Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th October 2021 Written Episode Update : Teeka Poses as a Divorced Women

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tiwari in his bedroom. Angoori come and ask him to wake up because I need to dust bedsheet. Tiwari says you will not change, your husband is tiered from work and you are making fun of me. Angoori says I feel bad doing this but when smaal ant cut your skin will break there teeth so please get up. Tiwari says you wont listen until I get up. Angoori says its confirm now get up. Tiwari walks to Angoori and says you are stubborn. Angoori says you are lazy.

Anu in her house showing jeans to lady seller and ask tell me what you will give me for my clothes. Lady says you will not get a bowl for this. Anu says I gave you 4shirt and 1 branded jeans, last one use to give me bug bucket, give me my clothes back I don’t want anything. Lady says here take this patila. Anu says I will need

spoon also so that I can cook something in this. Lady says here take it. Vibhu come and asks where is my jeans which I buied 2 years back and a smLl hole near knee region. Anu says you buied it 7 year back and thats not a small hole that’s a huge hole. Vibhu says that was my favourite jeans. Anu says that jeans and few shirt I gave him and in exchange I got this patila and spoin. Vibhu says but I use to wear that jeans. Anu says from last six months I didn’t see you wearing. Vibhu says I use to wear I think you don’t pay much attention. Anu says I have full attention on you and your clothes because I care about my respect. Lady says you are good couple and says to Vibhuti here take one spoon from my side and ask Vibhuti to help her to pick-up utensils and she leaves.
Vibhu says you did good now I can buy new clothes. Anu says you are absolutely right but when all old clothes will go then only new will come and ask him to make coffee. Vibhu says well ofcourse why not do one thing you can drink milkshake, lemonade or shikanje. Anu says no but I want to drink coffee. Vibhu says coffee is finished I’m sorry. Anu mocks Vibhuti and says now I’ll not coffee in your kingdom so atleast give me a lovely husband smile. Vibhu smile at her and says now you give me a smile. Anu smile back.

Tiwari in his house looking for paper. Angoori walks to her and says I asked you send gift for my relatives did you send or not. Tiwari says yes I send it, I don’t like him but still he is your relative. Angoori asks why don’t you like him. Tiwari says during marriage I heard him saying that if you want to get married to him then that diary man relation was not that bad. Angoori says so what he is my fufa he love me care for me. Tiwari says yes but that man use to have two buffalo that time. Angoori says you know now he have stable and open a diary shop and mocks Tiwari. Tiwari laughs and says I love when you movk me. Angoori ask what did you send him in gift. Tiwari says underwear. Angoori and Tiwari laughs. Angoori says when you need to send gift to your relative you send them nice guft but when it come to my relatives you send this last month you send saree to your bua. Tiwari says I cannot send underwear to her. Angoori says you’re cheap when people give dialogue to me because of you them I feel butterfly in my whole body you are a different item. Tiwari says did you saw my paper. Angoori says which was there from last 7 days. Tiwari says yes. Angoori says I thought it was of no use so I throw them in dustbin. Tiwari laughs and says that was order of undergarments. Angoori says I didn’t know it was of use for you. Tiwari says it was my fault now I have to dive into dustbin, you make me remember my childhood. Angoori says then you have to take bath after diving and ask want yo have something. Tiwari says yes please bring something to eat.

