Being with my so called kidnapper # episode 31 # breakdown

Hello peeepies aagyi me

Guys i want to ask are u liking the story or not..plz drop ur views because comments are declining day by day..

Lets start

Scene 1

Riddhima’s pov..

Vansh….my vanshu..he came.. I can’t believe my vansh is he here to save me..from that monster..

But wait..why is he looking different..i have seen him many times in formal but something is different today..

His aura is different and his face is looking emotionless ..

Shrugging all my thoughts i ran..i ran as fast as i could to him and started sobbing in his embrace..

But for my shock he didn’t reciprocate the hug..why.. is he mad at me..why won’t he ..i deserve this..

I started sobbing more hard saying “Vanshu 😭thnk god u came..they kidnapped me..that monster purchased me from my step father they will kill me vansh..plz save me.. don’t leave me here with that devil he will kill me..”

I looked at him but he didn’t even budge and his eyes seems having a void of emotions..

He always wipes my tears he can’t see that then why is he not holding me in his embrace..

Pov ends

Vansh (stern) – Who kidnapped u sweetheart..

Riddhima’s pov..

I sobbed more saying VR…VR kidnapped me vansh he is monster..he is mafia..he is very dangerous man..plz take me with u..

I looked at him again but he is smirking..why is he not getting affected by my tears..

He smirked more and realisation hit me hard..

I moved my eyes ball and saw he is covered by so many body guards who is standing bowing down their heads.. vansh.. vansh rai.. raisinghania…

Pov ends

Riddhima (stammering)-
ar..are V..VR ..vansh u are VR..

Vansh’s pov

Happy realisation sweetheart but for ur bad..u got late in realising..

No doubt that vansh in shimla and this vansh here is poles apart..if i was that vansh i would have hugged and calm my sweetheart till now but..I am VR..the god VR..

Indeed she is looking cute in her red little nose flaring in anger..

I holded her from her shoulders smirking

Pov ends

Vansh (laughing like manaic)- Yes sweetheart..i am VR the Mafia don of Asia..the god..

Vansh’s pov

She flinched at her place hearing my voice.. because i was never dominating on her..

She jerked me and started hitting her forehead with her little palms.. poor baby girl..

” relex sweetheart don’t pressurize ur little brain much” i said slapping her cheek lightly

” where am i ” she asked crying

“Mumbai we are in mumbai..” i said smirking

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

My heart is not believing what my eyes are seeing..this can’t be my vanshu..

Oh yes..may be its a prank like he did when we met first..

I started shaking him crying hard saying “You are pranking me na like u did 1st day..hena😭 are pranking me..say na.. it’s lie..u can’t do this ..u can’t be a mafia can u do human trafficking..

Say na jaan u are lying na.. stop troubling me plz 😭”

I said but he didn’t budge ..i swear i will kick his ass if he won’t leave this stupid smirk..

He snapped his finger and one of his man came within a neno second..

Pov ends..

Vansh’s pov

I snapped my fingers and angre entered with same expression i have..(yups the 2 men were Vanshu and angre)

Her jaw dropped again..angre look at her with stern face and she cried more..

She went near angre and started shaking him saying ” Angre..thank god u came..see what vanshu is doing with me..pls ask him to stop this drama..i am tired plz.😭..”

Pov ends

Angre’s pov

Bhabhi ups..sorry our goddess started shaking me vigorously..

I looked at boss with horrified expression..he won’t like touching our goddess to a mere fellow like me..

I stepped back and bow down my head to address her

” You are our goddess.. I don’t like seeing u this much vulnerable “

She cried more listening me..

Pov ends

Riddhima’s pov

f**k..what is this goddess..i am not anyone’s goddess..

This is not that angre whom i knew..he was fun loving.. cracking joke around me.. teasing me by calling bhabhi..bhabhi..

But he..he is not even looking at me..he is standing like a statue bowing down his head..

I broke down in front of vansh crying ” You all are both cheated me.i won’t forgive u vansh for breaking my to the core..😭😭..i ..i..will..not..😭

Pov ends

Vansh’s pov

I turned my face not see her like this..

I looked at D’Souza and blinked my eyes..she got my signal and started dragging riddhima to the room..

She is wriggling in her arms looking at me with hurt..but i didn’t bother to look at her..

I moved with angre to our study..

D’Souza took riddhima to the room and locked her inside..i know my sweetheart she will definitely try to escape..

I smirked looking at angre and he receprcated with same intensity

Pov ends

Vansh (with blood shot eyes)- That bastard thakraal tried to messed up with me..😡

And see what i got..i got jackpot angre..i got his daughter..

What he thought he will take money from me in the pretext of selling his daughter and then made her underground..

But thanks to my star..i didn’t have to put much effort.. the prey itself came in my web..

U did commendable job angre by finding his daughter means riddhima’s pic at right moment…

We were searching her since so long but that bastard never revealed her face to world..

But what’s mine is mine.. she came herself to me.. although i didn’t know before when i met her..

But now..she is here and I won’t let her go..

Angre -Boss..why are u hiding truth from bhabhi…

Vansh (angry)- She will hate me angre.. she will hate me..

Angre (stammering)- As if she is loving u now

Vansh(angry) – Leave ….

Angre- But ..but boss..

Vansh (shouting)- I said leave😡..

Vansh’s pov

Angre left and i fisted my hand and banged on table..

How dare he to say that she will leave me..

I owe her..her body is mine her soul os mine..i have brought her..she is mine to hurt mine to love..

She has to live here either by her will or by being forced..

Pov ends

Done done dana done ✅

Hope u r liking the track

Comments tapka dena

Lob u all


Well i m not so good at writing ff as i m shayar and i love to pen down my thoughts in shyri..and here i m exploring my writing skills

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