Fan Fiction

Bepannah Aashqui FF Fourth Episode

Good morning my dear lovely readers
Thanks dear jasmine, anee, fenil
Thanks dear silent readers
Recap-Zoya n Adi reach a railway station
Pooja n yash were traveling by train to Jammu
Suddenly blast took place
N both died
Police thought pooja n yash were husband wife
Zoya n adi r shocked to see their spouses
They are even more shocked to see that pooja n yash were holding hands
Adi in anger is about to walk out of mortuary room when he notices that zoya is about to faint
He lifts unconscious zoya in his arms n walks out of room declaring that they dnt know pooja n yash

Adi with zoya is his arms
N tears in eyes
Rushes inside a hospital
Shouting for help
A stretcher is brought
Zoya is made to lie on it
But she is holding adi’s hand
Dr-u pls wait outside we need to check the patient
Adi somehow leaves Zoya’s hands
Zoya is taken in room
A panel of Drs r examining zoya

Adi is restlessly moving in corridors
Tears keep dropping from his eyes

Yash’ s sister mahi n mother enter mortuary room
Yash’ s mother yells in pain seeing her son’s dead body
She hugs the body n cries inconsolably
Mahi too is crying
She is unable to believe her eyes
She pacifies her mother
Guard comes
Guard-Are u victim’s mother?
Madhu nods teareyed
Guard-ma’am u will have to do some procedures n then u can take the body with u.
Madhu yells-He is my son my yash not a body
Mahi-pls give my mother some time pls give us sometime
Guard-Actually his wife also but left without doing any procedure as she came to know about his affair
Mahi (shocked)-what??????
Madhu is dumbstruck
Guard points out to yash’s hand which is intertwined with pooja’s hand
Guard-They had booked tickets as spouses but from their belongings we got contacts of their original spouses they came here they saw them n left

Madhu weeps

Mahi makes faces-Saw ma Zoya didn’t bother about bhaiyaa’s deadbody how can somebody be so selfish she claimed she loved bhaiyaa Is this love???

Madhu gets angry

Adi’s mom, dad n younger bro arjun have come to mortuary room n overheard whatever guard was saying

Arjun rushes n goes near pooja’s dead body
Arjun looks at it
N his eyes fill with tears
Adi’s Dad-ohhh my god pooja had a affair
Ohhh god we need to conceal this fact from media they will blow up everything.
Adi’s mom (irked)-Harsh u r thinking about media at this time
Harsh-Anjana who had to go has gone nothing can get her back but I cannot let my hard earned reputation go away with her

Arjun feels disgusted

Sakshi enters
She is pooja’s mum
She runs towards her body
Sakshi embraces body n weeps
Arjun pacifies her

While harsh n Anjana look on

At hospital
Dr comes out
Adi rushes to him
Dr-Mr Aditya unfortunately Zoya has suffered a nervous breakdown this happens in case of extreme trauma n shock, something has hit her so hard that it has had a impact on her nervous system due to which her blood circulation as well as heart beat n pulse rate is affected. She needs to come in senses in few hrs or…..

Adi is afraid
Tears dnt stop
Adi interrupts-or……??????
Dr-She can go into coma or we may not be able to save her
Adi-no dr no no
Nothing will happen I will get her back in senses
She is my best friend I know her she is strong

Dr nods

Adi enters zoya’s room
There is an oxygen mask put on
Zoya is surrounded by all machines
Adi looks at zoya
He sits besides her
He holds her hand
Adi-Zoya u know I missed u everyday in these 5 years zoya u cannot leave me I was so glad to see u again zoya u cannot go get up zoya

Zoya is not reacting

Adi remembers how he met zoya
How they hugged
He remembers everything that happened at railway station

His eyes become red with anger
His blood is boiling
Adi (angry tone)-zoya u cannot punish urself for those cheaters u cannot punish me zoya.pooja has cheated me u cannot cheat me zoya
Get up get up

Zoya is not reacting
Adi is lossing hope
Adi keeps his head on her hand
Adi-get up for me get up for ur adi

Bepannah bepannah Aashqui hain tumse bepannah bepannah Aashqui hain tumse plays in bg
Zoya’s hands move
Zoya is reacting
Adi feels hopeful looking at movements
Adi calls drs

At mortuary
Mahi is shown signing some documents
Madhu is holding Yash’ s hands n crying

Sakshi too is crying looking at pooja

Harsh-where the hell is adi I just hope he doesn’t do something stupid as always

All look extremely worried

In hospital
Dr-Patient should will get senses in sometime we have given her injections

Adi nods

Adi sits outside ICU
He closes his eyes

Flashes of pooja kissing him, he bidding her at airport n then the mortuary room comes before his eyes

Tears roll down his eyes

He gets up n looks inside icu

Adi’s pov-why why why did all this happen I was so happy to meet zoya after 5years it was my happiest day y pooja y pooja y u did this to me? It is ok whatever u did with me but y zoya y with her husband
I cannot see zoya in pain
I hate u I hate u pooja
U have ruined our lives

Precap-Zoya is removing all tubes n everything
Adi is shocked
Zoya tries to get up from bed
Adi-Zoya what r u doing
Zoya-Adi I need to go I need to see my Yash for one last time I need
Adi shocked-r u mad
He holds zoya is full tashan n shakes her up
Adi-yash has cheated u
Zoya-I dnt think so I dnt know anything I need to go I have to see him I have to…n pooja loved u she cannot cheat I saw her love for u in our college days infact she snatch……..
Zoya stops midway.
She loved u she cannot cheat u so Yash too cannot cheat me
Adi looks unconvinced.


Dear readers if u r not enjoying this track or if u have any complaints or suggestions pls write to me


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