Beyond Great Darkness – Chapter 2

Disclaimer- I just looked it up. Nope it still doesn’t belong to me (however with the current storyline, I don’t even want the ownership). So, Naagin 5 belongs to Balaji Telefilms, Colors TV and anybody else that owns it. I do not make any money from it. I am just borrowing its characters for creative purposes. Anything recognizable belongs to the owners; everything else is a part of my imagination. Do not copy/recreate/repost without permission.

Beta reading by Shesha485.

(Link for Chapter 1-  )

Chapter 2 –

Next morning, Vani Bedroom.

Bani has just come from bath and is drying her hair and Veer has just woken up and is glancing lovingly at Bani. She gives him a look of ‘why are you staring like that’ and speaks, “Good morning Mr Singhania”

“A very good morning to you too Mrs Singhania.” Bani blushes hearing the words ‘Mrs Singhania.’

Veer- “Sweetheart….Are you….blushing ”

Bani- “What, no”

Veer- “Did I get the ever-stoic, ever-composed, Sarvashreshta Aadi Nagin to blush?”

Bani- “No… it’s…It’s the cold….”

Veer- “Huh. It’s the cold. Of course it’s the cold and it has nothing to do with the fact that I called you Mrs. Singhania.”

Bani- *blushing harder* *voice cracks* “N-no.”

After composing herself. “Veeranshu stop distracting me. You know how much work is there in the morning. I have to see to the breakfast as well.”

Veer- “The cooks will do that Sweetheart.”

Bani- “Yes I know they will prepare the food but I need to oversee everything na. You also get up and get ready.”

She leaves from the room before Veeranshu can engage her further in talks.

 Dinning Area, Singhania Mansion.

Balvant: “Now that breakfast is over, Tapish and I have to leave for office. Tapish let’s go. Pavan, are you coming?”

Pavan- “Ji bhaisaab. Let’s leave. Daksh, Ponky you both should also come. At least learn something about how our business is running.”

Ponky- “Yes, dad I…. oh my phone is ringing I left it in my room. I’ll just go and get it.” He leaves.

Daksh- “Haan Ponky u called? I am coming.” He also leaves hurriedly.

Tapish- “What will we do of these two? Let’s leave Dad, chachu. These two are not coming back. Veer?”

Veer: “I’ll give it a pass today. Bye guys”.

Balvant, Pavan and Tapish leave. While leaving Tapish gives a nod of farewell to Meera.

Veer- “Meera even you have to go somewhere?”

Meera- “Not really but if you guys want privacy……?”

Bani- “No Meera di, he is just joking.”

Veer mutters “Actually I wasn’t.”

Bani – “Did u say something?”

Veer – “Nope. Nothing at all”


The watchman enters. Good Morning Bani madam. There is a parcel for you.

Bani- “Parcel. For me? Thank you Bansi kaka. Please leave it here.

I haven’t ordered anything. Did you order something Veer.”

Veer shakes his head in negative.

“I’ll see what it is…. Let’s see. Not that heavy. Oh God who puts so much tape…wow someone has sent me a bouquet…it’s so beautif……aaahhhhhh….”

Pain. Agonizing pain.



Veer-“ What is it Bani? Your hands are completely covered in blisters? Meera take the box from Bani. Be careful that you don’t touch what is inside…..

Bani are you okay? Bani please say something….Bani…”

Bani- “My healing powers will not work on this….aaahhhh”

Veer-“Give me your hand. Let me try to heal that.” He keeps his hand on Bani’s hands and tries to heal her. “The reddening is reducing but small blisters are still there Bani.”

Bani- “Thanks Veeranshu. It is still stinging a bit but pain has reduced.”

Meera – “But Bani what was this thing? Why did you have this reaction to it?”

Bani- “It’s the jimsonweed flower Meera di. It is harmful for is Naag-naagins. But I am Aadi Naagin.  It should not have affected me so badly. I think chemical or something must be quoted on it.”

Veer- “But who sent it you?”

Bani- “Very few people know about this flower. Do you know what is the other name of this flower? It is also called ‘moonflower’ because it only grows in full moon’s light and that also only once every 3-4 years. That it why it is so difficult to obtain it and why so few people know about it.”

Meera- “Wait. There is a note inside it.”

‘To my dearest Aadi Naagin,

With love.’

Veer – “So a wedding gift from Chandni.  We’ll have to do something about her soon.”

Meera- “How can you say that Chandni has sent it? It could have been anyone.”

Veer- “I know her Meera. She will not sit so quietly. Also the name Meera. It is known as moonflower. Chandani must definitely know about it.”

In Tilismi cave,

“So how did my daughter-in-law liked her gift?”

“Oh well it was fun to watch her whimpering in pain. And that Veer, ’Bani what happened to you, Bani I will heal it, Bani this, Bani that’….pathetic I tell you.”

“Good. It seems at least one thing you can do correctly.”

“Why you little….”

“Using cuss words now, are we? That doesn’t suit you. Or at least it doesn’t suit the personality that you are portraying to everyone. Anyways leave all that and release me from this bondage, I have waited long enough.”

“Then you’ll have to wait for some more time Markaat.”

Markaat- “Who are you to decide that. And what this nonsense? Release me this instant or I swear you will regret it later…”

“Tchh tchhh tchhh….. this is how you talk to your rescuers? No manners at all? Play nice if you want me to release you. Now you enjoy your lodging for a little while longer and I will be back soon.” He starts walking towards the exit of the cave.

Markaat- “No….no… come back… you will pay for this.”

