Categories: Beyhadh 2

Beyhadh 2 7th January 2020 Written Episode Update: Rishi Assaults Ankit

Beyhadh 2 7th January 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ankit forwards Maya’s pic to MJ thinking Maya didn’t do right by breaking his mobile and has to pay for that. MJ is unable to see pic without glasses. Maya informs her mother that they are going on vacation. Mother excitedly asks if she is also going and also 3 bodyguards. Maya says yes. Rajiv walks in asking if she is ready. Mother asks if Rajiv is accompanying, Maya says yes. Mother says then bodyguards are needed to keep Rajiv away, asks if Rudra proposed her. Maya asks her to go and get her bag and tells Rajiv that she needs to execute her plan soon, so she has to send mom on vacation and finish Rishi and Rudra’s issue soon. MJ sees Ankit sending him notebook pic and asks what did he send. Ankit says he send notebook pic by mistake and will send Rishi’s girlfriend’s

pic soon. MJ says he has many gifts lined up for him. Ankit thinks he will get more gifts first and then will introduce Maya directly to him.

Rishi walks to Rudra’s cabin addressing him as sir. Rudra asks why he is showing formality and says he is different from their family and parents must have picked him from dustbin. Rishi says this is too much and he is irked as Rudra pushed him away in front of everyone forgetting he is his brother. Rudra says he cannot see his ungly sad face, so he can push him. Rishi hugs him and says he is not ugly. Rudra says he cannot see him sad. Rishi asks him to accept that he loves him. Rudra says he is his first and last love and apologizes him. Rishi says its okay bhai. He over phone informs Maya that he is coming early.

Maya apologizes mother for not accompanying her due to Rudra pushing more work on her and asks her to go and enjoy vacation. Mother says she will also not go. Maya says Rajiv is accompanying her and asks to take care of herself. Mother gets into car. Maya tells Rajiv that she needs to send mom out and finish Rishi and Rudra’s story tonight. Rudra buys many gifts and asks Rishi what to gift Maya. Rishi says he didn’t even bother once to gift Ananya on her birthday. Ananya says even a wish would be fine with her. Rudra says he has to think 1000 times before gifting Maya and walks away. Rajiv takes mom with him asking Maya to take care of herself. Maya turns and seeing someone with bouquet says she doesn’t like it. Ankit holds her hand and says he is not Rishi. Maya frees her hand and warns how dare he is to touch her, if Rishi finds out he will kill him, so he should leave soon. Ankit walks towards her when Rishi walks to him shouting how dare he is and pushes him down. Ankit says he was testing if the girl loves him or not. Rishi brutally trashes Ankit and strangulates him.

MJ prepares homemade pizza, apple pie, daal chawal, etc. for family. Diya says he prepared 5 star buffet. MJ says even the cook is 5 star. Rudra walks in. Antara stops him and says whatever he did today was wrong. MJ says he did right as his son’s win is his win. Rudra says he took U turn. MJ says he prepared his favorite dishes. Rishi picks pizza saying its his favorite dish, but he is off carb, picks pasta and says he doesn’t like it, doesn’t like tomato in daal. MJ asks what is the problem in apple pie. Rudra bites apple pie and says it has lots of sugar but less sweetness as if something rotten is hidden; calls him by name and says he is not a kid to calm down with food and gifts.

Maya apologizes Rishi for doubting him. Rishi says he is sorry that Ankit came in between them. Maya leans on his shoulder and crossing her fingers says she felt good that someone loves her immensely and will protect her. Rishi says always and touches her sensuously. She reminisces someone touching her earlier, stops him saying his hand is swollen, so she will get ice for him. Rishi sits smiling while Maya walks into kitchen. Door bell rings. Rishi opens door and stands nervous seeing Rudra and Ananya. Rudra asks what is he doing here and why didn’t he pick call. Rishi says his phone is in silent mode and he thought Maya needs his help in cooking, so he came here. Rudra tells Ananya that looks like Rishi is more in Maya’s love. Maya greets them in. Rudra thanks her for calling them for dinner. Ananya says her house is same like Maya. Maya comments.

MJ plays with his dog Sultan. Amir tastes apple pie and says it is very tasty, he has to give his recipe. MJ says he got defeated by his son today. Amir says he still remembers the event happened 10 years ago. MJ warns not to remind him and says he took away Rudra’s love that day and Rudra is playing with mind now, he has to do something to convince Rudra.

Ananya checks Maya’s book collection and asks whom she hates so much. Maya gets nervous. Ananya says if she can tell her story, they can help her change her opinion.

Precap: During truth or dare game, Ananya asks Rishi chooses truth. Ananya asks who is his girlfriend. He hugs Maya. Maya asks Rudra why he hates love and kisses Rudra. Rudra says she reminded him of the pain he forgot years ago. Maya slips from terrace.

Update Credit to: MA

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