Best Friends 77
I am glad you all liked last two chapters. Here I am again with next chapter and I surely hope you will like it too. As for who is that ‘he’ you will get to know and I think most of you must already have guessed but let’s see whether you were right or not.
ANU: Thanks
ROJARANI: THANK YOU for reading.
ARJUNA: Thanks
ANJU: Thanks
RAKSHA: I am sorry if I have giving more importance to Sanskar or Swasan than Ragini and Laksh. I really do try to make it better because you are not the first one to tell me this and I have been trying but still I will try harder so that I won’t be biased with my characters or my readers. Thanks for reading it and giving me suggestions, dear.
JIYANI: Hey… I am sorry if you have been feeling it. I will really try to be unbiased with my characters. Thanks for reading it and telling me your opinion.
ELIZEBATHLOVELY: Thanks for reading it and sorry but I am really curious about your name so if you don’t me asking please tell me your real name.
AMMU: Hey! Thanks for reading it and liking it.
PRASHASTI7: Thanks for understanding and yeah… it truly has been a long time. I ma glad you liked it and found them cute.
SHIFA96: THANKS sweetie.
ANU: Thanks dear
ARJUNA: Thank you sweetie.
ANJU: Thanks
SAMMYKAPOOR: HEY! I am good…how are you? Thanks, I am glad you liked it!
ASHLY: I am glad you liked it
SHERIN: Thanks
TANI: Thank you sweetie.
PHONIEX: No… you must get relaxed on that issue… no contender of girls’ affection.
JIYANI: Thanks
KRIYA: See I am not going to tell you but I will hint you that you are in right direction *wink wink*. Thanks, I am really glad you liked it and I try to give equal importance to both of them but… rest assured I will try harder.
KIARA: Thank you sweetie and I will try to write more raglak scenes.
AAMY: Thanks
AMEE: I know you didn’t miss me and I didn’t miss you too… well that’s a lie but I thought we both are stating lies here. I am good and I know that you are also good, I certainly, hope so. Well … I am glad you did something you really like. I had hosted farewell party for my seniors because I really like to do that and also because I didn’t want to dance. Sorry for disappointing you. My brother’s wedding was awesome.. It was so fun…After a long time my whole family was together and we had a blast!!! Well I wore Lehanga for his tilak and A royal blue gown for the wedding day. I had to dance, my cousins pulled me in the crowd and I just had to dance. My bhabhi is amazing… She is really cool! And last but not the least I am glad you liked the chapters.
LAASHYA: I like your name it’s unique. Well I am glad you liked it and I will try to write more RAGLAK scenes.
AMMU: Hey dear! Thanks, I am glad you liked it!
PRASHASTI7: Thank you! I know, I do the same that’s why I wrote it. Whenever someone has to apologize or make me do something I always demand chocolates. Nothing is better compensation or bribe than chocolates. To know who that he is you will have to read this chapter.
YAMEE: Yeah…. I am back! Thank you for liking it and reading it! AND I won’t disappear at least not before telling you all! Sorry for making you wait.
SHIFA 96: Thank you sweetie.
So here it is….. I hope you will like it!
“HE IS HERE” Dida and Dadi shouts making everyone cringe at the loud voice and turn to the entry gate. All of them see a boy dressed in black printed t-shirt with red rose on it and labelled killer lover. He has completed his look with blue jeans which looks like has suffered a lot but not more than his hair which is spiked high.
Dida and Dadi are visibly disgusted by his look but gives him a fakesmile and ushers him in. Why are they not telling him off? As much as all four of them know, Dida and Dadi won’t tolerate this kind of dressing unless the person is way too important and known in society to be insulted.
Who is he?
Dadi and Dida goes to main door.
“Come dear” Laksh cringes at dida’s fake sweetness and look at both sisters to see that both of them have same look.
“Why babe? Did you grandmother adopt another grandchild and judging by the sweetness both of them love him more than they love you sisters?” Laksh teases smirking to which Ragini scowls at him and swara hits him.
