Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 30 # Kidnapped

Hello peeepies aagyi me..

If u r disappointed with riansh seperation then plz wait for upcoming chappies..the story is gonna take 360° turn

I am thoda sa disappointed comments are declining day by day ..kyu bhai psnd ni ara kya .. isn’t the story is good..

Bs na kitna bolte ho tum log🙄😜

Let’s start

Scene 1


A big mansion is shown.. covering by 100 body guards..

Suddenly a car stop at the entrance and two men came out ..

One is walking wearing black tuxedo with shades

Other man is walking behind him covering him with so many body guards

His pov

I am back… it’s gives so much peace to come back to ur land..

I guess my land and people were missing their god..

Yes..i am god..their god..the god whom they fears..the god whom they worship..

Even people trembles hearing my name from 100 km away..

I don’t even remember how many people  died while deceving me..

A single mistake by them and I won’t mind reducing the useless burden from the earth..

The world should also know..who am i

Pov ends

Man (smirking)- The king is back to his territory..

Scene 2

Inside the mansion..

A girl is lying on bed a room

Her pov

Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! I opened my eyes with difficulty and my head is aching badly..

I fluttered my eye lashes to grasp the view around me..

Where am far as i remember i was walking on road and then…aaaahhh!! Think riddhima think..

But this room.. this room seems luxurious..

I moved my eye balls in every direction..the room is 5 times bigger than our whole house in shimla…

Shimla😥 vanshu..what he must be he crying for me..i am sorry jaan..

But where am i..and how i ended up here..

I got up from bed and walked few steps suddenly the door opened and a woman in her mid forties enter holding a tray in her hand..

Seems like she is some staff as her dress seems to be formal..

But whose house is this..

She smiles at me and i blinked my eyes looking at her confusingly..

Pov ends

Riddhima (stammering)- Where am i..and who are u

Lady -D ‘souza.. my name is Mrs D’Souza..i am the most old staff here..

And God has given me charge to take care of u..

Riddhima (confuse)- God???

D’Souza – Yes..god..our master our boss..

Nobody can deny him neither i nor u..

He is our god..

Riddhima’s pov

What the heck?? is that man can he considers himself god..

Now my head is badly spinning..

I looked again to that lady..she seems kind and sweet..

She placed her hand on my head and said “No need to be scared dear..i am here for u only..and u are absolutely safe here”

Safe..i can’t be safe if my vanshu is not around..he must be missing me na..

I masked my expression again and smiled sadly at her..

Pov ends

D’Souza – My child!! Get ready God will be here any time and he wanna meet u..

He doesn’t like unpunctual people..

Riddhima -But i don’t have change

D’Souza – God has arranged everything for u .. just go to closet and get ready…

Riddhima’s pov

D’Souza leave leaving me all alone in this extremely big room..

Who is this god..and why do he cares for me..

I am not getting good vibes heart is beating so fast as if something big is gonna happen today..

Shrugging my thoughts i walked towards the closest with trembling legs..

My whole body is shaking in fear.. thinking about who is this god..where my vanshu he searching for me.. etc etc

As soon as i opened the closet my eyes pop out in shock..

Is this closet..this is for whole mumbai i guess

I never sawo this types of expensive and designer clothes..

Almost everything for me is here.. including dresses footware inner wear and makeup also..

But to my surprise everything is according to my taste..

Is this mere coincidence or what..i choosed a light weight dress for me and moved to washroom

Another shock..god do u want me to die here by this much shock..god🙄..hufff!! Not again..i am getting agitated now by hearing god..bappa where am i struck..

Is this whole shimla can fit into these..

I am feeling as if i am dreaming its like movies only..

I am not habitual of this much luxury..for me the house of Vanshu was also big and this is beyond my imagination…

I removed my clothes and stand beneath the soon as hot water touched my body..i felt my all nerves calming down one by one..

Heaven..this is all i could muttured..

I picked the towel and dressed up in baby pink floral floor touch kurti with minimul makeup and big jhumkas..

As soon as i stepped out of washroom i found D’Souza standing there with a bright smile on her face..

Pov ends

D’Souza – you are looking like fairy my child..god must be happy seeing u like this..

Let’s go downstairs..

Riddhima’s pov..

What . happy..why..gosh why this is so confusing i wish my vanshu could be here with me..but i was the one who left him..

I stepped out of the room with D’Souza and here comes the another shock..

Is this even house..this is mansion for god’s 🙄no no no..not again..for heaven’s sake..yeah this is much better

I moved my eyes in every direction adoring the beautiful mansion..

This is just amazing..but what am i doing here..

I asked D’Souza as soona as we stepped on first stair..

” Why am i here D’Souza”

“You are kidnapped by the person who owes you..

Who brought u from your step father..” said D’Souza..

f**k!!!  means they caught me..

No no no..i am gone he will kill me he is very dangerous..

I started crying hitting my forehead with my palm..

D’Souza tried to make me calm but in vain..

I pushed her slightly and started running in the direction of main door..with the hope that i can escape although my inner consions know i can’t..

I ran fast as i could.. if i would have run in shimla like this i am sure i would have cover the whole shimla till now..

But this mansion is soooooooo large..

Finally..i got the main door.. D’Souza ran behind me but i ran like milkha singh..and that old lady..i feel petty for her but right now my focus is on saving my life from that devil..

I cried and ran towards the door suddenly the door opened automatically and a man appears from nowhere in front of me..

A lone tear again escaped from my eyes but with a smile

Pov ends

Riddhima (smiling)- Youuu!!!!

Done done dana done ✅

Who is the man?

Who is god?

So much questions na..i m not ur teacher so i m not gonna answer 😜

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all


Well i m not so good at writing ff as i m shayar and i love to pen down my thoughts in shyri..and here i m exploring my writing skills

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