Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Tiwari Act Lands him in Trouble

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Angoori tells Vibhu that she has already seen that he’s really down to earth. Vibhu agrees with her. The beggar hugs Vibhu and asks him for food. Vibhu stares at him in anger and goes to bring him food. Vibhu comes back and starts feeding him. Angoori gets emotional and gets impressed by Vibhu. Angoori leaves her balcony. Beggar asks Vibhu to feed him. Vibhu grabs his necks tells him to place the plate on the stairs after he’s done eating.

Anu and Tiwari are walking in the morning. A stranger accidentally bumps into a Anu. Tiwari starts yelling at him and calls him a lesser status person. The stranger asks if he’s judging him on his clothes? Tiwari again yells at him and tells him to get lost.

class="p1">The beggar rings Vibhu’s doorbell and Vibhu opens the door. The beggar tells Vibhu that he’s here to black mail him. Vibhu says that he’s too smart for that. Beggar says that he will do it. Angoori shows up and Vibhu hugs the beggar. Angoori again gets impressed and leaves them. Vibhu slaps the beggar and orders him to leave. The beggar says that he has a desire. Vibhu asks what? He tells him to he wants to get fed from Angoori’s hands. Vibhu slaps him. He tells him that he’s have status for that. The beggar tells Vibhu that he will help him. Vibhu asks what if he doesn’t do that? Beggar says that he will expose him in front of Tiwari. Vibhu agrees with him.

Tiwari opens his front door, and the same person whom he disrespected is standing in front of him. Tiwari asks him about his identity. He tells Tiwari that he wants him to apologise. Tiwari again disrespects him. He shows his identity card which reads that he’s an income tax commissioner. Tiwari gets terrified and says that he wasn’t aware, and he was also wearing casual clothes that’s why. Officer tells Tiwari to stop being in egotistical person, he can get his wealth off him in seconds. Anu shows up and asks Tiwari that what is he doing and why is the same stranger standing with him? Tiwari says that he’s here to apologise him. Officer asks Tiwari that why is he lying in front of her? He tells Tiwari to apologise and touch his feet. Tiwari says that he cant do that in front of her. Anu asks Tiwari that why is he crying? Tiwari denies. The officer demands Tiwari that he wants to have a coffee with Anu. Tiwari gets shocked. The officer says that or else he will raid his house.

Tiwari, Vibhu and David are having drinks together. David starts crying. Vibhu asks him what happened? David tells them that his wife showed up in his dream and ordered to that all of his properties are hers and he got emotional. Tiwari cracks a joke and starts laughing with Tiwari.

Angoori is reading poetries in her kitchen. Vibhu shows up and greets her. Angoori says that she was expecting him. She tells that she wanted to tell him poetry because he’s really down to earth, and might relate to it. Vibhu says that he’s liked the poetry. Angoori asks Vibhu that why is he wearing a  shawl? Vibhu says that his arms have gone numb, and suffering from some nervous unconscious. Angoori feels pity. Vibhu tells her that beggars friend always desired to get fed from his hand, but now he cannot do that. He requests Angoori if she can feed him with her friends, cause he will be more than elated. Angoori agrees with him and gets emotional.

PreCap: None
Update Credit to: Tanaya


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