Sanskar sighs looking at three of them. “Shut up you three! Can’t you see this guest is really important to…..?!” He looks sternly at them.
“Shut up!” Swara interrupts making Sanskar close his mouth. Laksh and Ragini gives him a teasing grin and Swara gives a satisfied grin, the grin one dog owner gives when his dog is trained.
“You are so in love bhai…. so in love!” Laksh teases.
“As if you aren’t” Sanskar huffs.
“I am not as much in love as you are” Laksh realizes what he has said but few seconds late. Laksh looks at Sanskar, pleading his brother to save him.
“I told you, don’t let lado hear it!” Sanskar mocks his brother, giving him a teasing grin of his own!
Laksh looks at Swara, she just shrugs and turns to look at Sanskar, both are trying to control their laugh.
Laksh scowls at both of them and whispers to Swara “you betrayed me!”. Swara just makes a funny face at him, all the while trying not to laugh.
Laksh look at Ragini, pouting at her, trying to make her forgive him. Ragini opens her mouth to tell him off but sees Dadi and Dida coming towards them and thinks better than that.
“We are gonna talk later” Ragini whispers to Laksh.
Laksh gets shocked at the sad tone in her voice. He has expected her to be angry. He can handle an angry Lado but an upset lado is another case.
He looks at her face, her lips pursed in thin line as if to stop quivering, her face white as if she has just seen a ghost, her eyes filled with tears but she is not letting any drop fall, trying to maintain her composure. Laksh sighs heavily… aburden on his heart. How does he, do it?! Making the one person sad, who he wants to always smile!!!
Swara and Sanskar unaware of the tension between Laksh and Ragini, looks at Dida and Dadi coming with that guy.
“Surprise!!!” Dadi and Dida loudly exclaims.
“Is he going to entertain us? Because god knows I am in dire need of that” Ragini mutters but Laksh, Sanskar and Swara hears it anyway.
Swara and Sanskar chuckles inaudibly buying Ragini pretention but Laksh doesn’t buy it. Laksh looks at Ragini, thinking of ways to talk to her immediately but fails.
“What is… I mean who is he, Dadi?” Sanskar asks.
Dida and Dadi tries to recall the name of the guy but comes with nothing.
“What is your name?” Dida hisses.
“Ram” The guys says.
“Ram!” Dadi looks at him and shakes her head as if she can’t believe that this boy’s name is Ram.
“He is Ram…. You don’t know him, Ansh but Shona knows him!” Dida says, a wide grin on her face.
“You do?” Ragini, Sanskar and Laksh asks in unison and at the same time swara inaudibly mutters “I do?”
“Shona… now stop hiding we know who he is?”
“Oh yeah? Then you tell me because I really don’t know who he is” Swara says nervously. She knows… She knows that her grandmothers are up to no good.
“You are still trying to hid even if we brought you to him? We won’t scold you shona” Dadi lovingly says.
“Yeah.. Okay we will tell everyone” Excitement is too evident in Dida’s voice.
“He is your boyfriend” Dadi and Dida says in unison.
Laksh notices everyone’s expression. His girlfriend who was looking sad few seconds ago is now looking sheepish and guilty. Swara is frowning as if trying to understand that when did it happen and Sanskar… his poor brother is looking… well he is looking indescribable.
“Now don’t act shona! Let’s have lunch…. Ram” Dadi says.
“Shona!” Sanskar softly says…. at least to everyone but Swara it sounds soft but Swara knows that Sanskar is trying to ask a lot of question through this one word. She gives him a pleading expression whispering “I will explain later”.
Sanskar sighs and all of them settles in their seats.
Much to Laksh’s annoyance, Ragini is not even looking at him.
“Lucky, what are you doing???” Dida asks and give Ram an embarrassed look as if Laksh’s attempts to get Ragini attention by doing funny things in embarrassing her in front of Swara’s so called boyfriend.
“Sorry” Laksh mutters, not feeling even an ounce of regret.