He walks out while thinking to himself- ‘She is crazy if she thinks that I will release her before I get my full powers back. I am neither suicidal and nor that foolish. If I release her right now she can kill me in blink of an eye. Now how to get those powers back? Where is that Shukla when you need him?’

Singhania Mansion

Bani’s phone rings.

Panditain-“ Hello Aadi nagin, I have found something about the things you told me to research.”

Bani- “Oh that is a great news. Please tell me what you have found.”

Panditain-“No aadi nagin. It is too dangerous to talk about it on call. If you could come here?”

Bani- “Okay. I will be there in a while.” She cuts the call.

Veer- “One minute. Where are you going Bani? ”

Bani- “Panditain just called. She wants to meet me at the temple. I’ll be back in a while.”

Veer- “I will also come with you.”

Bani- “No Veeranshu you cannot come there. Cheels are forbidden from that temple.”

Veer- “But you are Aadi naagin. You can give me permission. Today you were attacked while at home and you want to go out alone. I cannot risk it.”

Bani-“ No Veeranshu. They rules must have been made for a reason. And remember what had happened in Satyug when I allowed cheels to enter the temple? I am not taking any chances. And don’t forget I am Aadi- naagin. I can protect myself.”

Veer- “Yes I know you can Bani but just to be safe, I’ll drop you there and wait for you outside”

Bani- “No need Veeranshu. I don’t know how much time i will be there in the temple.

Okay let’s do one thing. I’ll ask Meera di to come with me and I will call you immediately if anything happens. Okay?”

Veer- “Okay fine. Once you decide something you never listen.”

Shukla comes at an abandoned house.

Jai- “Took you long enough to come.”

Shukla- “Not everybody is as free as you. Some people have to distract their bosses to leave.”

Jai- “Yeah, whatever. Now did you come up with a way to bring back my lost powers? Some Kul guru you are, taking so much time.”

Shukla- “I have a way. But if you want to receive your powers back you have to give back something as an offering in return. The rituals require equal amount of sacrifice to gain something.”

Jai- “I am ready to do it.”

Shukla- “Okay. So here is what we need to do….” They discuss about the ritual in detail.

After some time, 3 people enter the basement of that house. They are the heads of the 3 of the largest naag clans. Shukla is nowhere to be seen. They come and bow in front of their Aadi-naag.

Jai- “Rise, Kael of the Nidhog Vansh, Astik of the Vasuki vansh and Sorcha of the Sheshnaag vansh. I thank you all for coming at such a short notice.”

Kael- “Of course my Lord. We left as soon as we got your message. You said you had an important task for us.”

Jai- “Yes. We have to do an important ritual for the safety of the naag vansh. I want you all to participate in it.”

Astik- “Of course my Lord. It will be our honor to be a part of this important ritual. But where is Aadi Naagin? Shouldn’t she be here for such an important ritual.”

Jai- “Yes she will be coming soon. Till then we will do the basic preparation.”

There is a big triangle drawn in the center of the room. In the middle of the triangle is a circle.

Jai- “You can stand at one corner of the triangle each.” And he goes and stands in the center circle.

Shukla enters the room while saying, “Now we are ready to begin.” The 3 naags move towards Shukla to attack the Kul guru of the Cheels but a rope of Belpatra wraps around them and they are unable to move.

Sorcha- “Help us my Lord…. This Cheel has trapped us in Belpatra. It will slowly kill us….”

Jai- “Don’t worry. You 3 will be long gone before that. Shukla lets start the ritual. Soon I will get back my full powers….”

Kael- “But an Aadi Naag can lose his powers only if he has betrayed the naag vansh or killed an innocent….it means….” A look of disbelief spread across the faces of the 3 as the realization dawned on them….

Astik- “You traitor….how can you do that……”

Meanwhile Shukla burns some sandalwood in one corner and chants,

“Sandalwood represents strength, I offer it to you to provide him back his strength”.

He burns some Peppermint in the second corner, “Peppermint is for protection, I offer it to provide him protection”

and in the third corner he burns some Rosemary, “Rosemary is for success and I offer it so that this ritual and all his future endeavors are successful.”

He further continues, “Finally, I know nothing that magic offers is free and there is always a cost to it. So in exchange of the powers of Aadi-naag, I offer you the powers and life force of these 3 naags, Kael of the Nidhog Vansh, Astik of the Vasuki vansh and Sorcha of the Sheshnaag vansh, they are now yours to do as you will. So I will and so mote it be.”

The wind picked up its pace and window and doors of the house started rattling, the air became thick with magic, the shouts of Kael, Astik and Sorcha could be heard as first their powers and then slowly their life force ebbed away from their bodies…. A beam of light shone in from the sky and fell on Jai, it was so bright that those present had to shut their eyes. Jai unable to bear the pressure of the light dropped to his knees. He could feel his power returning to him, it was alluring, intoxicating….slowly the light from above vanished and Jai rose as three bodies fell to the ground lifeless………

The Aadi-Naag had returned.

Author’s Note- So guys second chapter is here. Tell me how did you like it. Also some of you know that I had been travelling since last two weeks for work but now I am back home so I should get more time for writing and hopefully updates will be sooner.

A note from Jai Mathur- I have kidnapped your author and if you want her to live long enough to complete this story then comment. Also for those of you who didn’t get it, it was me talking to Markaat in the cave.

Nita D

Main thodi si moody hoon , Tu thodi si tedhi hai, Kya khoob ye jodi hai, Teri meri! Love u Zindagi!!

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