Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 3rd March 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
The episode starts with,vibhuti dancing to a hindi song running towards anguri and anguri also runs towards him and feeds him samosa while this is a dream and anu comes and wakes him up seeing him dream and vibhuti gets scared and wakes up and says that she broke his dreams and anu says she knows wat he was dreaming and vibhuti asks her wat she says ttat he must be dreaming about our candle light dinner where I m feeding u food and vibhuti says ya u r rit this was the only dream and then anu asks him to get up and go bring milk then vibhuti says tat y will he bring ask bahadur to bring but anu says tat bahadur has went to his sisters engagement vibhuti says tat he will not bring milk and then anu says ok she will bring milk and u will have to wash the utencils in kitchen and vibhuti says tat he will bring milk and goes out wen he reaches his gate he sees anguri doing pooja of tulsi and singing song he goes near her gate and says tat she sings realy well anguri says really she sings so nice
Vibhuti then says tat he was just passing by and he heard someone singing and found u like singing in mountains anguri says do u see ur surrounding as mountains vibhuti then says tat no but and asks has she been to any mountain and then says tat she should some day visit mountains and asks tat she daily does this singing and anguri says tat every morning she comes at 7 am and vibhuti in his minds say tat now everyday at this time he will come to bring milk and then anguri says to him tat I want to tell u tat uptill now only u have praised her so much and says in her English tat he is the first personal aunty to like her wise vibhuti then says oh its personality and anguri says rit and then a man throws a newspaper which hits vibhuti he shouts at the man and says to anguri tat here is ur news paper and anguri takes it and her alarm also rings and then she says to vibhuti tat its her time to give her husband break fast and she goes inside and vibhutii says may
Then there comes laddu and sees vibhuti standing and asks him uncle wat do u want and vibhuti says tat wat he wants he cant get and then laddu says tat who r u and vibhuti asks him who r u and he tells his name as laddu and vibhuti says then go in sweet shop wat r u doing here and comes anguri calling ladu and says to him my baby who will have breakfast so early morning ur riding bicycle vibhuti is seeing all this and in his mind says tat he didn’t knew tat they had a kid and laddu replies that sheis his bhabi ma and vibhuti gets happy and anguri comes near him and tells tat she forgot to intodhuct him and vibhuti corrects her u mean introduction and anguri say u caught it right and anguri says tat this is my sweet littile brother in law and says to laddu tat he is brother pointing to vibhuti he gets shocked and anguri says tat ladu he is ur brother and vibhuti in his mind says that he just got scared whileladu asks him y he got scared then vibhuti asks him how did he hear tat and ladu says tat u talk so loudly in ur mind than I will hear na and then anguri tells vibhuti tat ladu is blessed with a power as he can read minds and then vibhuti in his mind says tat he has to be aware of this boy and then ladu says tat u r thinking right and anguri asks wat are u thinking and vibhuti says he was thinking about bringing milk and then lets ladu in and anguri ladu goes inside and vibhuti goes searchin for the newspaper boy
Manmohan is seen snoring there comes anguri with a cup of tea and tries to wake him up by making noise of her bangles manmohan wakes up wears his specs anguri wishes him good morning manmohan tries to be romantic and says tat she looks beautiful and asks her to sit beside him and anguri says no as she has to cal her mother and leaves while manmohan says tat he at times doubt that is ammaji his mother or her mother
Ammaji is seen receiving a phone call from anguri where anguri greets her with Namaste and amaji blesse her and anguri then tells her tat she just gave tea to her husband and breakfast to ladu while amaji tells tat ladt night she had a dream and in her dreams came dadiya sasur(father in law)and anguri asks wat did he said amaji tells he will come soon and anguri asks when and amaji tells tat he said soon as anguris kid and then manmohan calls anguri and anguri hung up the phone while amaji says he just keeps calling her I m waiting from last 10 years to be a grandmother god knows when tat day will come
Anguri asks manmohan wats the matter and manmohan tells tat there is no water in bathroom and anguri says tat she forgot to tell tat the municipality man came and told tat the pipe has burst and there will be no water for two days and manmohan says tat now where will he get ready and anguri suggests to go to their neigbhour pandit have bath there while manmohan in his mind decides to go to bhabiji(anus house)house and ladu hears this and says tat bhabi has told to go to panditjis house and manohan says tat he should see how their new neighbours are and then ladu says tat he knows all wat he is trying to think and manmohan asks him to leave and he then goes to anus house