“So Ram! What is it that your father do?” Dida asks initiating the conversation. She notices the cold war between her grand-daughters and Sanskar and Laksh but thinks of it as a normal fight that friends do when one keeps some secret from other.
“My father is a school teacher.” Ram stutters out looking down, hiding his eyes from others.
“Something is fishy with this Ram” Sanskar whispers to his brother, who is sitting beside him and Swara in front of him and her ‘so called boyfriend beside her.
“Normally, in this case, I would say that your conclusion is based on your jealousy, not on facts, but right now I agree with you” Laksh whispers, nodding his head as if he is set on a mission.
“Good” Dida praises awkwardly then glares at four of them. Telling them to not behave so rudely with guests and make conversations. Sanskar and laksh shrugs and make a bored face. Swara doesn’t even raise her head.
Ragini, who is feeling guilty to push he sister in this situation, opens her mouth to make conversation but comes with nothing.
“Swara… show your boyfriend around” Change in name tells Swara that her grandmother is ordering. Swara pouts at her grandmother. She was thinking about how to get alone with Sanskar and talk to him but…..
“We all will go!” Sanskar proposes with a fake smile on his face.
“No Ansh! Let them spend some quality time together… they are having a bad phase in relationship these days” Dadi tries to make him understand.
“I don’t trust him! I will go with them… shona let’s go!” Without giving anyone chance to say something he takes Swara’s hand and walks away. Ram awkwardly follows them.
Dadi and Dida looks at Laksh and Ragini with questioning eyes who squirms in their seat.
“We will go too!” Laksh says and walks away pulling Ragini with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” Ragini hisses at her boyfriend.
“You wanted to be there?” Laksh asks and keep pulling her, making her scowl at him.
“Okay… let’s go to them before topper kills that guy” Ragini offers.
Laksh stops and holds her face in his hands. Ragini wanted to say everything she was feeling. Sad… hurt… disappointed… jealous… like a fool and many more things but she controls her emotions. Taking a deep breath, she takes a step away from him and instantly misses his warm touch but convinces herself to not get so hurt and not come to any conclusion without talking to him. But should she do… every time she convinces herself to trust her choice… to trust her childhood best friend and now her boyfriend but every single time he says something and just like that BOOM… every hope goes off and she again comes to square where she doesn’t know what should she do.
Whenever she thinks to ask Laksh about his expectation from this relationship or about her position in his life… she gets scared. What if he will think of her as a fool who has become this serious in just few months old relation and break it off with her immediately taking her as a clingy and desperate girlfriend. Or what if her doubts will make him think that she doesn’t trust him? What if her insecurities break their relation? And then there is her twin sister’s relationship, Sanskar never hesitates in accepting that he sees a secure future with Swara, never gets shy in showing the love he has for her. She is too happy for her sister. God knows that if anyone deserves best then that’s her sister, Swara and she wouldn’t trade her Laksh for anybody but sometimes she needs assurance that she is not the only one falling so deep in this relation.
“No we are going to talk!” Laksh says in a firm tone leaving no chance of argument.
“No we are not! Right now my sister is trapped there in web of lies which I have created so I have to get her out of it too” Ragini says, trying to be equally firm but slight waver in her eyes sells her out.
“She can handle herself. And I agree that my brother is a possessive ba$tard but he will hear everything she has to say and meanwhile we are going to listen to what we have to say to each other” Laksh calmy tries to make her understand as if talking to a 5-year-old.
“But… oww” Laksh not able to bear her sad look anymore, bends and pick her up in his arms in bridal style. Smirking at the slight blush painting her cheeks.
Every time Ragini tries to stop him he shuts her up with a peck on her lips, making her redder.
“What’s with you and manhandling me!” Ragini tries to sound annoyed but the giddy feeling inside her won’t let her be irritated from her super arrogant but super cute boyfriend.
