Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 16th February 2022 Written Episode Update: The robbers initiate their plan in the bank

Bhagya Lakshmi 16th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Lakshmi handing the card says it is for Malishka when Rishi replies he doesnot know who it is for, they both are weeping, Neelam is performing the pooja in the Mandir when Virender wonders why is she performing the pooja at this time, he goes to his mother asking what is Neelam doing when she says that Neelam is doing this because of the Markesh dosh of Rishi as she feels that something wrong is going to happen with Rishi as Lakshmi went away from their house, Virender mentions she does a lot for him but if she was capable then would change the Kundali and take the Markeshdosh for herself, his mother mentions that she would now be feeling a lot since the Lakshmi sent by Bhagwan has left them, Neelam truly desires that Lakshmi should come back but not because she loves her, he says that because

she is the defence of Rishi. Virender asks his mother that in their culture a husband is the one who always takes care of his wife and is there for her but in their house Rishi has done the exact opposite, he has hurt Lakshmi and now he prays that Rishi realizes his mistake when his mother replies she know she really feels bad for what has happened. Virender explains if this is the case then today is the day for his repentance.

Rishi tries to wipe the tears of Lakshmi but she turns away standing against the corner, he assures he is not going to do anything but she must herself wipe off her tears, he assures he never meant to hurt her but doesnot know how she got the card, Lakshmi says he is always the reason she gets hurt, he tries to refuse it but she insists he is the reason, he constantly tries to get near her to wipe off the tears but she keeps on thrashing his hand, he finally forces her against the wall, trying to wipe the tears.

Ayush is walking when he bumps into Shalu so she hits her head against the wall, he immediately asks her to come and sit with him since he will be able to help her.

Rishi says to Lakshmi he never wanted to hurt her, Lakshmi replies for a moment she thought that he said it all for her but at the other moment thought they are her feelings for him and how she loved her, but in reality these are his feelings for Malishka as she knows he loves her a lot, she questions why did he say he does not know when she asked who the card was, he tries to explain when Lakshmi mentions she is sure this card is for Malishka even when he doesnot know himself, Lakshmi leaves but doesnot even listen to Rishi.

Aayush is helping Shalu when she questions why does he not look where he is going, he says that he is even apologizing to her for all that has happened but she is showing him so much attitude, he asks her where was she lost since he saw it, Shalu thinks how she went to Lakshmi but she said that the card belongs to someone else, Shalu leaves mentioning she doesnot even want to talk with him, she leaves when he says he said that Shalu is a great name.

Malishka is walking when she bumps into an employee and questions why everyone is hitting her today, the robbers explain she is the same girl who misbehaved with their boss, the girl mentions she is a witch since it is evident from her behaviour and she doesnot seem a nice girl, Malishka asks the employee to give her the files she needs to go and ask Rishi why he opened an account with Lakshmi.

The robber gets a go ahead signal so they rush into the manager cabin, demanding her to give the master key for the locker, she tries to use her mobile but they throwing it away warn her to not do anything suspicious, she gives them the key from the locker but also manages to hide a key, they do not let them go but cut the cables to the phone.
Rishi is running after Lakshmi requesting her to stop but she doesnot listen and keeps on running away, he questions why is she not stopping, he makes her swear on his life to stop so she is not able to take a step ahead, she starts crying then turns to look at Rishi, he comes to Lakshmi assuring he will not make a mistake but she should not go without completing, she says he should not do it ever again since she will not accept the vow, he starts smiling when she questions why is he so confused because when she was with him then he ran to Malishka however Rishi exclaims he was always with her asking if she remembers when they were at the mall, he left Malishka and came to her, he was always with her at each and every party so she cannot blame him like this, he only desires to stay with her when Lakshmi mentions she doesnot want to talk with him even when he is so confused, he questions if she would not stay with him when he says he is sure she will also stop if he makes her swear.

Lakshmi mentions why is he making her feel guilty when she has left the house, he says she has not left the house and is still in the room, he has even stopped sleeping in the room because he always sees her. Lakshmi questions what does he want when he says he only wants her, she informs he cannot be suitable for everyone as he should only live with Malishka, He father used to say that one should learn from their mistakes but it is not right to repeat it, she has learned and then asks Shalu where she is since they are leaving, Shalu sees the guns so starts yelling when she even asks the guards to help them but the robbers are able to over power him, the people start running when they say that no one should move, Lakshmi sees Shalu and tries to go and help her but Aayush manages to take her to a office and hides under the table. Rishi also takes Lakshmi to the conference room when she insists on going out, he informs they must remain hidden since a robbery is going on but if she makes a noise then they will surely come to get them.
The leader sends his men to go and check the bank, they are able to find Malishka and take her out when the robbers say that they have come to do a robber so if they corporate them would not get hurt. They even take the mobiles of everyone.

Rishi is with Lakshmi upstairs when he stops her from going out informing it is really dangerous, she says that her sister is downstairs, so she needs to go and save her, she doesnot stop when Rishi tries to inform her, he wonders what kind of girl she is.

The leader is sitting when he is informed that every room is closed and even the cables have been cut. However, they are once again sent to check the bank.

Aayush and Shalu are both hiding when they make a noise which the robbers hear, they then come inside trying to search the office however both of them are really scared.

Lakshmi is trying to go downstairs to the bank when Rishi also comes and he pulls her to the room closing it, the robbers manage to find Aayush and Shalu, he stops them from touching Shalu when the robber asks if she is his girlfriend, Aayush informs she is just his friend, Malishka hearing them thinks he should call Shalu as his friend in front of his mother.

Rishi is with Lakshmi who questions what is he doing, he mention she would have a certificate of naan chucks, she doesnot know what he is saying and mentions naan is a bread however he then explains she would be a black belt in karate, or knows how to use a knife, she refuses of knowing anything when he says that this is what he is trying to say because if she goes downstairs then would also be taken as a hostage so if they have to help then should do it for everyone, she asks what can she do when he explains she cannot do anything by herself, informing she would not be able to save her sister, Lakshmi starts crying

Update Credit to: Sona

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