Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 28th October 2019 Written Episode Update : Prem commits suicide.

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 28th October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu calls Vibhu,Vibhu says baby its Prem i will be back,Prem says Vibhu i helped you everytime in college days, Vibhu says so did I, Prem says you took away my crush,Vibhu sags she came to me i didnt, Anu walks to Vibhu and asks whats wrong, and says Prem go home your wife must be waiting too. Anu says i hate this friend of yours, Vibhu says enough he is my best friend, Anu says oh best friend he keeps insulting you that is fine, Vibhu says he is my friend i love spending time with him and enjoy his company, Anu says thats called cheapness bot humor.

Anu says Vibhu i dont understand you,you like being insulted, Vibhu says whatever he is my best friend i like him,Anu asks he took my 1 lac for chit funf havent returned it yet,Vibhu says dont worry he will return it.

Angoori watering

plants, Vibhu walks to her, Tiwari asks Vibhu where is Prem,Vibhu asks why do you want him, Tiwari says he took 1 lac in name of chit fund. Hapu walks to them, Tiwari asks did you see Prem,Hapu says i came to talk about him, Prem is dead he committed suicide,hers his bracelet. Vibhu gets emotional. Tiwari starts crying for his money. Vibhu hugs Hapu and starts crying and faints.

Anu with Vibhu, Anu says Vibhu i understand your situation byt,Vibhu its you why he is dead you spoke ill about it, Anu says cmon i didnt mean what i meant last night i am hurt too. Vibhu says leave me alone, and says how could you leave me alone Vibhu.

Angoori tells Tiwari that he is putting on and he should look after his weight,Tiwari says i will manage and leaves. Angoori in kitchen,Prem jumps in, Angoori says you were dead, Prem says it was an act, i did it to save my life,some people are behind me to kill me, please give me shelter for sake of Tiwari. Angoori agrees. Tiwari walks in, Angoori shows prem place to hide, Tiwari asks who was it, Angoori makes excuses, and says i was on phone with Bhuri. Tiwari says okay and leave.

Vibhu has high fever, Anu says do something Gupta. Vibhu keeps talking in sleep says im coming Prem. Gupta says i never knew these two loved eachother so much,just likw romeo Juliet,Anu says treat him stop nonsense. Gupta says he is missing his friend and is in pain,its dangerous,Anu says any treatment. Gupta opens his book and says let me check, and says theres no treatment in medical science,keep him in positive environment let him cry and let him vent out,Anu says i will manage prayer meet for Prem.

Boys at tea stall,Teeka says i wonder at times what life would be without you,Tilu says same here i would succeed,Teeka says what nonsense, Tilu say i meant that success would not be fun without you two.
Master walks to them, Teeka tells him what they were discussing,Tilu says we are swearing that we will never separate,Master says good thought.Boys swear on fire that they will never separate

Pre cap : Prems prayer meet, everyone share their thoughts on Prem.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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