Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd February 2019 Written Episode Update : Bhalla and Chadda under arrest.

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd February 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Angoori and Tiwari dancing and spending quality time in bedroom, tiwari about to kiss hee, Vibhu puts his cheek forward, Tiwari kisses him, Angoori shouts and says what all is this, get lost you two, let me practice my dialogues. Hapu with broken leg and hand walks to Tilu and Malkan, and says im injured, Tilu asks whats wrong Hapu, hapu says show some respect, tilu says shut up you aren’t inspector anymore, hapu says dont worry my uniform will be back soon and then i shall telk you, tilu says we are kidding.

Malkan asks how did this happen, hapu says teeka is responsible for this he made me jump from first floor,malkan tells how he behaved with them, tilu says he did right,i mean we always gifted him alcohol so he will feel bad right.

Vibhu and tiwari talking about

how cheap bhalla is, and asks vibhu to do something, Vibhuti says i will and why wont you, vibhu gets a call, Prem asks where are you,vibhu tells him the situation, prem says you shouldn’t allow bhabhiji to work with him, he tricks women and then forces himself on them. vibhu says Tiwari if we want to save bhalla we have to do something.

vibhu anf Tiwari waiting for commissioner, commissioner arrives, vibhu asks do you have a twin brother, he says yes but a producer had adopted him,vibhu asks os he named Harry chadda, commissioner says yes.vibhu tells him whole scene and how bhalla is a threat. commissioner says i cant take action till i have proofs.

Tilu and Malkan meet teeka and hear him talk to AR Rahman, Gulfamkali says you again have some poor visitors, Teeka says throw them out, malkan says my friend,teeka says call me sir, malkan says we are friends but,teeka says we were, i mean im in touch with so many celebrities and then you, Tilu says you are insulting us but we got you your favourite brand,teeka says such cheap brand get lost. Daddy walks in and slaps Teeka and says dare you call me daddy, since you are in my life im facing losses im bankrupt,this office too is gonna be sealed get lost, and remove this blazer and my stuff.

tilu malkan look at teeka and start making fun of him, Gulfamkali calls tilu and Malkan and says let’s enjoy at my bar and leaves. saxena explaining scene to angoori,she says im very hungry, vibhu walks in and says im sorry im a little late, saxena scolds him, Angoori says im very hungry, vibhu hands her biscuits.

Chadda walks in and says shot is ready, where is bhalla, tiwari says he is caught red handed, Chadda asks Meaning, commissioner walks in, chadda happy to see him, commissioner scolds him for joining bhalla in his dirty deeds and he told you suggested the woman we caught him with red handed, chadda says you will arrest your brother, commissioner says duty first. angoori says film, tiwari and Vibhuti explain her how she got saved from a situation.angoori says but my dream, Tiwari says you are my heroine, vibhu insults tiwari both get in argument,saxena says chill none of you are hero material, tiwari slaps him.

.pre cap : amaji says tiwari and angoori have to romance in public on pandit Rampal advice.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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