Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Best friends 7

Thanks to all of you for your comments, and sorry because I couldn’t post it yesterday as I was really busy.

Scene 1:
Raglak comes to Swasan.
Swara: you guys finished your phattoo and lado maa.
Ragini: no we just thought to disturb sanskar and winks at sanskar.
Swara: what do you mean???
Ragini: only sankar knows, right sanskar?
Swara: you guys are mad, now lets go and ragini what about permission?
Ragini: I have told them.
all leaves.
(guys I don’t know much about Kolkata so I can’t tell you about specific locations).

Scene 2:
after visiting all famous places. They go to restaurant.
Laksh: bhai today you are going to treat us, right???
Sanskar: yeah, but why???
Laksh: bhai you don’t know about shona and lado maa, they are bhukad by birth.
Swara: and sanskar do you know about lucky he just does not eat anything so today we will eat he will only watch us.
Lucky: this is not fair yaar.
Ragini: yeah she is right so we will eat whole thing and you will only watch us.
Swara and Ragini wink at each other.
Lucky: you both are not bhukad, satisfied???
Swaragin: yeah (in a unison)
All go and find a table.
Ragini was going to sit in front of Swara.
Sanskar feels disappointed as he won’t be able to see swara.
Ragini sees this and says to sanskar ok I will give up this sit for you and winks at him.
Sanskar says Thanks to her.
now sanskar is sitting in front of swara and laksh is sitting in front of ragini.
Swara to laksh,
Swara: laksh, did you notice?
Laksh: what???
swara: you called that topper bhai, you don’t do this since you have lost… You know what I mean.
Laksh: I know that and you know na his name was also sanskar and when I see him I feel like some bonding.
Swara: ohooo lucky, you have started using these bond type heavy words.
Laksh: whatever.
Sanskar is continuously watching swara and Ragini is smiling at sanskar.
Sanskar: Swara, what will you have???
Ragini: sanskar, you will not ask us.
Sanskar: it is not like that, tell me lado what will you take, and lucky you???
Ragini: I know, we all will have chinese.
Sanskar: even I love chinese. N he orders chinese food for all.
Swara: it looks like you are born to be in our group. You have all quality for being in this group.
Ragini: yeah, you are our new group member. Right lucky?
Lucky: yeah swaragini.
They all shake hands,

Scene 3
All are eating.
Swara sees sadness in laksh’s eyes and thinks for few minutes then
Suddenly swara throws some noodles on laksh,
Laksh: you shona,
Then he also throws noodles on swara and then at Ragini.
Ragini throws it back and Swara throws it on Sanskar,
They all have noodle fight.

Scene 4:
Ragini: okk we should leave now.
Sanskar: yeah,( eith disappointment in his voice)
Ragini: don’t worry sanskar, we study in same college you can see her tomorrow.
Sanskar smiles at her and says,
Sanskar: yeah but, you know I want her to be in front of my eyes always.
Ragini: hmmm??? In a shocking voice.
Sanskar: o sorry,
Ragini: its okk and laughs at him.
Swara to lucky
Swara: you are okkk na???
Laksh: yeah I am.
Swara: if this topper’s name is affecting you then we will not…
Laksh interrupts her
Laksh: I am okk shona, atleast his name makes me feel that I also have sibbling, you know what now we both will form sanlak as you both girls make swaragini.
Laksh smiles(with tears in his eyes) and looks at sanskar.
Swara is also teary eyed.
Screen freezes on separate pics of ragsan with smile and swalak with tears in their eyes.

Precap: Sanskar thinking about his secret mission n swara thinking about laksh, ragini thinking about sanskar and swara and laksh thinking about sanskar and how swara has consoled him.


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