Fan Fiction

Beintehaa (True Love Never Ends) Episode 12

Episode 12

Scene 1

Location: At A.H

It starts with Aliya coming to Zubair’s room. She brings for him juice. Zubair act as if he had not noticed her. Aliya calls out his name. Zubair looks at her and turn his face.

Aliya: Zubair what’s your problem now?

Zubair: If I say my problem to you will you solve it? No na? Then why are you asking this question?

Aliya: Zubair why don’t you understand me? I think it’s my responsibility to take care of you.

Zubair: I am not a kid Aliya. I can take care of myself. To take care of me in this house there are many. And you’re always being selfish Aliya………

Aliya: Selfish?? Am I selfish?

Zubair: Yes of course. You only thought about your responsibility of taking care of me but did you ever think about my responsibility?

Aliya (with a puzzled expression): Your responsibility?

Zubair: Yes… Within next two days our college should represent itself in the AIT competition….. Since I have fracture I can’t go but you can go na? You will take charge of the arrangements and the schedule?

Aliya: Zubair do you think I will forget about it? I have already informed the college and Principal said that Karan, Rohit, (Zubair’s friends) Dhanya, Arohi and………

Zubair: Aliya do you think they will do this work properly? I know very well about Rohit and Karan…. They both don’t have enough time to flirt and you think that they will take lead and make this success? Common Aliya….. We have studied in this college for the past 3 and half years and it’s time to prove our loyalty towards the college…. If you go to Mumbai only you can win in the competition and if you deny this then it proves that you’re not loyal to our country…..

Aliya stares at him… Zubair realizes what he had said and tries to cover up….

Zubair: I mean to….. say that….

Aliya (in a strict tone): What?

Zubair: See Aliya since you are not going to Mumbai Aayat is also not going…. Because of you she will miss a golden opportunity…..

Aliya: Zubair this takes place every year….

Zubair (blinks and then stumbles for words): Aliya come on yaar…… Ayaat is upset that u r not coming with her………… bcoz of u from morng she s in hunger strike……….

Aliya smiles to herself and thinks about Ayaat………. Flashback showm……..

Aliya passes by garden and is shocked…….. She sees Ayaat having biriyaani with leg piece……. Ayaat is talking to someone in phone…… Aliya tries to overhear………

Ayaat: Don’t worry jiju………… didi has gone to pray for u….. as u said I acted like be in hunger strike……. But if didi alone comes to know— she turns back n is shocked to see Aliya behind her…..

Zubair: What happened Ayaat?

Ayaat: jiju…… didi-

Aliya sings her to be quite and continue her talk……. She gets her phone and puts it in speaker……

Zubair: what Ayaat? As though Aliya is standing in front of u r stumbling for words……

(Ayaat in mind: yes jiju……. Our plan got exposed… pls be quite for sometime…. Ya Allah pls save us now……)

Zubair continues: Thank lord……… I excepted lady Diana will do something like this n called u n told u my plan as soon as all left to my room……….

Another flash back (sorry for showing so much of flashbacks) Note: this is thought only by Zubair n Ayaat………. Aliya doesn’t knows this…. Only for u guys to understand about Zubair n Ayaat’s bonding n about their character I m showing this……….

After doctor leaves Zubair messages Aliya to come to his room immediately…..

Ayaat comes n Zubair tells her that: I think ur didi might plan to cancel the trip to go to Mumbai…….. But I want her to go……… before we both get married this is my last chance for me to unite Zain and Aliya……… though she says that she does not love anyone but I know that she has a crush on Zain………… if at all they meet that will turn into love…….. Zubair tells her the plan……..

Ayaat looks at him teary eyed………..

Zubair: will me help me na? n what happen to u?

Ayaat: Jiju u r really great…….. u love my didi immensely……….. why r doing such a big sacrifice…….. after marriage for sure didi will feel ur love……………

Zubair: Who said I m doing sacrifice……… lovers don’t sacrifice anything…….. they will only for their lover’s happiness…….. n mine is Aliya’s happiness………… after Zain comes u will not forgot me right?

Ayaat: hugs him n cries……… jiju u r so kind n loveable……… I wish I get a lover like u (of course baby. Ur lover will be superb. Just lnad in Mumbai alone……. Then see what fate has for u)………. n u will always remain as my jiju……… I don’t remember anything about Zain jiju but…….. but u have always been my bhaiya………… u r not only my jiju…….. my respect n affection for u will never change for u…….. I will do as u say………

This flashback ends……..

Aliya’s flashback continues…………………

Zubair: Otherwise Lady Diana would have made it very difficult for us to…………Had ur lunch?

Ayaat: (in a stumbled manner replies) yes jiju………. I think its better we talk later on……

Ayaat looks at Aliya…………

Aliya: u will not tell anything to Zubair………….. got it?

Ayaat: yes di……..

All flashback got over……….

Zubair: notices Aliya smiling……….. he asks her the reason……….