Saxena in his house taking electric shock. Teeka come disguised as lady and knock Saxena’s door. Saxena says yes please come in. Teeka walks inside sobbing. Malkhan and Tillu looking from window. Teeka says to Saxena I’m in pain. Saxena ask sister what is your name. Teeka says my name is Vidhwah Kumari. Saxena ask what kind of name is this. Vidhwah says I forgot to ask my parents but now they are dead. Saxena after seeing you it looks like you are friend of Gulfam Kali I cannot see any pain of loosing your husband. Vidhwah says I lost my husband 6 years ago. Saxena says I’m sorry that you lost your husband 6 years back I praise you for fighting from last 6 years and have a place in society I think so you don’t need to beg you can fight with this world. Vidhwah says I’m tiered of fighting I need to pay my kids school fees. Saxena says you got kids. Vidhwah says yes one is 2 years old and other one is 3 year’s old. Saxena says but right now you said your husband dies 6 years ago. Vidhwah says my husband is dead but the society is still alive. Saxena says what’s your kids name. Vidhwah says thought of naming them afterwards because they are quite young. Saxena says then how you call them. Vidhwah says calling them. Saxena asks but how do they know that you are calling them. Vidhwah shouts on Saxena and makes wierd animal sounds. Saxena says but what you named them for addmission in school. Vidhwah says are you giving me money or not or will be just wasting my time, somebody will eat my land. Saxena says wait I’m having money here take 10,000 rs if you need more can cone back. Vidhwah keep money and leaves while sobbing.

Tiwari come out of his house and sees pandayji (rikshawala)and ask him to go taal mandi. Anu gets out of her house and stop rickshaw. Tiwari greets Anu. Anu says sorry I didn’t know you already took rickshaw. Tiwari says don’t worry you can come with me I’m also going in same direction. Anu says but I didn’t told you were I’m going. Tiwari says I was going to collect my debth and they are available in every direction so there are chances I can find them
Anu says are you sure if you want I can take other rickshaw. Tiwari says I’m sure.
Angoori in Kitchen. Vibhu come and greets her. Angoori in anger and says why do you ask everyday about me. Vibhu says you look indifferent mood today says I’ll tell you a poem to chear you up. Angoori says okay. Vibhu says his poem and ask how was it. Angoori says do I look like animal to you. Vibhu says there were many lines in poem and you choose this one. Angoori says now I’ll learn from you about what details I should catch. Vibhu says you look angry today. Angoori says I’m fine. Vibhu says okay I’m sorry lets change topic and ask what gift you need from my side on women’s day. Angoori asks what day it is. Vibhu says it’s women’s day and on this day male say thankyou you each and every women which come in there life and praise Angoori for her work, says we are kind of male who doesn’t even pick up wet towel from bed. Angoori says you also don’t pick up wet towel. Vibhu says so Tiwari also don’t pickup towel and start laughing and stops suddenly. Angoori says why did you stop laugh out more loudly and people like you want that we should work like servent and you don’t want to pick up wet towel. Vibhu says I pickup sometimes. Angoori says why not everyday people like you want there wife to be servent and walks away. Man shouts at Vibhuti she shouted at you now go away.

Tiwari and Anu on rickshaw. Tiwari says to Anu tell me something new how’s everything going. Anu says everything is fine and normal nothing new to tell and shouts at him.

TMT in market having food. Prem come and says so you are eating food. Tillu says no we work on petrol. Prem asks from where did you steal money for food. Tillu says if you said anything more we will not leave you, we purchased this food. Malkhan says we called you so that we can return your money back by throwing at your face. Teeka gave him money and says from now on don’t ever make fun of a beggar. Prem says okay I’m leaving now.
Saxena come and says nice you are having food. Tillu says to Saxena you came on right time we were talking about you. Saxena says what you were talking. Teeka says that how good person you are. Tillu says please sit here till the time we have our food then we will offer you flower. Saxena says what I did and picks up currency note from ground and says this is same note I gave to Vidhwah Kumari. Tillu says what are you talking how can you say its the same note. Saxena says because I always leave remarks on my nite here see this mark. TMT read that matk ‘I Like It’. Malkhan says this is not ours and asks Teeka to tell. Teeka says I remember I saw a lady she was crying while going and was laughing when she was coming back. Tillu says yes and says lets eat at our house and shouts please parcel our food. Saxena take that note with him.

Anu and Vibhuti in balcony arguing about things.

Tiwari and Vibhuti fighting in garden/strong>

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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