Best Dad OS…… ( First part )

So guys this is my first OS 😇 and here in ” Best Dad ” there is two parts of this it…. So here the first part 😇😇😇


A girl ‘ s pov,

I know you may be a criminal to the world, you may be a bad person to the world, but yet your my father … I know you are not my biological father but yet no one can love me as much as you did…. I love you dad ……. 

Flash back…..

A man is doing something in his laptop while a teenage young girl came and gave him a back hug….

” You are the best … I love you dad” then the man turned and placed a kiss on her fore head…

” Priya , just stop beating around the bush and tell me what do you want?”

” see dad am I not right …. you can sense my every movement”

” because I am your dad so tell me …”

” dad I want Meethi bhat please ”

” oh ho see my daughter is just 15 years old… yet so cunning na”

” hmmm because I am the daughter of Kabir Sharma….”

” as you wish your majesty”

Flash Back ends

When I lost in your memory she called me….

” Priya … Priya … come down… its lunch time come here dear…”

” I am coming mummy”

I never like to go down to sit in the dining table…. but I can’t refuse her … my biological mother… Riddima…..

I went to the dining table…. as soon as he saw my glimpse he stand up to avoid me… Its his nature from the very first day I came here he used avoid me like this… he hates me that much that he doesn’t want to see my face… he is my father… biological father Mr. Vansh Raisinghania… 

” you sit daddy… ”

” I said once I am not going to tell you it again … I am not your daddy.. so don’t you dare”


”’Its ok mummy… I am sorry Mr. Raisinghania you can take your lunch here … I will take it in my room… ”

what a game are you playing god… my own father doesn’t permit me to call him daddy…

In Riansh Room,

” Riddima , again and again I am saying you the same… please send that burden somewhere … I can’t tolerate her anymore….”

” Vansh…  what are you talking she is our …”

” stop it Riddima I don’t think I have to remind it again ”

Flash Back,

Riddima is caressing a photo… ” where are you baby …. your mummy dying without you… please come to me….”

Then Vansh entered the room but his cool face changed in a minute seeing her…

” Riddima enough is enough …. she is no more … if I say so you have to believe it… did you understand ?… we have only one child and that is Aditya…. he needs you so please….”

saying this he went from there making Riddima devastated…” why Vansh why you hate her this much”

Flash Back Ends.

In Priya’s Room,

I wish you could be here with me dad….. we spent our time happily dad… but why did you left your daughter among those bad people…. Apart from mummy no one think about me dad…. I cursed my destiny for revealing that bitter truth that day…..  ( she kissed Kabir’s photo and hugged it tightly shutting her eyes to go back to the past)

Flash Back,

Priya was in her room studying for her school test…. Then she heard someone knocking the main door… She opened the door and see a letter in the floor. She pick up it and went to her room…… she read the cover of the letter…

”A letter to my Priya baby from her dad  ”

Priya ( thinking ); why dad sends me a letter … morning he told me that he is going to the town for a work… then a letter….. she began to read it…

Priya; nooooo dad please nooooooo



I am me 🙂 Nothing more... Nothing less.... And that's enough❣️❣️❣️

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