Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th August 2019 Written Episode Update : Vibhutis childhood memories.

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 26th August 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu and Vibhu praises Angoori for dinner, Vibhu and Tiwari insist Anu on having sweet dish, Angoori says it took me 8-9 hours to make this halwa please have it, Anu says i will surely, Everyone loves it, Angoori says my mothers recipe, Vibhu remembers a past scene, Anu asks vibhu where he is lost and why is he in tears,Vibhu says childhood memories.

Anu lost in thoughts,Vibhu gets her coffee, Anu says im tried vibhu now, your unemployment what of someday we separate how will you survive and we will have to if you continue this way and tiwaris friend mital has job talk to him, Tiwari walks in and says theres good news, Vibhu got job, Anu gets very happy, Tiwari says he doesn’t look happy, Anu says vibhu this is last chance if you dont take this opportunity im going America, Vibhu says i accept. Tiwari reads out conditions, Anu keeps agreeing to conditions, Vibhu has to travel Meerut for Job. Vibhu surprised.

Vibhu says these conditions are absurd, but still i accept conditions, Anu says im so happy. An old man walks to Angoori, he asks her for water Angoori gives him and asks who are you, He says i was Jumhru ustaad i use to sing and dance from one place to other, jimmy use to accompany me, but one day his parents took him away, he wasnt my kid i found him in garbage, he used to love eat halwa and let me sing you his favourite song, Vibhu hears it and walks out and joins him sing song, jhumru asks how you know this song, Vibhu says i know this song all over my heart, jhumru says my jimmy use to sing this song,vibhu says im your Jimmy uncle, jimmy sings a song to test if he is really Jimmy,vibhu complete the song.Anu surprised.

Boys thinking how to pay rent and manage food and start looking for job, they hear Prem talking on call, prem on call with famous director,boys hear it and decide to talk to Prem. Boys rush to Prem, and ask for help, Prem asks why should I, boys say we are in great difficulty.

Tiwari walks to Angoori and asks did Tilu call,she says no, Tiwari says i asked him to get coat dry cleaned.

Pre cap : Vibhuti tears the appointment letter and says I am a street dancer.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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