Anu is talking to her mother in law saying tat she will feed badam to his son and her mother in law asks him to make her son wear sweaters and mufflers and anu says tat the temperature is 35 degree and mother in law the dorr bell rangs and anu hung up the phone saying someone is at the door and mother in law says she just give reasons and not listen to me
Comes in manmohan and tells anu tat there is no water in their bathroom and can he use their s and anu says sure u can as u have helped us so much and then she asks him to use the bathroom downstairs while manmohan asks is there english toilet anu says no and manmohan says tat he requires English toilet as he enjoys it and says tat may be the bathroom at upstair has English toilet and anu says yes how did u know manmohan says tat the neighbours before u wer also same like u kind and helpful and then anu then asks him to please use it while manmohan praises her and says tat she is a lucky woman and vibhuti is lucky to have her and goes to bathroom then there somes vibhuti and calls anita tat he has brought milk and runs to the bathroom upstairs for loo and screams as he sees manmohan there comes out and says to manmohan tat cant he lock the doors and manmohan says tat he in his house never locks the doors and vibhuti comes down and asks anu tat wat is tiwari doing here and then she tells tat there is not water in there bathroom so he is here and vibhuti says tat he is sitting in Indian style on the English toilet anu laughs at it and vibhuti asks tat y didn’t she sent him in the downstairs bathroom anu says tat he wanted English toilet so he went up and then vibhuti says that she knows every morning he gets pressure and anu says to have patiesnce while vibhuti calls tiwari ji and says tat he is in pressure while tiwari says tat yes a man is always in pressure the daily need prices are rising
Vibhuti says tat he need to use toilet while manohan tiwari asks him to go use another bathroom and comes anita there she tells tat she got a call from contractor tat he will take two days to start the work she will cut his fees as she will have to sit in house for two days and vibhuti says ok while after hearing this manmohan gets happy tat two day anu ji will be at home only and she goes to cal him and inform vibhuti then asks manmohan to come out soon and manmohan says 2 min and vibhuti says wat ru doing r u cooking magi inside saying two min pkease come out soon and manmohan shouts from inside and vibhuti asks him wat happen and manmohan shouts again and vibhuti goes inside to see wat happen comes out and takes some help with him inside
Anita comes near bathroom calling for vibhuti and hears from bathroom vibhutis voice saying to manmohan to pick up his legs and keep it onhis shoulders and then asks him to keep hands on shoulders and anu is shocked to hear this she then says tat she just cant believe this and so vibhuti doesnot love her and comes outside vibhuti holding manmohan wrapped up in the towel anu gets very angry on vibhuti and looking both of them together she shouts tat its all over and faints and then vibhuti manages too wake her up and explains tat theres nothing like she is thinking as manmohan fell on bathroom he just helped him and anita says thank god and then she asks manmohan is he ok and manohan says tat he heard the sound of his bone break he needs to see a doctor and anita calls doctor
Doctor checks manmohan and says tat u r allright but manmohan says tat he is checking at wrong side and asks anita and vibhuti to go out and tells doctor tat he is fine his heart is injured and asks the doctor to tell everyone that there is a hair line fracture in his back doctor asks y but manmohan says tat its none of his business and asks his fees doctor tells 1000 re manmohan asks r u graduated from some top university tat u take so much fee and doctor tells tat his fees is 50 rs remaining is for telling lie and doctor says is it ok to take 2000 and manmohan asks the doctor to shut up
Vibhuti goes to manmohans house rangs the bell and he gets a current shock and anguri opens the door and vibhuti asks her to repair the bell as it gives shock anguri then tells tat there is a buffalo who comes and breaks their bell daily so she has put tat current in that bell and vibhuti then tells tat he came to tell that manmohan fell in bathroom and has a fracture anguri runs to wards vibhutis house and asks manmohan tat is he ok and doctor tells tat he has a hair line fracture in his back and anguri starts crying while manmohan asks doctor tat he wont be able to move for two days and doctor says yes and he has to drink haldi milk and doctor says yes .
PRECAP:-anguri is stoping ladu and she dashes a man and vibhuti comes in style and slap the man for his mistake later the man swears on god tat he will take revenge of this slap.
Update Credit to: Tanaya