Categories: Belan Wali Bahu

Belan Wali Bahu 18th January 2018 Written Episode Update: Roopa saves Laddo’s ghost to leave from the world

Belan Wali Bahu 18th January 2018 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Scene 1
Laddo’s family comes to river to pour Laddo’s kalash there. They all try to sit down for pooja but priest says we can do it while standing. Dada says let us sit down and do pooja nicely. All try to sit down, dada puts Laddo’s kalash on ground (kalash was swapped by terrorists and it has bomb now). Laddo’s ghost comes there and says dont do this pooja Roopa, I dont want to get free from the world, Roopa says you have to understand, this is important. Lata says whom you are talking to? she says no one. Priest starts pooja, dada says do Roopa’s laddo’s pooja. Roopa sadly looks at Laddo’s ghost, he thinks she will send me away, nobody can save me now.
Terrorists are leaving with Laddo’s kalash, they hear gold bangles

noise from inside, they open it and finds gold bangles inside, one terrorist says we should keep them, other terrorist says no it must kalash of some mother and her bangles, I cant let her soul wander around this world, I dont have mother so I will give this kalash back, they go back to river.
Barber looks at his fake kalash and says I should change it with Laddo’s kalash which has gold bangles. Priest does pooja and says its finished, he asks Dada to say some words for Laddo. Dada says Laddo used to take care of everyone. Laddo’s ghost sits down and listen. Dada says he was always helpful but he was always frowning and it looked he worked in cow dung factory but he had nice heart. Priest says enough, let others talk. Ramnath says no one was like Laddo, he was different from others, he used to sleep in my pajama, I used to wash it but he used to wear it now, now I have my pajama. Jitendra says people used to make Ravan’s face like Laddo’s face but for us, Laddo was like Ram. Laddo’s ghost says to Roopa that are praising me or having fun. Shalini says I can see Laddo’s ghost, I will take selfie with him, Laddo’s ghost says she is a liar. Shalini says he left with bats. Barber silently comes there, he sees kalash there.. Suzzi says RIP to him, Lata says I didnt talk about him so he wont get peace, he was chubby like laddo in childhood and became burnt laddo when he got young. Laddo’s ghost sees barber changing kalash, he says to Roopa that I will come, he leaves. Dada asks Roopa to speak up. Roopa says what to say, Lata says Nirupa would have said so much. Roopa recalls how Laddo always said she had something less, he was never happy with her, how he said she has less brains, less confidence, less smartness. She says when he was with me, I didnt get him and when he left us, he didnt leave me. Barber brings kalash thinking its Laddo’s kalash but its bomb kalash, Laddo’s ghost says you did such a nice thing for me. Barber says I had to steal Laddo’s kalash as there are gold bangles in it, he wont be freed from world now. Laddo’s ghost says no one wants to leave this world.
Terrorists have Laddo’s real kalash, they leave it in pooja of Laddo.
Barber opens kalash thinking its Laddo’s and finds bomb inside, he says these people wanted to blast here? He sees police not letting priest’s wife and mom go near river and says they have to have kalash. Barber sees it, he says her husband’s kalash is here, he asks her to take it, police okay and leaves. Priest’s wife asks why he gave it to them? Barber lies that its empty, I just wanted to help you, he leaves. Priest wife’s says I have to find priest.

Laddo’s ghost says to Roopa that now I realize I should leave this world, you will do marriage again? she says what rubbish? Priest says you think my pooja is rubbish? she says I am not talking to you. Laddo’s ghost thinks you will be shocked when I dont leave the world even after kalash goes in river. Priest says now we will put kalash in river. Priest finds two kalashs there (one is Laddo’s real kalash and one is barber’s fake one). Priest’s wife comes there and shouts at priest that only 15 minutes are remaining for cinema, end this pooja now and come with me. Ramnath says this is our son’s last pooja, let it end. Lata shouts priest wont go anywhere. Priest’s wife shouts he will come with me. She throws bomb kalash. Ramnath says how dare you insult kalash. He takes it and finds clock inside. He says this kalash have clock, Dada says it will end in 5minutes. Announcer says that we have got information that terrorists left bomb here so dont hold anything strange. Ramnath says this kalash have bomb, they all try to give it to each other. Announcer says we have got to know one kalash have bomb so all should throw away kalash. All people start throwing away kalashes, Ramnath throws away bomb kalash, he blasts in air and all faces turns black. Dada says where did Laddo’s kalash go? Jitendra says I threw it in water. Dada says not from our hands but Laddo’s soul got peace and got free from the world. They all turn to leave. Laddo’s ghost standing near river and says no witness or proof can prove that Roopa killed me. Roopa comes there and says will you not come home? He says you can see me? but my kalash is in water and I am getting freed from world? Roopa says no you are not, I didnt let them throw your kalash in river, she shows him his kalash which she hid in her saree palllu. Laddo is stunned.

PRECAP- Roopa says to inspector that I have killed my husband, I have killed my husband with balen. Laddo’s ghost is happy. Inspector says you have to bring that murdering weapon balen.
Roopa comes to a competition and finds her balen there, she recognizes it as she tied sacred thread on it. She tries to take it but host says if you want this balen then you have to come tomorrow and take part in competition.
Roopa says to Laddo’s ghost that I will bring that balen back at any cost. Laddo’s ghost says what?

Update Credit to: Atiba

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