Aliya: U want me to go to Mumbai right?

Zubair: yes……… for ayaat’s n for my sake………….

Aliya: okay fine………

Zubair: blinks…… excuse me? What did u say? Did hear it properly…………

Aliya: I said that I m ready to go to Mumbai………..

Zubair: really? Oh wow so sweet of u Aliya……… he tries jumping but falls down…… Aliya rushes to him n make him sit………..

Arohi n Aliya’s n Zubair’s other frnds come there………… Arohi sees this n feels jealous…………..

Aliya: but if u want me to go to Mumbai u have to promise me that u will take care of urself properly…………..

Arohi hears this n thinks……. “Oh wow Zubair has done my work….. now I will make sure that I stay with Zubair n get him closer to me” (Sometimes I feel this character quite irritating though she is going to join my zaya)

Zubair: Yes I promise on u…….. I will take care of myself……….. I don’t like any of u to miss this opportunity………….

Aliya smiles……… Arohi in mind: Thank lord I didn’t tell Zubair that I want to take of him……. Now my plan is somehow find out if Aliya loves Zubair r not…….. for this I have to be with her)

She smirks………

Scene 2

Location: Barkat villa

Rizwan comes to meet Nafeesa……..

Nafeesa: So someone still remembers me…….

Rizwan: di…….. I m sorry I couldn’t meet u in the morng as I was late…… I m so sorry……

He holds his ear n apologize. Nafeesa stops him………..

Nafeesa: What r u doing? Stupid…. I m not at all angry on u… u r my life………. U r not only my little brother but also a good frnd.. I had always treated u as my son….. don’t ever u do this again………. I know u r not my own brother……… but from the time mamu n mami left us u have been with us…….. and we have treated u as our family’s son………. Next time if u do this then I wont talk with u………..

Rizwan: okay okay di………How r u di? Is everything fine………. Is still that witch torturing you?

Nafeesa: No Rizwan…. I m okay………. Nothing like that……..

Rizwan: Don’t lie to me di………. I can see lie in ur eyes……….

Nafeesa starts crying……….. she tells about Shazia being pregnant………

Rizwan gets angry……….. he says: Di why is jiju like that……….. he is being unfaithful towards u……….. whatever its di………. I owe u that from this VALENTINE’S DAY jiju will u always be with u………… this is a promise of a brother to his sister……….

Scene 3

Location: A.H’s house

After 2 days

Evening time

Aliya and Ayaat r getting ready to leave to Mumbai…………

Aliya and comes down to hall with their stuffs…………

They take blessing of elders………..

Shabana: Ayaat listen to what Aliya tells………. Behave properly. Keep up both ur college and our family’s name n respect….. and-

Aliya: Ammi don’t worry…….. I will take care of her….. she knows to take care of herslf n behave properly…………

Shabana: Aliya I know but still its my duty to tell u right……….. SHE THINKS IN HER MIND (I m quite tensed……… how can I tell u the truth……. The truth which I had been unable to face it n had been running for so many years……… I hope nothing wrong happens)

Aliya thinks in her mind: I know ammi what s is making so sad…….. I will find out the truth somehow……….. n will remove ur pain n sorrow….. this is my promise

Zubair in his mind: I pray god that Zain is not alive…… if he is alive I have to Aliya……….. Wish he could be alive so that Aliya gets her love…… but at the same time my love for her is stopping me from this………. Hope this journey of Aliya clears all my confusions………..

Aliya and Ayaat reach where all students have assembled to board the bus……… Zubair comes in wheelchair………. The principal comes there….. he address the students and wishes good luck…….. all board the bus……..

Aliya comes to Zubair: take care of urself…….. bye……..

Zubair: bye……

Aliya: bye jiju……. Will do my job well……… will try to find about Zain jiju……… bye……..

Zubair: be careful about Aliya…….. make sure she does not know about it…….. bye……..

All board the bus……….. Aliya looks at Zubair and leaves…….. Zubair thinks “Hope we all find our love within next 2 months”

Aliya’s bus enters Mumbai………….. Zain is in some place with his frnds……. All r getting ready for Valentine’s day…………

Both Zain and Aliya feels something………….. Beintehaa song plays in the background…………

From now on a new love story which is BEINTEHAA (Extremity, Limitless, Without Boundaries) is going to start………….

Two souls which are meant to unite will get unite after a long struggle…………. But their love for each other will never get weak but will rather become stronger…………

Precap: Aliya shouts from the bus looking at Zain, I LOVE YOU………….

Hi guys……… my exams r almost over….. still one more paper………. I know its quite boring without Harshad…….. From next epi onwards u will only have Zaya’s love story………… sorry for dragging so much………… from March 28 I will make sure that u enjoy zaya’s love story………… I m planning to finish my ff by april r may………. Pls support me……… And no more dragging will be done by me……….. and pls do comment………………

Credit to: wellwisher (ww)


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