Laksh kisses her this time, not a peck, a deep, toe curling, mind blowing kiss. She kisses him back instantly, forgetting that they were supposed to be talking… a very serious talk. When she resists, his attempts of entering in her mouth he kisses her hardly making her gasp and granting him entrance to taste her. Laksh groans in her mouth before pulling away. Ragini leans in again to kiss him, still in daze.
Laksh gives a throaty groan, when he looks at her. Her lips swollen, her face flushed, her eyes half closed as if still inebriated from his kiss, her full weight leaning on him like she trusts him to hold her.
“F*ck it!” Giving in to his and her urge he kisses her again but before he could go deeper, Ragini pulls herself away from him, sad look back on her face.
“I didn’t mean it lado! You know it!” Laksh explains himself referring to the statement he has made in dining room.
“Do I?” Ragini couldn’t help but ask. Does she know that he loves her? Yes. Does she know to what extent? NO.
“What do you mean?” Laksh asks and Ragini looks at him as if he has committed some crime by asking that question. “I myself don’t know what do I mean? I just… I just sometimes can’t help but be doubtful about our relation” Ragini explains looking anywhere but him. There, she did it. She said it that she has doubts and not even in too harsh words.
“What do you mean by sometimes you get doubtful over our relationship?!” Laksh feels like his worse fear has become a reality and that too this soon?!
Ragini looks up at him. Oh… god what has she done?! She thought her words weren’t that harsh but the look on her boyfriend’s face tells her that how harsh and painful her words have been for him.
“Lucky, first let’s sit down!” Ragini to pull him toward the settee. His pale face is scaring her… she has never seen him this weak… this vulnerable, not even when Sanskar returned. This is the worse than all the outcomes she has expected of this discussion.
He yanks her hand away.
“No… No… no!” He shakes his head like a kid making her tear up. “We will sit later… first talk to me. Tell me why do you these doubts? I will clear them baby but please don’t leave me!” Her heart falling in the pit of guilt. He hugs her tightly as if saying that he won’t ever let her go. When she tries to pull herself away to talk to him. He hugs her more tightly and shakes his head.
“I am not going anywhere lucky!” She whispers in his ear, slowly an lovingly to make him believe her. He slowly leaves her and let pull him to settee.
Looking at is face she thinks it would be better to not confess to everything right now but then she thinks the opposite and convinces herself to tell the whole truth to him. Better now than later and her securities will someday turn their relationship and friendship dead if she won’t confess them to him without thinking about the consequences.
“I… I don’t know, sometimes I feel as if you are not … you are not as much as in love with me as I ma with you” There she said it. Whole truth without an ounce of lie.
“What?!!!” His voice too loud.
“SHHH” She hisses at him.
“You think … Where did you even get this idea from” He asks her. His face gaining it’s color back, his eyes have hit’s spark again. He looks at her, her face is down and she is biting her lower lip tempting him to kiss her for her cuteness and also to punish her for this ridiculous idea. “From what I said this morning?” He waits for her to give him some sign… some sign that she had not let this thought in her mind for more than few hours.
She says nothing but gives him a helpless look, telling him that she has been doing exactly what he has not hoped. “So let me be clear…. you have been nursed these ideas in your mind before also?” He asks, even when he knows the answers but she confirms his facts by nodding.
She looks at him and sees that he is trying to control his laugh. She couldn’t help but cry. Cry of relief that she has said it and Laksh is not upset with her and not getting away from her too. Also she cries because she is embarrased.
“So what should I have thought when you never… never confesses that there is more to us than temporary. Remember what you said that day about marriage with me? And then today…. then today you said that you don’t love me as much as your brother loves my sister, what girl would hear these things and then not get ideas that her boyfriend doesn’t love her as much she does to him” She manages to say while hiccupping.
“Shhh… baby. Hush now!” He takes her in his arms and calms her down. “You know how I am! I … I don’t like anybody to see that I am sensitive or sentimental. I guess I am so used to this defensive technique that I don’t even realize when and with whom I am using it”
“I know that’s what I have been trying to convince myself but sometimes I just… I just..” She again starts hiccupping.
