Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 11th March 2022 Written Episode Update: Rishi tries to express his feelings to Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 11th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sonia and Malishka meet when they both exclaim, they have done the job since both the numbers are blocked, Malishka asks for the chats of Lakshmi since she has to read them but Malishka replies she will not as they are bad manners however Sonia informs she should listen since Bhai deletes the messages however Lakshmi doesnot have anyone in his life whose messages she should delete, she leaves advising Malishka to read them.

Malishka is walking when Balvinder and Babloo come into the hall, they are walking slowly and even hide in an attempt to make sure that Malishka doesnot see them both, she thinks she never wanted to see the messages but now feels as if she should, she is about to read what did her Chachi sent her, but then Balvinder accidentally drops the vase, Malishka gets worried, so

she tries to look.
Sonia puts down the phone in Rishi’s room, but she hears him coming so hides behind the cupboard, she thinks she will be caught, she tries to leave but then is about to tip over, Rishi questions what is she doing here when she asks if she cannot come to his room, she reveals she came to ask him for dinner.

Rishi receives a call from Aayush who requests Rishi to send the second number of Juneja since he is not answering the call because of the wedding, they need the quotation so he has to call him, Rishi asks how important is it asking if he doesnot send it then they will face a loss, Aayush just replies that it will get late, Rishi says he would not do any work and Aayush should take care of it, Rishi reveals he cannot understand what is going on in his life, Aayush questions when Rishi explains that Lakshmi is in the house as Malishka invited her to dinner since she desires to thank her, Rishi reveals she cannot understand his feelings as they should not come to him, Aayush replies that he gets really tensed since Rishi has so many feelings in a single time, Rishi once again reveals that when he woke up, he saw Lakshmi in his room.

Lakshmi comes back to the hall, she is shocked to see Neha who questions why is she looking at her like this since she was also invited, Lakshmi searches for her phone but instead finds that of Sonia, they think of going to take it from Sonia, Neha also exclaims she will go with her as she can help her, Shalu and Bani disagree but Lakshmi asks her to come.

Aayush is talking with Rishi asking if Lakshmi came in the morning but Rishi replies that Aayush doesnot listen to him, he replies he thought it was Lakshmi but it was Malishka, Aayush exclaims he was imagining her, Rishi reveals he desired her to call him since he got shot in front of her even then she did not do anything, he asks Aayush to not smile, when Aayush questions if he is here but Rishi reveals he knows Aayush really well, he says that he has a suggestion for him and it is that no one can help him, Rishi reveals this is separation but Aayush once again says he has a suggestion for him.

Malishka is going to pick the vase when Sonia calls her from behind asking about the phone since Lakshmi is looking for it, Malishka turns but she tips causing the mobile to fall, Balvinder then deletes the text message, Malishka leaves with Sonia.

Aayush informs that Rishi has these feelings for Lakshmi and feels something whatever she is near him, he suggests Rishi should go and tell this all to Lakshmi however Rishi says that he cannot talk with her, Aayush suggests that he should go and tell Lakshmi this, Rishi agrees.

Lakshmi is walking with Neha when they bump into Sonia and Malishka, Sonia says that she feels her mobile got changed with one of her sisters, Lakshmi reveals it is her mobile, Malishka and Sonia leave asking her to come as the dinner would be ready, Neha is looking at her mobile thinking how would she get it, but then Lakshmi questions why is Neha looking at her like this, they are about to leave when Rishi calls her from behind, he informs he wants to talk with her, Neha is standing there but Rishi says he wants to talk with her alone, Neha leaves asking for the mobile of Lakshmi since she wants to call mom, Neha calls her revealing that she is calling from the mobile of Lakshmi because there is no text message in it and she should see who she sent it to, Neha goes to Lakshmi handing her the mobile, she reveals that mom has called her so she needs to leave, she apologizes to Rishi, who questions who invited her when Lakshmi explains that she thought he invited her sisters, he exclaims then she is self invited.

Neha goes to the hall where she is about to leave, Malishka and Sonia try to stop her saying the food is ready but she exclaims she has to leave, she however is tempted to see the food and then explains that she have such a delicious food, Balvinder at the same moment asks Babloo to turn off the switch, everyone gets worried wondering how did the lights go off, Malishka asks them to turn on the lights, Balvinder quickly covers Shalu in the dark. Lakshmi tries to leave to check, Rishi stops her saying that this light is sufficient to say what he desires, she insists when he explain that it is simple, he is confused so explains rather it is not that simple and he asks if she recalls the card at the bank. Lakshmi questions if it was the one which he was about to give Malishka, they both see Sonia and Malishka coming, Rishi pushes Lakshmi into the room, he is holding her hand when she gets nervous, he apologizes for bringing her like this, revealing she would know how confused he is as he knows that the timing is necessary in order to crack a deal, he says if the client doesnot want to take his deal then will not accept it, he asks if she is understanding when Lakshmi explains things went over her head. She requests him to reveal it in an easy way as there is nothing to be worried about, he says that he knows she might be thinking he is getting disorientated since he first saw her in the ICU but then realized she did not come to meet him, Lakshmi replies he was not mistaken since she actually came to the ICU. He thought about it in the starting but then after a while realized she doesnot care for him, Lakshmi this is what she thought as well that she doesnot care for him, Rishi asks if she said anything when she gets nervous.

Precap: Rishi tells Lakshmi, I don’t know what I am feeling. After the bullet hit me, I felt that… She looks at him. Sonia tells Malishka that Lakshmi must have turned off the lights. Malishka asks why she would do that? Sonia says, there can be many reasons. She must have made an excuse, came there, and turned off the lights. I am sure that she must be with Rishi right now. Rishi holds Lakshmi’s dupatta’s pallu and is about to go down on his knee. Dadi and Karishma see that. Later, Bani informs Lakshmi that Shalu is no where to be found.

Update Credit to: Sona

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