Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th May 2021 Written Episode Update : Tiwari learns Meena’s truth

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meena and Tiwari on street outside Tiwari’s house and Meena flirting with Tiwari. Tiwari gets call from Agrawal and start leaving. Meena holds him and says not to leave dont take load I’ll do nothing. Tiwari says many people just pick pocket and leave. Meena start flirting with him again and Tiwari run away.

Angoori watering plants and singing song Vibhu visits Angoori, Angoori asks vibhu when did you came and ask about the progress with Tiwari. Vibhu says to Angoori that there is no progress with Tiwari. Angoori taunts Vibhu regarding the progress with Tiwari. Vibhu says I’m sorry I cannot do anything. Angoori says it means you lost. Vibhu says Tiwari doesn’t know the rules of love game how can I play with him but TMT and Commissioner are in love with me. Angoori

says to Vibhu now I have to leave this house and go. Vibhu says to Angoori you should go for now I have yo save myself from TMT and Commissioner, I’m sorry I’m disappointed you.

TMT sitting together near tea stall and discussing what Meena said to them about Tiwari and discussing what is wrong with them. Tillu says to Teeka that we three diserve Meena but Tiwari want to take her from us. Malkan says to Tillu, Tiwari is a big player. Tillu says to Malkhan so should I pick her up. Malkan says then situation will go out of our hands. Gupta come and ask about which beautiful lady are you talking about. Teeka cries and asks Gupta are we three not allowed to love somebody. Gupta says everyone is allowed to love in this world. Malkhan says to Gupta then way aren’t we getting love. Gupta advised TMT if you’re not getting love then snatch it same rule goes with the jungle if you sre not getting what you want then snatch it.

Vibhu in his house sitting Helan bring tea and ask Vibhu ehat happen why are you so tensed. Vibhu says the debtors are troubling me for the money. David says then why need to worry so much. Vibhu says will you pay for me. Helan says you don’t have single penny. Vibhu says to Helan whenever I asked him for help he has always shown me his back. Helan ask David don’t you have control over your account. David says I have bonds in million but my wife has sealed all the accounts but one of my account is live. Vibhu asks how much you have in that account. David says 100rs you can take it. Masterji bring Happu Singh in Vibhu’s house and says this person took my money and sitting over here with no worries. Happu Singh asks Masterji to calm down and asks Vibhu to come to police station. Vibhu says I don’t have money. Masterji says I you can’t return me then why you took. Vibhu says at time I didn’t know I won’t be able to pay you back. Masterji and Vibhu start arguing to eachother. Happu Singh stops them and says I have to do things under the law and old people are also sitting here.
Helan starts shouting on Happu Singh. Happu Singh says sorry and make fun of her then points gun at Vibhu and asks him to come to police station. Vibhu snatch gun from him and threaten him. Happu Singh asks Helan and David to control him. He points gum at Happu Singh and run away. Masterji says go and catch him. Happu Singh asks him to shutup.

Angoori cooking food and singing. Vibhu visits Angoori covered himself Angoori says it will take 10 min more to cook food. Vibhu says its me your Vibhu. Angoori says the person who doesn’t help in bad time is not reliable. Vibhu says what are you talking after thinking a lot I came to conclusion that I should help you. Angoori says to Vibhu it means you are ready to become Meena once again, meanwhile Tiwari was listening everything. Angoori says then this is a challenge for you and says find out about the other women Tiwari was talking about. Vibhu says police is changing me so I’ll rome around disguised as Meena but there is an request for you don’t tell anyone about this. Tiwari listing to everything says to himself they are planning against me I’ll make there plan flop.

Meena walking on street commissioner sees her and start flirting with her. Meena says the place where I’m going old people are not allowed. Commissioner says people still call me young. Meena says they are laying to you and insults him. Commissioner hold Meena hand ans she ask him to leave. Meena tells him I’m man and commissioner gets shocked and tells him I’m Vibhuti. Commissioner gets disappointed. Commissioner says there is an arrest warrant for you. Vibhu says I have recorded everything if I’ll release this you will be in big trouble. Commissioner says you win from now on we both are quite.

Happu Singh and Masterji standing outside Vibhu’s house and discussing about Vibhu behaviour and says from the time Anu has gone from here this colony feel so depressing sometime I think of leaving my job. Masterji says I heard Anu is coming back. Happu Singh gets excited after hearing this. Masterji says I called you to catch Vibhu and insults Happu Singh. Meena visits Happu sing and Masterji and asks is this house of Vibhuti Narayn Mishra. Masterji gets annoyed and says this house is of fraud Vibhuti. Happu Singh says to Meena, Vibhu took money of his and ran away. Meena says dont worry you will get your money back I know him he is nice guy. Happu Singh says he will not meet you because he ran away. Meena shouts is someone there. David comes out shouting and sees Meena and ask who is she. David ask Meena to come inside. Meena says first read this letter written by Vibhu. David asks her to come in and close the door.

Pre cap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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