“I know.. I know! And I am sorry to not tell you more often about how much I love you” He apologizes while rubbing her arm and calming her down. “I promise! I’d do better and make you feel like a princess… my princess” He pulls her closer, hiding her in his arms. “And you don’t need to convince yourself. Talk to me. Before getting any ridiculous ideas talk to me. By the way what did I say about marriage with you?”
“‘Oh god! Marriage? No’. As if marrying me would be sooo bad!” Ragini imitates him.
“I do not sound like that! And besides this was not about marrying you… it was about that idea of marriage at this young age.” He tries to make her understand that he would never… never say no to the option of being with her. “And if you are so interested in marrying me now then I am game. What say??? We have woods in the out house, we can make fire and take those vows and everything. SO are you in?” Laksh teases, making her hit him.
“I don’t want to marry right now… I know we are young but I just thought that idea of me marrying you repelled you so much” She ducks her head, too embarrassed by her feelings.
He makes her look up at him and looks at her. She is so naïve… so so naïve. “YOu fool! Look at yourself… Anyone can never reject you. Who will? And never let these kinds of insecurities get to you, baby. You are amazing… amazingly perfect and if anyone says otherwise send them to me. I will tell them that this girl, sitting beside me” He looks at her and adds “actually only half of her is beside me” swat on his chest” remaining half is on my leg” another swat “making my right leg go asleep” another swat” … this girl is the most annoying girl you’d ever see… most difficult to be with” This time he stops he hand before it would reach his chest “I will tell them all lie so no one would like you and try to court you… so that you never leave me”. She looks at him lovingly.
“So I am stuck here with you?” She jokes but tears in her eyes decreases the effect.
“Yes! For whole life and if re-incarnation is true then for all the coming lives” He flips her nose making a face at her.
“You know I will never leave you. Not even if every single out there will try to woo me… never!”
“Not even if you will have this crazy idea of me loving you lesser than you love me?”
“not even then!”
“Good then… I wouldn’t want anything to come between us.” He holds her face in arms and look into her eyes thinking how much dreadful thoughts were going inside his mind in that few moments where he didn’t know why Ragini is having doubts. He thought she realized she doesn’t really love him or she got someone else etc.
Ragini looks at Laksh his hand giving her warmth a sense of protection and belongingness but it breaks when he starts ……………. laughing.
She swats his hand away and scowls at him. “You are laughing at me?”
Laksh shakes his head, still chucklin at is crazy mind but Ragini isn’t convinced.
“Really this is about something else entirely” he tries to covince her.
“No you are laughing at me… admit that you are… you…”He again shuts her up with kiss…. more tender, more intense, deeper and full of love.
“I don’t know how shona is managing?”
“She will manage” Laksh tries to assure her because he is feeling guilty that he took Ragini with him “Right?” But even he can’t tell how is she managing.
Let’s know it in next chapter on next sunday.
I know I am updating two days late than I promised but bear with me! Besides this chapter is longer than my normal chapters. So forgive me!!!! Please…. Please… pretty please with the cherry on top.
The way laksh convinced her, spoke to her, calmed her down is what every girl expects from her man. Or that’s what I expect… Well, that was completely wonderful…..
Waiting for the next…. Post soon…
loved it so so much it is amazing finally ragini and lakshya sorted.
finally ragini confronted laksh and i hope everything will be fine between them nd swasan wat they will be doing it will be fun nd it will be more fun if dadi nd dida come to knw abt swasan i want to see their reaction nd i m thinking wat if sanskar is beating that guy red nd blue hahahaha it will be funny.
