Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 21 # kiss

Hello peeepies aagyi me..

The demand was so high for double update so here i m..

I got my result just now i scored 94 percentage ..

Let’s start

Scene 1

Riddhima’s PoV

A lone tear escaped from my eye..

My breath got hitched as if someone just stabbed my heart.

That b*t*h shweta lying on couch and my vanshu is hovering over her..

They were kissing each other…

Vanshu can’t ditched me..i wish what i am seeing is lie but it’s not..

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

I got up from shweta and adjusted my desheveled clothes..

I turned back and floor slip beneath my leg..

Riddhima is standing there all devasted with tears..

My conscious mind mocked me..what if she will leave u after witnessing the scene .

I whisper her name slightly gaining a thuddd sound of closing door of our cabin..

I ran to  stop her but shweta stopped holding my hand..

I pushed her hard that she fell on the couch again..

Shouting angre’s name like maniac i ran behind my sweetheart..

Pov ends

Vansh (shouting) – Angre!!Angre..!! Get this b*t*h shweta out of my office right now…

Angre’s pov

I gasped seeing boss’s blood shot eyes..

I was just wondering what happened suddenly my gaze fell on riddhima..she was running out of the office weeping..

I facepalmed myself thinking about the possibilities..

I pushed that shweta out of office …

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

I ran out of cabin crying..

It’s just not that vansh kissed her.. afterall i am no one..i am just a person who lives with him..

But the thing that was hurting me was something else..

Flashback starts

I was going towards our cabin After sharing her happiness with angre..

Two girls from our staff was talking about me..

I hide behind a pillar to hear what are they talking..

They were not talking they were back b*t*hing about me..

Girl 1 – Look how lucky that riddhima is..she trapped our boss and became his PA..

Girl 2 – i have also heard that they live together..god knows what happens behind close door..

Girl 1 – that sl*t is so cunning..middle class trash..this type of people knows how to trap rich mans..

I moved to our cabin with tears in my eyes just to get my vansh’s embrace

Flashback ends

Are they i taking advantage of vansh..

But this was never my intention..

I caugth a Auto rickshaw and sat weeping my tears..

I listend my name from behind and i know the owner..

Must be my vanshu who is not mine probably is following me..

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

I tried to stop her but she didn’t stop..

I was running behind her auto like mad person..

All the people around me was looking at me with shock..

Why not..The person who never travels without his car is running behind a girl..

I went back to my car drove like a manaic to our house..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

I reached to our house and latched my room door..

I stood near my window silently weeping waiting for my vanshu.

I know he will come and i won’t lie i am missing  him..

I want to hug him..but my anger overpowered me..

I won’t talk to dare he to get intimate with another girl..

And if he was with her why he assured me that he has no girl other than me in his life..

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

I reached to house and immediately marched towards her room..

And there..she is.. standing near a window facing her back towards me..

Gathering all my courage i whisperd her name “sweetheart”

She turned..but her pale face gave me a instant pang in my heart..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

As soon as i saw him.i Badly wanted to run and hug him..

But composing myself i said straightly to him “I am not your sweetheart..go to that b*t* i am sorry if u felt offended on calling her b*t*h..”

He came close to me and tried to hold me but i jerked him weeping my tears..

” I am in no mood to talk to u..Its ur life u can do whatever u want..

And sorry if u ever felt that i took advantage of u..”

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

What the hell is she uttering..

I looked into his eyes and felt some unknown emotions..

Why i am feeling it’s not just about that incident .. something is bothering her..

I tried to hold her again but she was hell adamant not to let me touch her..

After having several futile attempt i holded her with all the strength i had..

She was blabbering something while crying that i didn’t trap u..i never took ur advantage..

Where did it came from..

I shaked her few times to calm her down..

I hugged her tightly taking her in my embrace..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

He hugged me tightly and i melted in his arms..

I cried..i cried hard in his embrace.. blabbering i never Trapped u.. vansh i never..

He shush me patting my back..

He broke the hug and cupped my face asking what happened sweetheart..

Pov ends

Vansh – Sweetheart what happened..why are u crying.. did anybody told u anything..

Riddhima (crying) – Van..vansh..wo..that girl..

Vansh’s POV

She told me everything crying how that two bithces hurted my sweetheart..

My blood boiled dare they to hurt her..she is mine..only i have rights to hurt her..mine to love and mine to hurt.. did it came from..

Gosh!! I stroked her hairs hugging her consoling..

Assuring her that it’s nothing like that..she is not that type of girl..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

He calmed me..only he can do this..

But again i flared my nose in anger asking why were u kissing that b*t*h..

His expression changed .

Cupping my face he told me he was not kissing her..

But I can’t believe this..i saw with my own eyes he was hovering over her..

I shouted on him hitting him no…you kissed her.. how dare u to kiss her..

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

She was hitting me.. although i was unaffected by that but her tears are piercing me..

She was hell adamant not to listen me..

I was shaking her but she didn’t try to listen..

Not having any option i pulled her by her waist and fused my lips with her..

She was shocked first..i nibbled her lips sucking as if my life is depend on it..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

I always dreamed of this moment but it will come like this..i never thought..

He sucked my lips..sucked like there is no tomorrow..

I wasn’t responding because I was numb..numb to react..

He pinched my waist and i gasped giving him entry in my mouth..

He entered in my mouth..he tastes so sweet..

I responded him back…

After kissing for 5 minutes reality hit him hard..

He left my lips..

Pov ends

Vansh’s POV

I left her lips..her expression changed..she seems hurted..

She pushed me..with tears shouting “You bastard how dare u to do this”

I left flabbergasted at her outburst..

Pov ends

Done done dana done ✅

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all


Well i m not so good at writing ff as i m shayar and i love to pen down my thoughts in shyri..and here i m exploring my writing skills

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