Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th February 2020 Written Episode Update Angoori steals Helans necklace

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 11th February 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vibhu at night goes to kitchen to have water and sees Angoori walk toqards their house, Angoori gets to kitchen window and jumps in unaware that Vibhu is in Kitchen. Angoori goes to Helans room, removes her bag and steal the necklace,Vibhu sees it says its unbelievable.Angoori leaves. Vibhu says oh god what did i just see.

Angoori goes to her room hides the necklace. Anu asks Vibhu where is water and whats wrong why you look so shocked,Vibhu says i am and goes to sleep. Anu goes to kitchen to take water, fruit basket falls down, Helan walks to kitchen, Anu sees her and gets scared.

Vibhu next day walks to Angoori and greets her and stares at her, Angoori asks whats wrong, Vibhu asks you look tensed,do you sleep well, Angoori says what nonsense questions are you asking, Vibhu

says i saw a news people are facing insomnia issues, they behave weird,they hit someone, they steal, Angoori says all good, i have nothing as such,bye now.

Anu and Helan discussing about stolen necklace,Anu says very baf how could someone steal your necklace, Vibhu walks in,Helan starts crying, Anu says the necklace she was showing off is stolen, Anu and Helan get in argument. Helan blames Anu of stealing necklace says i even saw her downstairs yesterday.
Anu feels bad and leaves.

Vibhu says listen to me Anu, Anu says your mom blamed me, Vibhu says you are over reacting and according to that theory, you are suspicious,Anu says say clearly,Vibhu says if you have necklace give it,i mean if you mistakenly taken it,Anu looses calm says i dont have it,you hurt me Vibhu.

Vibhu walks to Helan says mummy Anu doesnt have the necklace, Helan says we are reporting a complaint, Vibhu asks why, Helan says Hapu will come and find thief and my necklace. Tiwari walks in, Helan tells about her stolen necklace,Tiwari thinks i recall last night Angoori hiding something on cupboard did she and says your necklace must be here, and leaves

Helan asks for Hapu Singh number,Anu says here it is but if im culprit i will leave this house, Helan says and if you innocent i will. Tiwari checks cupboard and finds necklace.

Amaji calls Angoori asks about necklace, Angoori tells about necklace to Amaji, Vibhu hears all the talks and says god she is so much problem.

pre cap : Tiwari makes Angoori sleep. Vibhu sees Tiwari keep the necklace back in place.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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