someone soon but the other person wasn’t picking up her calls. I thought to go ahead and ask ACP about all these keeping my self respect aside.

“Bhav… Bhavya” I called her aloud, but she paid no attention. I went close to her and patted on her shoulder. She looked at me and stumbled, as if she got caught.

“Yeah… yes Lilly” she said sweating out.

“Well… where is Rudra?” I asked her.

“He is busy… he hates coming to courts actually” she gave two different answers of a single question at the same sentence out of tension.

“Why are you tensed?” I asked simply.

“Why shouldn’t I be… I thought that today this chapter of Saumya will get closed, Saumya and Svetlana would get their punishments but again new drama started… now I got the duty to find the fake Svetlana as soon as possible, and if I get to find fake Svetlana then… then my job would get under threat on the basis of me torturing one innocent person” she completed. I seriously wanted to smile and laugh my heart out looking at her condition. Poor she.

“Take care Bhavya… and if you need my help, I am always there” I assured her and went away from there as it really got difficult for me to hold back my laughter.

Saumya came out with lady constables and Tia beside her. Tia was pacifying Saumya and was asking her to calm down.

“Tia di… please save Svetlana di at least… I know that Oberois won’t leave me… but when Svetlana di has done nothing then why would she suffer… please find out that fake girl who has conspired like this against us… Tia di please do something” Saumya was pleading folding her hands in front of Tia and both of them were crying hard.

I went close to them. “I assure you Saumya, I would find out fake Svetlana and your di as well, I would prove it to them that you were innocent as well. Let Oberois start their countdown” I said.

“Lilly… thank you so much for helping my sister at this moment, she seriously needs help of her friend right now” Tia di said to me.

“Tia di I need to talk to you and your mother, when can I come to your home?” I asked in return.

“Anytime Lilly, but please do it soon, I can’t see my sisters getting suffered for much time now” Tia said. I nodded.

Omkara and Gauri arrived towards Saumya and Tia di  and seeing them I distanced myself a little. All that I understood was Omkara Singh Oberoi and Gauri Singh Oberoi was guilty. They were apologising folding their hands. Saumya nodded a no and went away from there with the lady constables, back to her cell.

Shivay Singh Oberoi and Anika Singh Oberoi too joined Omkara Singh Oberoi and Gauri Singh Oberoi. “What have we done Shivay” Anika said as tears streamed down.

“Saumya has caused us damage Anika… she should get punished” Shivay Singh Oberoi said and walked off and went away to a destination unknown to everyone. Anika, Omkara and Gauri stood back while Shivay drove far away.


My search started, somewhere I got the clue that Shivay and ACP knows something that none knows. The two person who seemed to be in tension was ACP and Shivay Singh Oberoi after knowing the truth of fake and real. Truth never hides, my search for that untouched burning truth started.


Here is the next part doodles, do share your opinions down and please hit the like button. Thanks a lot for the support in the last four chapters. 

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