OMG i cant believe i hv written this much only abt bestfriends i think this is my first comment abt the chapter thts so long nw dont be surprised (i knw u r not bt still u can act of being surprised for sometime) i can write only for the chapter. u knw one thing???? now dont say wat i knw u dont knw i will tell u. Actually i m thinking (i knw today i m thinking too no tooooooooo much but still) ya i m thinking do u remember wat was my first comment nd wen i commented nd on wich chapter??? tell me i wanna see u remember or not hahahaha its a test of ur memory telll me soon nd i knw u r thinking urself more intelligent thn me nd will be saying urself tht “hahahaha i will search the chapters nd seee nd she(amee) will not knw abt it” hahahaha bt i m more intelligent so there’s a condition u will not search on net u hv to recall nd say hahahaha its too much fun
It was really awesome part well I am waiting to see what will be that RAM ‘s condition with swasan also.i really love the way both ragini and lakshya always handle each other every time.update soon.
Amazing… Loved it.
Interesting episode
Awesome dear loved raglak
Lovely episode and cute raglak
Nice yaar
hey! could you ever believe that some stupid will read your story for the first time ever after you have completed 77 chapters of this amazing story written by you.. well, that stupid is me.. i guess i have read the part where aarav’s role was in play long back, but i couldnt understand an ounce of the plot, so i left it..
believe me, ii read all the 73 parts yesterday and i felt like i was reading a novel or some wonderful story never wanting to stop myself from reading.. its really amazing, actually, amazing would really be a very small word for describing what actually it is..
its really awesome that i want a twin sister for my self
exactly same as swaragini where words are not necessary to describe emotions and time is given for each other to speak though the other know what exactly she wants to speak as telling out reduces the burden of heart.. ii specially liked the bond where one feels the absence of other on bed even while sleeping and allow some time for themselves and come to them with a bowl of noodles and hot chocolate where not its taste but emotions matters.. its really wonderful bond right!!! loved it to the core!!! its BEAUTIFUL..
i dont want to disturb your storyline but dont you think that they now have become love birds lost within their world and their friendship bond is being shown less.. i meant that it would really be funny when all four of them start pulling eachother’s legs, teasing and fiighting about every lame thing on the earth.. its really cool!!
poor swaragini caught in their own web of lies.. i pity ram, poor one dont even know who’s boyfriend here is supposed to be, just let him pray that he doesnt become punching bag of sanskar.. lol!!!
now must see who ram escapes from here and how all four of them escape from the cbi officers dida and dadi.. their main target however is Swara and Ragini.. must see how they both get to know about swaragini’s lies and how swasan and raglak escapes from their clutches from being caught that they are in love..
i just wish that things get better between mathuras, maheshwari’s and gadodias.. let their bond be as that of maheshwaris and gadodias..
no doubt deepu(if i can call you this) you must really have got many friends here or anywhere around you.. i pray that your friendship with all yours friends stay as strong as the one between swa,rag,san,lak.. its because they take time to read the chapters you post and comment encouraging you to write further and even you too acknowledge them and take time to reply to every comment if possible at the very beginning of your post.. its really a heart touching gesture..

i dont need to say always that sun rises in the east and also that you are an amazing write, i just feel bad for myself i couldnt read this amazing story before but anyways, no regrets, i got to read it in complete flow.. wow!! its truly an awesome feel.. you dont need to wait for the next part eagerly as you have already got it.. you go on reading with a flow where you dont want to be stopped.. i now understand that waiting for the next update eagerly also have its own thrill.. gosh!! now i have to wait till next sunday
i guess this comment is very long.. never mind, im not going to say sorry for it
you can consider it to be my compensation for all the previous chapters but i really needed to pour my heart out to you

Awesome dear…Loved raglak part
After a long time and I really missed this story. Outstanding episode dear and Raglak scenes are really beautiful. Loved their all lip locks. If possible, please write more Raglak scenes. Eagerly waiting for next episode and post next part ASAP. Love you dear and take care
Amazing part nd can’t wait for next
Loved it, keep going
finally their confusion gt cleared huff…….
n I knew it this z swaraz imaginary boyfriend only heeheee dida n dadi is too good heeheee they bring him home fr her shona when they themselves don’t like him awww so lovely ladies
loved it lovely chappy