Categories: Bepanah Pyaar

Bepanah Pyaar 24th September 2019 Written Episode Update: Raghbir’s love confession to Pragati

Bepanah Pyaar 24th September 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Raghbir takes out Baani’s anklet from the box. Harshit hears the sound and thinks that Pragati is inside. Perfect timing as Raghbir is sleeping in the hall! He pours petrol in the room. Raghbir keeps looking at Baani’s photos. He throws the photos in air. Harshit murmurs how he had put some petrol earlier also. This will do the rest. Raghbir asks Baani what’s happening to him. I don’t understand anything. Harshit lights a match. You wont be able to save yourself today like every other time! Everyone hears the fire alarm. Pragati asks the girls to get out asap.

Raghbir asks Baani if she is doing this. Why don’t you want to be in my memories? He does not realise that fire had spread in the entire room. Raghbir says even God wants this. Let’s do the last rites of each other

today. It is time. He throws Baani’s photo and stuff away and passes out on the floor.

Entire family has gathered outside except Raghbir and Harshit. Pragati asks where Raghbir is. Nakul recalls seeing Raghbir going to his room in drunken state. He tells everyone about it. Harshit is hiding nearby and overhears it. Pragati runs inside to save Raghbir. Harshit smiles. Pragati is headed towards her death! Badi Ma shouts for help. Both my kids are inside. Family members stop Nakul from going inside. Tina cries for Harshit.

Pragati runs upstairs. Harshit also jumps inside the house and looks at her from far. Looks like she is destined to die from my hands! He inches closer but she is unaware of it. Harshit pushes her inside. Raghbir is murmuring Baani’s name. She looks at him. It means he isn’t the hoodie guy. It is someone else. Raghbir imagines Baani in Pragati and advises her to stop. Harshit jumps out of the window. He decides to get out from the backdoor so as to fool everyone. Tina is relieved to see him fine. He lies that he was attending an important call outside. Is anyone inside? They share that Raghbir is inside. Pragati has gone inside to save him.

Raghbir tells Baani / Pragati that he has loved her immensely. I had started cursing my life, my heart beats for beating without you. I was almost dead. I tried to kill myself many times but she saved me every time! I used to see you in every corner earlier but I don’t see you anymore. You don’t even come in my dreams. I am unable to feel you, Baani. Why are you doing this? Don’t you want me to see you? Am I beginning to forget you? I set fire to your memories. I loved you a lot but I am going crazy now as I cannot see you anymore. I don’t know how to die as I am almost dead. I see someone else when I try to see you. I have started loving someone else. It is Pragati. Pragati is stunned into silence. Raghbir tells Baani to go. You don’t want me to see you then don’t come in front of me. Pragati notices that a log is about to fall on him and runs to save him. They both fall down in the process. They share an eye lock. He takes her name and wipes her tears. Romantic song plays as he keeps caressing her face. She takes his name. He says I don’t know when, how or why but this is what I feel for you now. I don’t know how it happened. You have saved my life many times. You gave a new life to a dying person. How can God trouble you? I want you to be around me. I panic when I don’t see you around me. I am in pain when I see you cry. I can’t bear to see you in pain. I don’t know what has happened to me but I always want to take care of you. I want to keep you safe. I only want to protect you as I have started loving you Pragati. I love you. She looks at him teary eyed. Raghbir passes out. Pragati takes his name and rests her head on his chest. Please wake up Raghbir. She shouts for help. She passes out as well. Firemen come there with fire extinguisher and douse the fire. They wheel out Raghbir and Pragati from the room.

Doc has given an injection to Pragati. Both of them have normal injuries. They will be fine. He hands over the prescription to Nakul. Nakul informs his family. Harshit isn’t happy to hear it. Nakul will be staying at the hospital. Badi Ma also decides to stay back. Harshit too wants to stay but Badi Ma advises him to be with Tina and Parth. Everyone goes about their work. Harshit wonders what Pragati is made of that she isn’t dying!

Pragati wakes up with a start as the incident replays in her mind. She wants to see Raghbir but doc advises her to rest. He is fine. Pragati goes to see Raghbir once doc and nurses leave. She thinks of Raghbir’s confession and smiles. Nazm Nazm plays in the background as Pragati looks at Raghbir. She holds his hand. A tear escapes her eye. She cups his face and kisses him all over his face. I am so sorry Raghbir. I cannot tell you how glad I am after knowing the truth. All the misunderstandings are now clear. I wanted to expose the culprit and hoped that I should be proven wrong somehow. I am both angry and glad. I got you back, Raghbir. Please wake up. Talk to me. Please Raghbir. She rests her head on his chest for a moment and then keeps requesting him to wake up. Raghbir opens his eyes. She is ecstatic. He is puzzled to see their clothes. What are we doing here? He notices her wound. What happened to you? She says it is what was supposed to happen. I was very confused till last night but everything is clear. He is clueless. What happened? I don’t remember anything. Badi Ma, Devraj and Nakul come there as well. Badi Ma sits next to Raghbir. Thank God you are fine. Nakul says our brother is a warrior. Raghbir asks him what happened last night. Nakul tells him everything in detail. You always become a hero by saving Bhabhi but she became a heroine this time! He asks Pragati what makes her so daring. So proud of you. Raghbir says she eats medicines of stupidity every morning. She is a fool. He questions Pragati. Devraj reprimands him from not being thankful to Pragati. Raghbir thanks Pragati sarcastically. Everyone steps out upon his request. Badi Ma tells Pragati to take care of herself. Don’t worry about him. Nakul offers to stay with Bhai. Badi Ma and Devraj head home.

Raghbir is confused. I got so drunk that I could not remember anything? Pragati peeks at him from the door. His words echo in her head. She extends her hand but stops herself. You don’t remember everything but I dint forget anything. I feel like telling you right away that I am your Baani. I gave you so much pain as Baani. How can I give you happiness by changing name? What a dilemma! I can neither stay close nor go away from you. I vow to find out the real culprit at any cost. You will get your Baani then. I will tell you everything on my own then. You told me your truth. I will tell you mine.

Precap: Harshit comes to his room and finds his ally sitting in his room in the dark. I wont give you a chance to complain this time. I will kill Pragati. Badi Ma tells Raghbir not to embrace this darkness.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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