Beyhadh 2 24th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on
Maya says you must be hungry. I will bring something. Rudra takes out the shards from her feet. She looks at him lovingly. He asks in gestures if it is paining but she shakes her head. he closes his eyes while applying medicine to her feet and holds her hand tight. She smiles seeing him bandage his feet.
MJ looks at the broken mirror. Diya tells him she needs to talk to him. He says I am not interested but she tells him to meet her or he wont be able to show his face to anyone else later. Meet me after breakfast. MJ says the mind of t
Antara asks servant who he is taking this for. Servant says Rudra Sir has brought this for Maya. Antara fumes thinking how Maya is using her son and he doesn’t even know.
Rudra surprises Maya with gifts. He has brought clothes with different colours. Will you wear it? She nods. You must choose the colour though. He chooses one for her which matches black a little. It will be a good start. She changes into that dress. Rudra stares at her adorably as she changes into that dress. I will help you get ready today. He applies nail paint and makes her wear earrings. She says your love has changed me. I have begun to forgot who I was. Now I only remember who I am with you. Rudra says this is what love is. You forget everything except love. The day you will look at yourself from my eyes, you will begin to love yourself immensely. She hugs him.
Everyone sits down for breakfast. MJ and Diya look at each other. Antara is surprised to see the bowl of Upma on the table. Maya’s mother addresses her as Behen ji. Rudra and Maya come there. Antara notices Rudra’s wound. How did you get hurt? MJ recalls what happened. Antara blames Maya but MJ says why she will do it. She loves Rudra. Maya’s mother seconds her. Rudra nods. She loves me extra. Mom panics a lot since Rishi has left us. Maya says it is okay. You worry when something happens to your loved ones. Some people worry while others try to make things even! Her mother asks her what happened to her feet. Maya says there was an old photo which was troubling her since long. I broke it and got hurt in the process. Her mother tells her to be careful. Rajeev notices the marks around MJ’s neck. He pulls the collar down. What kind of cat was it? Maya recalls their duel last night. Rajeev teases Antara. Rudra says welcome to the family to Maya. It is a little crazy. Maya nods. It isn’t crazier than me though!
Antara is pacing unhappily. MJ tells her to listen to him but she tells him that her son’s life is in danger because of him but he is busy with his affairs. He explains that this mark isn’t what she thinks it is. Diya enters just then. MJ tells her to explain to Antara. Antara tells Diya to explain to her like always. Diya instead asks MJ who gave these marks to him. Did you find a new girl or have you rekindled an old flame? Antara tells MJ she has told him many times to keep his shit away from this house! She walks out in a huff. MJ asks Diya what has happened to her. she says you always say that I am crazy. Yes, I have lost my mind. There is someone in your life! He insists there isn’t but she tells him she is pregnant. Maya overhears their convo. She recalls mixing something in Diya’s drink. You are a doctor but you have always been MJ’s servant your entire life or you would have understood that there is no pregnancy here. This fake pregnancy will bring out everything in front of the world.
MJ asks Diya how he could let it happen. She cries. Is it all my fault? He apologizes. I need you right now. I am with you but you know we cannot face this problem right now. She is shocked to hear him call their baby a problem. He says you know we don’t need this kid. Abort this baby! Diya nods. There are complications in our relationship. Maya smirks. The support you need will become your problem very soon, MJ!
Diya gets her tests done but sees nothing on the screen initially. Why is it not showing anything? Was the test wrong? Am I not pregnant? She suddenly hears the heartbeats and gets emotional. Rajeev tells Maya he put the fake sonography on time or they would have been caught. Maya asks him if the work is done. He agrees. She says there is one more thing to do now. Rudra asks her what work is she speaking of. I wont mind dying even if you kill me with your own hands! He gives her another gift. She smiles hearing his joke. He says the right to make you smile will always be mine. She tells him she can work from home. I am a writer after all. He insists. I am your boss. You should come. She says I am your boss. He nods. Actually I miss you very much in office. Will you come? She denies. He makes a sad face. She says it is okay. I wont pacify you. He calls her mean and stone hearted. She does drama and he ends up smiling. Give me something because of which I wont miss you so much. She asks him to close his eyes. He happily gives in. She whispers I love you in his ears. He says I love you too but something else would have been better. She sends him outside and closes the door. The door opens again. She has her back turned to the door and thinks it is Rudra again but it turns out to be MJ. He calls her Manvi.
Precap: Maya says I have taken the first step towards taking my revenge. Antara tells Diya to abort the baby. MJ threatens to kill her when she refuses. She runs to Maya for help. Diya apologizes to Maya for what she has done to her in the past. Maya says we cannot hide the truth anymore. Rudra must know.
Update Credit to: MA
Master stroke for diya.. nice plan maya.. well-done..
I thought they are trapping u in their fake pregnancy.. never thought u are playing everything.. nice move
Now diya will understand,how cunning is mj
I didn’t understand how did maya change the pregnancy test bcoz diya’s pregnancy test was positive. Was that also due to the medicines maya gave to her??
Somebody plz clear my confusion
I m in love with maya n rudra’s cute nok-jhok n love
Hope this love stays forever ??
It may end up being dream of Diya or perhaps a plan.
Now, with Diya Maya’s revenge story begins. Wow what’s a master-stroke. I really love the romance between Rudra and Maya. Maya starts wearing colours! Colours and smile back in Maya’s life because of Rudra’s love.