Fan Fiction

bhabi plz give ur sister hand (Part 39)

Hii, thanks for your response and wishes. Ya my exams went awsm. Did you missed me ,no na but I miss you all ….
Part 38

This part is specially for teju and shreeyu. If you both not asked ne na about it then I planned to post after 1 Oct., only due to you guys I am posting it today.
I have good news as well as bad news , I have many concept but problem is time as well as I don’t able to think suitable tittle for those stories. Totally I have 3 ff/ss concept and two os concept but all have same problem no title. Ya one more news first time I will going write os on other couple rather than swasan. Whenever I will get time +tittle then I will write an os for that couple.
For other stories you already know who will be couple. They are none other my cutipie swasan.
Now enough of funny drama, ready for receiving some shock.
Alsk Now enough of my bak bak coming back to story.

@ night
As usual niaksh is busy in eating chocolate while all silently eating their dinner.
Niaksh: mom, today I will sleep with you and dad.
Listening niaksh talks, raglak started to cough.
Raglak; what?
Both emotionally sees toward each other.
Niaksh; ya mom, today I will sleep with you both.
Laksh: but baby, how we trio adjust on same bed.
Niaksh: haww, I didn’t thought about it.
Both take breath sigh of
But soon their happiness faded
Kaira: but jiju, what is problem? Niaksh can sleep between both of you. I mean you both sleep beside him.
Adi; miss duck, first time you said something right.
Niaksh; yipee now I will sleep with my mom and dad.
He started to run happily.
Meanwhile raglak giving deathly glare to adira.
Adi understand them, he give ‘what’ look.
Kaira: shona, why your di and jiju seeing me so lovingly.
Adi: ( go close to her and wishper) they are highly impress by your idea.
Kaira: are you shona?, no na then keep your mouth shut.
Swara tried to avoid topic by passing her foods.
Swara: kayu, leave it na. Complete your meal , I have share many things with you.
Ragini: ha make her eat, can’t you shut your mouth for sometimes.
Swara: di, leave na
Ragini: ( she ignore swara’s pleading) like your dad you have habit of poking nose in someone matter.
Kaira; but di, I was only…
Ragini: what you, listen you are guest don’t dare to act as family member.
Kaira’s eyes brimmed with tears.
Ragini: now stop your useless tears.
She immediately wipes her tear and leave from there without completing her meal. Swara tried to stop her but ragini angrily make her sit.
Laksh; ragini, behave properly. She doesn’t know about our problem that’s why she said that.
Ragini: oh, so this is also my fault na she doesn’t know anything. I should tell her kaira pls don’t think about me and him. We have fight so kindly don’t interfere in our matter.
Laksh: I didn’t mean that.
Ragini; I understand , what you mean.
Laksh: again, you are taking me wrong.
Ragini; ya, you are always right and as usual I am wrong.( she shouted)
Sanskar; bhabhi, bhai didn’t mean that….
Ragini; ( cut him) how many times I warned you don’t call me bhabhi. I don’t have any relation with you. And ha this is husband-wife personal matter don’t speak between it.
Sanskar; kk then ragini,I am sry ragini, but if this is only between both of you then go and fight inside your room.
Ragini; if you have so much problem then why you are here?
Sanskar; Ragini, I know I was wrong but now I understood my mistake.
Ragini : ya I know how much you understood….( she sacristry laughed)
Laksh: Ragini, now you are crossing your limit. You can’t talk like this to him. He is my brother, he has all right to say anything and what did you say husband-wife.
He smiles sadly, I think you are forgetting something, before he could say anything niaksh come there. All composes themselves.
Niaksh; mom -dad, why are you are standing.

