Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 13th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Rishi and Lakshmi blame eachother for the kidnapping

Bhagya Lakshmi 13th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Malishka tells Anoushka that the court hearing is coming near so she is sure that Lakshmi might have gotten worried that Rishi will get the custody of Paru which is why she took the money and left while she did not return, Malishka says she is sure that Paru would be with someone close to her while after some time she would run away and never come back, Anoushka asks if she is sure, Malishka replies that she is certain of it, Aanchal comes telling Neelam that Rishi is about to return, Neelam turns to furiously look at Lakshmi who is emotional when Aanchal asks if something has happened but Neelam furiously walks away so they all follow her, Malishka is smiling. Aayush presses the car horn when Rishi wonders why is everyone coming outside like his and wonders what has happened, Aayush says it feels

there is something to be tensed about, Rishi asks his mom what has happened when Neelam replies she is also trying to find out the same thing as how is it possible that they get unconscious at another place while wakes up outside their house, and they find a phone in the locked car while even the location changes and they are not able to bring back the person whom they left to get, Rishi says he is not able to understand what she is saying, Neelam replies Inspector Vijesh was right to suspect someone is involved in the kidnapping but she feels it is Lakshmi, Neelam wonders why did she not think of it before and Lakshmi is capable of doing it so is behind it, Rishi kneels mentioning his mother is wrong to think like this about Lakshmi as she would never do anything of the sort, Neelam asks if Rishi thinks he is not a suitable father and the court would not grant him the custody of the children, Rishi replies he is sure he would get the custody, Karishma says it is exactly what they meant, Neelam says this is why Lakshmi got Paru kidnapped as what would happen of the court case without the child while Lakshmi will even disappear after a few days, Rishi mentions mom is thinking wrong about Lakshmi but Neelam says that she is right to suspect that Lakshmi has Paru and Rishi must tell her how is it possible that they get unconscious at one place while wake up outside their house and how did she find the phone inside a locked car, it is not possible as Lakshmi made the entire story when Rishi replies he still believes they are making this story, Aanchal however tells Rishi that Lakshmi has played this game and she is very clever, Karishma replies that just like always he is trusting Lakshmi but Rishi replies they all are mistaken to blame Lakshmi when she cannot do anything of the sort, Neelam furiously turns Rishi saying he is mistaken and Lakshmi is the one who has Paru with her. Rishi angrily heads back into the Oberoi Mansion.

Malishka wonders why has Rohan not come out of his room when she called him, Rohan comes to hand the phone to his mom when Malishka says that she has told Rohan to not use the phone so much when Malishka asks Rishi to give the phone back to lakshmi as she handed it to him to play. Rishi takes the phone from Rohan asking him to sit as his fever has still not gone away, Malishka replies she gave him the medicine so Rishi asks him to go and rest, Rohan asks when will Paru return back home when he is missing her, Rishi promises to Rohan that he would surely bring back his sister. Malishka remembers when she saw Rohan playing the game on the phone and she sat by his side asking whose phone is it so Rohan told it is of lakshmi maa when Malishka asked him to go and wash his face as it is dirty but he replied he washed it in the morning when she sent him away to the washroom, Malishka then called Balvinder asking him to send a text to the phone of Lakshmi, he asked what should he write when she then he asked if he should write I love you but Malishka told him to say that Lakshmi must bring the money to the Manson while Paru is safe and just playing outside. Malishka asked Rishi to call her mobile number when Rishi asked Malishka to do it herself but she said that if she sees the message then would surely read it and so Rishi reads the message, Malishka asks what has happened when Rishi sends Rohan to his room and leaves furiously, Malishka thinks she cannot understand what happens to the trust that is between each other when all she had to do was make him suspect her. Rishi is stopped by Neelam who says that she wants to talk with him, Vijesh also tells Rishi must stay here as the kidnappers might call them again. Malishka thinks she has to do it very quickly, she realizes she must go and instigate Lakshmi against Rishi.

Lakshmi is crying when Shalu tries to console her but Lakshmi says she was not able to do anything, Shalu requests her to calm down as she tried but Lakshmi replies it was not of any use as she could not bring her back, Shalu replies her sister has not done anything wrong so they would try it again and surely bring back Paru, Shalu advises they have to remain strong for Paru and try to find another way, Shalu requests her sister to look at her as it is not the time to egt emotional, Lakshmi says she is feeling very restless for Paru, Sahlu replies they have to become strong for her, she asks Lalkshmi di to come and talk with the Isnpeector sir, Malishka thinks no one can help her noww as it is the final attack of Malishka from which no one can save her, Lakshmi agrees that they cannot lose hope and she cannot be weak so exclaims they must talk with the Inspector, Lakshmi and Shalu get up when they hear Malishka talking on the phone, Lakshmi tells Shalu that it is the voice of Malishka and they are talking secretly, Malishka says that they should take care of Paru, Malishka walks away while Lakshmi and Shalu start following her and Lakshmi goes to the entrance of the room, Malishka says that Paru should not get even a single scratch otherwise they know how much Rishi loves her and he is coming to meet her in two hours while if anything happens to her then Rishi would not let them go while she even asks if they have given her food, Malishka purposefully walks out and then acts as if she is stunned. Lakshmi questions who was she talking about but Malishka replies she is not talking with anyone, Lakshmi asks why did Malishka do this to Paru so says she would talk to her, Lakshmi replies she would have talked with Malishka if she was alone but she walks to the hall. Malishka smiles thinking now she has hit her target and would see who becomes the victim.

Lakshmi is furiously calling Rishi when Neelam asks what has happened, lakshmi replies that Rishi would just have to answer her questions right now, Lakshmi asks why did he do it hearing which everyone is stunned, Rishi asks if Lakshmi is questioning or blaming her when Lakshmi replies it is the truth and he has done it, Rishi is stunned so lakshmi says she has found about it and want to know the truth from his mouth, Neelam furiously calls to lakshmi asking if she is in her senses and should see where is she standing, Aanchal asks if Lakshmi does not have any shame before saying such things to Rishi, Neelam replies this girl does not have any shame nor care for anyone, Neelam questions how did she dare talk like this with her son, Dadi asks how is Neelam talking with her when Neelam replies today Maa je would not say anything as Lakshmi has deceived them while even staying at their house and broken her trust for the love of Paru, Neelam says she is the one who has Kidnapped Paru, Lakshmi furiously turns to look at Neelam.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • Are d cast and crew still shooting dis nonsense show they shud stop and learn from nigerian movies

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  • Wauw wat een grote onzin. En dat nog in de tijd van navratri. Niet dat het echt invloed moet hebben. Maar echt, ik weet het niet, het gebeurt alleen in de Indiase series. Totaal verkeerde sociaal maatschappelijke waarden. En dat moet de future of de Indiase samenleving veranderen, verbeteren en gezonderer maken. Het gaat altijd over haat, wraak, valsheid, dubbele huwelijken, vreemdgaan, ontvoeringen en zelfs van kinderen pfffff. Het verpesten van alle Indiase tradities en culturele achtergronden, moet je ook echt van deze waardeloze schrijvers verwachten.

    Drama is 1 ding, maar laten we eerlijk zijn. Er is nooit een happy ending.

    Ik raak gewoon depressief van iedere serie. Gelukkig kijk ik er niet zoveel en nu lees ik het alleen van tijd tot tijd. Mijn Europese vrienden die houden van Indiase traditie, zal ik nooit zee tv series aanraden. Maar dit is ook weer een kant van schandalige kant, waarom India, dat zo mooi is, verpest wordt door dit soort schrijvers en media

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