Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

You belong with me…swaragini (episode 3)

Hiii friends…
Iam your princess..
Sorry for not posting these many days…
recap:sanskar planning to propose ragini. 3
sumi:ragini, wake up..
Ragini:its too early mom..
Mom:Today is someone’s birthday..
Ragini:oh…i forgot..Today is my birthday..right?
Ragini:mom..i will come now..
mom:where are you going?
Ragini:papa’s house..

Ragini is in sanskar’s room.
sanky is sleeping.
Ragini to are sleeping.But iam sure here somewhere my gift will be there.
Ragini is searching everywhere..
She opens the cupboard.There is a card in the cupboard.
Ragini:so sweet sanky..
She opens the card.
It is written:Many many happy returns of the day.Today..iam gonna confess something to you..
Ragini…i love you.
Ragini starts crying reading it..Sanskar woke up hearing it.
Sanskar:rags…you here..
what happened?
Ragini is still crying..
sanskar finds the card in ragini’s hand.
sanskar:Ragini…vo…mein actually..
Ragini:No sanskar..i dont want to hear anything.You cheated me..
Sanskar:No ragini ..its not like that.
Ragini:No sanskar..i was was my mistake..i should not have trusted insulted our friendship..
Sanskar:ragini..please..never say like that..its right that i love you..but i never let my love come in between our friendship…please trust me..
Ragini:No sanskar..please leave me onwards we are not bestiees..and i don’t wanna see you again in my life.Iam going to London.I will complete my course there.
Ragini leaves..sanskar cries
Ragini’s house
Ragini:mom and dad…i want to go London.I will do my studies there.
Dad:but you itself said na you don’t want to leave from here..and think how will you leave sanskar..
Ragini:i might said like that..but now i wanna join there.
Mom:As you wish..
Ragini:Tomorrow i wanna leave.. you wish.

Next day
Ragini leaves to London.
Sanskar cries.
Episode ends..

Precap:6 years leap.

So guys…how is the episode..
Guess what will be the current situation.


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