Both immediately seated at their respective places.
Niaksh: Masi, come with me I have shift all my belonging to mom dada room. Frnd you also come..
Ragini: baby, go and sleep with Masi.
He nodded in big no
Ragini; I will give you many chocolate.
He turn toward adi, he signal him say no
Niaksh; nope, I only want to sleep with you both.
Without listening her further, he held swara and sanskar finger.
Niaksh: come fast, I don’t have much time.
Swara doesn’t want to make Ragini sad, so she denied him but niaksh is niaksh only.
Niaksh; Masi, plz come na.
He said her offering chocolates to her.
Swara: champ, I am very tired.
Ragini; swara, help him.
Swara: but di, I mean vo..
Ragini: adi is also coming with you all. Adi go and help them.
Unwillingly adi leave with swasan and niaksh.
Raglak also went from there.
Adi’s room
Adi is silently sitting on bed thinking about Ragini’s behaviour toward kaira.
Adi: ( monologue) why she said kaira has habit like her dad. Is any problem between kaira and her dad. Should I ask swara about it. But how can I ?, I mean if she misunderstood me then.
Sanskar: swara, what happen to him. Why he is so silent.
Swara: how did I know? May be he is tired that’s y he is silent.
Sanskar; no I think he is in some problem. See na today he is not teasing niaksh also.
Swara: yup, you’re right. We should make his mood alright. I can’t see him sad.
He sees toward her
Swara; I mean he is my best frnd, how can I see him sad.
Sanskar;( smile) kk then be ready
He called niaksh and signal him something.
Niaksh move toward adi.
He bend down and tied his lace.
Niaksh: devil, come with me.

ADI’s trances broken by niaksh.
Adi: little devil, I didn’t want to play.
Niaksh: devil , come na plz
Adi: plz na…
Swara: adi, what happen ?
Adi: nothing shona, I am just thinking about kaira.
Swara; ( she hit her forehead) omg how I forget about her, I should check once.
Adi ; no shona, you help him. I am going to see her, if she is alright or not.
She nodded in yes.
Adi stood up going with niaksh but he immediately fall on carpet. all started to laugh , he glared them niaksh ran away from there with his videos games.
Adi: niaksh, stop there I will show you hell.
Niaksh: devil, this all was Masi and frnd idea.( niaksh shouted)
Adi turned toward swasan both are pretending to do work.
Adi: you both duffers, help me first.
Sanskar: aditya, first promise us you will not even touch us.
Adi; I will not touch you , without touching you I will show hell.
Swara: sanskar, no need to help him. Come with me we have many work.
Sanskar; yes, leave him like this only.
Adi: shona, I will kill you and your sanskar.
Swara: first stood up then kill us.
Without anyones notice she took something from maze.
Swara: sanskar come fast
Both leave from there.
Adi tried to stand but every time he fall on floor due to slippery tiles.( don’t worry floor is very soft it will not hurt him)
Kaira was passing from there.
She entered there and give her hand to him.
Wthout thinkling he hold her hand, he almost stand up but due to mattress both fall.
Adi: can’t you stand properly, see only due to you I again fall.
She open her mouth to say something.
Adi; don’t speak, I am in no mood of hearing your voice. You are so heavy…
Kaira; ( cut him) what you say? I am heavy now I will show you how much I heavy( she tried to stand , she again fall over him accidentally their lips touch each other. Both sees each other awkwardly, finally they stood up.
Adi: I have some work.
He leave from there, she touches her lip and smile little.
Niaksh was sitting on bed.
At same time raglak enter there. Both started to avoid each other.
Niaksh; dad, do you tell me story today. Mom you know when you’re not here na he daily used to tell stories. Dad , today na you will tell story to mom also. We both will sleep only after listening your story.
Laksh nodded in yes
Niaksh; hai na mom
Ragini; you sleep , I have some work.
Niaksh: dad, say na mom to come fast I want to listen story na.
Laksh: ragini, you sleep right side and I will left.
She hesitantly lie beside niaksh.
Niaksh: dad, you also come.
Laksh; I am coming after completing some work.
Ragini: laksh , stop your work and come here. We don’t wanna listen anything.
Niaksh; yes…
Laksh; okay, my lord. I am coming.
Trio are lying beside each other, raglak are caressing niaksh hair. Accidentally again and again both hands touched each other, this is sending shiver to them.
Niaksh; ( he held their hand)mom, now we will never go back na.
Laksh; never( he kiss his forehead), I will never let you separate from me.
Niaksh; yipee, now I have also happy family.
Raglak emotionally looks toward each other.
Laksh started to tell him story, after sometime he slept. Again silent took place there.
Both are silent but their eyes are asking so many questions.
Laksh came in sense remembering Ragini’s uncomfortableness face before coming on bed.
Laksh; ragini, niaksh is slept now I am going on couch. You can comfortably sleep here.
She nodded in yes, he tried to stand but niaksh tightly holding their hand.
Ragini; laksh, it’s kk. I don’t have problem.
Laksh : are you sure?
Ragini; ya, I am
Laksh; hmm
Like after decade, raglak able to sleep peacefully holding each other hands.

