Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th August 2021 Written Episode Update : Vibhuti sign agreement to become slave

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 17th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vibhu in market saying where is he, his moped is standing here might be sitting at Gulfam house and start abusing him. Prem come and says to Vibhu what happen to you. Vibhu says to Prem I’m in big trouble try to understand if you didn’t help me Anu will leave me. Prem says let him leaves you will be happy. Vibhu says we love eachother so much. Prem mocks Vibhu and Vibhu gets angry. Gupta and Masterji come. Gupta days to Prem we were searching you. Prem says nobody is sick at my home. Gupta says I’m sick. Masterji says you cannot understand what we trying to says we need 3lakh rupees. Gupta says I want to be Tantrik and it will cost 3lakh rupees. Prem says so why are you telling me. Masterji says we will spend only when you will give us. Prem gets angry and says are you my

relatives. Tillu come on rickshaw giving announcement that there is landlord born in this colony who will help poor if anyone need money can ask our landlord. Gupta amd Masterji asks who is he. Tillu says his name is Manmohan Tiwari and leaves.

Angoori, Tiwari, Tillu and Malkhan in Tiwari’s house. Angoori and Tiwari playing snake and ladder. Malkhan says to Tiwari we didn’t received money from Sukhiya Farmer. Tiwari asks how much land Sukhiya kisan have. Malkhan says near around 5 acres. Tiwari says capture his land. Angoori says you are doing wrong he is farmer how he will survive if you will take his land. Tillu says Angoori is so kind now Sukhiyas land will be safe. Tiwari says what do you mean to says. Angoori says you took Sukhiya land which is now our and let him ploy field, now he will do our work on his land. Tiwari says good Angoori I’m proud of you. Tiwari says to Malkhan don’t remove Sukhiya ask him to be our servant and do work on field. Gupta and Masterji come and greets Tiwari and Angoori. Tiwari and Angoori greets them back. Gupta and Masterji says we need some money. Tiwari asks what’s the guarantee you will give for that money. Masterji says I have 3 plots behind railway line of 1 acres each here are the paper. Gupta says in need 3 lakhs rupees and here is the paper of my house. Angoori says what is the cost of your house. Gupta says its 5 lakhs. Tiwari says I don’t care if you don’t give me money I’ll take it by hook or by crook. Angoori says will you not take guarantee. Tiwari says no need for that and asks Malkhan to take there thumb impression, paper and give them money. Malkhan give Gupta and Masterji there money. Masterji and Gupta greets him and leaves.
Saxena come and says to Tiwari how’s you landlord come hit me bad I want to get his by a landlord. Tillu says to Tiwari he came with lots of hope, if he gies back without being hit then ut will be not good for us too. Tiwari asks Tillu to hit Saxena. Tillu start beating him and Saxena leaves.
Vibhu come and greets Tiwari and Angoori and says I need some money. Tiwari asks how much money. Vibhu says I need around 5 lakhs rupees or else we have to empty our house. Tiwari says bhabhi have to leave house. Vibhu says yes our landlord Sharma uncle demand for 5lakh rupees if we didn’t give him he will ask us to leave. Tiwari says Malkhan give him money immediately. Angoori says stop your new sense we are landlord we only know language of paper. Tiwari says to Angoori nice and ask Malkhan to take tumb impression on paper and give him money. Malkhan come and says to Vibhu put you thumb impression on these places. Vibhu says to Malkhan shut up you might be uneducated but I’m topper from Chapra University I’ll sign. Vibhu says thanks to Tiwari. Tiwari says atleast read paper once. Vibhu says I have faith in you, you will do right. Malkhan give money and leaves.

Anu talking to Sharma Uncle on phone saying you can find another tenant for this house. Vibhu come with money in his hand and says to Any you can tell Sharma Uncle money is ready he can come and take whenever he want. Anu says to Sharma Uncle I’ll call you back, Anu asks Vibhu how much are these. Vibhu says the amount you want. Anu gets shocked and asks from where did you got this money. Vibhu gets call from someone and I’ll be there master no need to worry and hungs up. Anu says why are you doing so much Master do your master have a name. Vibhu says uts crime to take master name but his name is Landlord Manmohan Tiwari. Anu gets shocked and days when did he became landlord. Vibhu says he is our master. Anu says he is not your master nor mine and you sold yourself for this less amount of money, what you want to show that you sold yourself because of me. Vibhu says its not because of you its because of situation. Anu says he helped you and you became slave for him I think so you love being slave for him come eith me lets go and talk to Tiwari.

Anu and Vibhu goes to Tiwari’s house and shouting on Vibhu for his work and rings door bell. Tiwari open door and greets Anu and asks did Vibhu trouble you. Anu says you purchased my husband of 5 lakh rupees. Tiwari says we need to have some kind of garantee and his worth is not more then 500rupees, after seeing your face I give him 5 lakh rupees but during time of garantee he came forward and start begging me I’ll be your slave please give me money. Vibhu says I never said that. Tiwari says wait and bring the agreement and ask Vibhu to read. Vibhu reads the agreement and says to Tiwari I’m sorry landlord but this clause was not there that time. Tiwari says it was there but you were desperately in need of money you didn’t read it. Vibhu says how will you use me then. Tiwari says that I’ll let you know. Vibhu says to Anu say something. Anu says Tiwari I’m so sorry I disturbed you so late this contract is water tight and I cannot do anything for this. Tiwari says thank god you understood me. Anu says I’m sorry and Vibhu is all your and says to Vibhu what have you fone and leaves. Tiwari says to Vibhu come on n bedroom. Vibhu says why in bedroom. Tiwari says I want to use you and start shouting at him.
Tiwari talking on phone with other landlord and Vibhu massaging his legs and hands. Angoori come and says its so hot and says how did you dare to correct my english and complaints to Tiwari. Tiwari start scolding him. Vibhu says I’m doing this for many time. Tiwari says that was some other time and now its totally different you are slave now do not try to correct my wufe english. Vibhu says I’m sorry. Angoori asks Tiwari how’s your mood. Tiwari says forget about mood, you are looking pretty today and gets romantic. Angoori says to Tiwari its so heat so I’m not in mood to get romantic. Tiwari start shouting in Vibhu and says to Angoori don’t worry our ancestors have invented something which will help you in this kind of heat and asks Vibhu to do fan. Tiwari and Angoori start singing and gets romantic. Vibhu seeing everything and crying.

Anu sitting outside reading newspaper. Tiwari, Malkhan and Tillu standing outside Anita’s house and Tiwari greets Anu. Anu says landlord sir please come inside. Tiwari says to Anu please don’t call me landlord for you I’m still a beggar for your love.

Vibhu shouting on Angoori. Angoori says to Tillu he is talking to me loudly. Tillu beats Vibhu

Vibhu talking to Anu saying Tiwari put hot samosa in my mouth.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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