Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 14th February 2022 Written Episode Update : Tiwari ask Malkhan and Tillu to disrespect him

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 14th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari’s hall decorated with valentine’s theme. Angoori walks down and gets excited after seeing valentine’s decoration says wao Tiwari did all this for me. Tiwari walks to her with bouquet and wish her Valentine’s day. Angoori blushes and says same to you. Tiwari says you look beautiful like your first valentine’s day. Angoori says that time I was kid and you were having mustache. Tiwari says I did to look young and says please sind romantic song for me. Angoori start singing for him. Tiwari says you don’t have to do pooja and you have to be romantic and start singing for her.

Tillu and Malkhan in market having tea. Tillu says to Malkhan listen if Rusa praposed me then she will be my bhabhi and if she propose me then you will tie rakhi. Malkhan

says to Tillu are you mad why she will be my sister and your bhabhi and they both start arguing. Tillu says I feel like Rusa love me. Rusa walks to them and greet them says whay are you guys doing here don’t you want to come disco. Malkhan and Tillubsays yes we want to go disco with you but before that you have to tell who do you love first. Rusa says you both are cute and you are my best friends, you asked who do I love, that I don’t know right now so lets go and celebrate valentine’s day.

Next morning. Tiwari walks to Anita’s house. Anu reading poem. Tiwari greet her. Anu says come sit. Tiwari says can you read that poem one more time. Tiwari makes wierd face and says it’s not special, it does not have any weight. Anu makes fun. Tiwari start laughing. Anu says this poem is from someone famous poet. Tiwari says I can also write poem if you allow then should I. Anu says sure. Tiwari teels his poem and ask how do you like. Anu says mocks him for his poem and says you won’t say any poem infront of me ever till the time you don’t have pain in your poem. Tiwari says okay don’t worry I’ll tell you a poem with pain. Anu says well till that allow me to read my poem.

Angoori in pooja ghar praying to God for givine Tiwari to my life. Vibhuti walks to her and mocks Tiwari. Angoori says he is not like that he is honest guy, he cannot see someone in pain, he can stay hunger and give his food, he is very emotional, you know he made may people married. Vibhu says I’m going to faint. Angoori says not now let me say Tiwari’s aarti listen that first and start singing.

Tillu and Malkhan sitting near tea stall. Tillu says I feel itchy in my hand. Malkhan says so we going to get money. Tillu says we don’t have that kind of luck. Tiwari wlaks to them says to them if I pay you will you do my work. Tillu ask what’s the work. Tiwari says it’s normal what you do usually. Malkhan says we stopped stealing. Tiwari says you have to insult me and I’ll pay to 1000rs for that comeon start and huet me. Tillu and Malkhan start mocking and disrespecting him. Tiwari give them money and leaves with tears in his eyes.

Vibhu outside Tiwari’s house says what character she have she is so confusing. Prem come to Vibhu ask what happen to you. Vibhu says go from here. Prem says I want my 5 lakh rupees this month. Anu hear them talking for upstairs. Vibhu says listen I’m already not in good mood. Prem says what can I do then. Vibhu says Bhabhiji does wierd things, she was doing poojs of Tiwari. Prem says how lucky he is and my wife disrespect me everytime. Vibhu says and my wife always give sarcasm to me and see Anu in balcony and says I’m dead see Anu is standing there. Prem see her and go. Anu give sign to Vibhu to come inside.

Tiwari in garden crying says I got so much pain in me now I’ll use this pain to write poem and start creating his sad poem. Saxena walks to him and see him writing poem and applauds him says this style is of famous Jhon Puri. Tiwari says yes he is renowned poet. Saxena says if you may allow can I tell one of his poem. Tiwari says yes. Saxena tells his poem. Tiwari says wao. Saxena says there is a difference between you and his style and says you are trying to put things in poem. Tiwari ask and how is the pain. Saxena says pain is one of the import and I feel like piles pain in your poem, in reality your poem does not have any emotions. Tiwari says tell me what should I do for emotions. Saxena says you have to take emotional pain. Tiwari says I took some pain from boys. Saxena says I have an idea, you should get disrespected from bhabhiji. Tiwari and Saxena hear Tillu and Malkhan mocking him.

Same night. Tiwari in hall says to himself how will ask Angoori to insult me, she is not of that kind but still I’ll try. Angoori walks to him and about who are you talking about. Tiwari says I was talking about you only. Angoori says now you shutup and I have written a poem for you and tell him. Tiwari says I’m not a god I’m a bad person who disrespect everyone and do business of undergarments. Angoori says why are you saying all thses about yourself. Tiwari says I’m not saying about me, you have to say like this. Angoori says why I’ll do this, I cannot disrespect me. Tiwari says you have to disrespect me I swear you. Angoori says disrespect him and ask should I say more. Tiwari give her sign to carry on.

Anu in hall. Vibhu walks to her says I think so I got cold, sit beside her and apologize. Anu says please don’t talk to me I’m hurt. Vibhu says what I said wrong to Prem you disrespect me. Anu says I can be food to you but tell me why should I do, what so respectable work you did. Vibhu says you are stretching things. Anu says tell me what you did so good that I can construct a temple on your name. Vibhu says I said everything for fun. Anu says you want to disrespect your wife just for fun. Vibhuti says I don’t disrespect you for fun. Anu says how do I know that. Vibhu says I know you are angry because we didn’t do any romance from many days so come lets go to bedroom. Anu says no I’ll sleep here. David walks in and greet them. They also greet them and Vibhu ask how are you and tell me what happen about case. David says let me breath and freshen up then tell you everything. Vibhu says okay you go upstairs freshen up I’ll meet you there. Anu says no I changed my mind I’ll go upstairs. David ask him what happen to her. Vibhu says you cannot predict when there mood swings.

Everyone at Tiwari’s house. Malkhan disrespects Tiwari. Angoori walks down and disrespect Tiwari. Ammaji walks in and see Angoori disrespecting him. Ammaji hear everything and faints.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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