swara’s room
Both are sitting with each other support.
Sanskar: Swara
Swara; hmm
Sanskar: do you remember how bhabhi used to fight for me.
Swara: ya, and jiju always used to point out your mistake but di always covered your mistake.
Sanskar; hmm , you used to jealous by my and bhabhi bonding.
Swara: not only I , yours condition was also same. Whenever jiju used to covered my mistake you knowingly point out my deeds in front of di.
Sanskar; I love to tease you. Whenever you are angry na you look more pretty. That’s y I used to make you angry.
Swara: ya I know, but you know kidnapper I never became angry only I used to pretend.
Sanky; why it so?
Swara: because I like your attention. Only to seek your attention I used to pretend angry.
Both turned toward each other.
Sanky: ya, you are attention seeker.
Swara: oh don’t act like you didn’t used to fake anger whenever I compare you with watchman.
Sanky; I really used to become angry kk. How can you used to say he is more handsome than me.
Swara: ya, I know how much. You lier
Sanskar; ya I admit I also used to fake angriness. Because I like the way you used to make me happy.
Her face turned red.
Sanskar; what happen did you remember anything?
Swara: no, I think now you should go.
She stood up , give her hand to him to stand.
He gently hold her hand and stood up.
Both passionately seeing each other with so much love in their eyes, unknowingly both started to come closer. He sees toward her lips then her eyes to seek her permission. She closes her eyes giving him permission.
Without wasting even single second, he keep his lips on her soft lips. Both forgetting their problem started to kiss each other wildly like they are waiting for taste each other lips from many births. Both are fully lost in their kiss, they broke their kiss nearly after 10 min due to lack of air.
He tightly hug her, kiss on her hair.
She respond his hug.
Sanky: I really miss you, not even for one second I had forgotten you.
Swara; no, I miss you more. You know when I came from coma I search you in whole house. But you’re no where that night I cried very much but you didn’t come to take me in your embrace.
Sanskar; I didn’t knew about. But why you note wake early.
Swara: that time I had lost my courage but you know why I open my eyes.
He nodded in no.
Swara: I saw your face, you’re trying to kill your self. Only to stop you I open my eyes.
Sanky; vo na princess, once I tried to do suicide but thinking about you I can’t able to give my life.
Swara; me
Sanskar; hmm, you. When I put knife on my nerve then your teary face came in front of me like you’re crying due to me.
Swara; then
Sanskar: then you slap me and throw knife from my hand. You really became angry from me. It really hit me hard.
Swara: ha toh, how can you try gave up your life. You know na your life is not only yours but mine also.
Sanky: that’s y I didn’t die na but see na only due to our love you also wake up.
Swara: ya only due to my dream I awake.
Sanskar; now I will not let even touch single scratch on your body. Before anything happen to you na I will come there to save you. Without Swara there is no reason of Sanskar existence. If I am body then you’re my soul.
Precap; adi slap ????( guess guys) , 10 days leap…
Did you like swasan conversation, what about their cosmic connection?
Bye, take care and love you all….


If my mind can convince.... If my heart can believe it... Then I can ahceive it...

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