Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 16th October 2023 Written Episode Update: Rishi and Lakshmi perform the Grehperwash

Bhagya Lakshmi 16th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Lakshmi tells Rishi that in Grehperwash the Arti of husband and wife is done together, Rishi replies that if she looks carefully then it is happening together, the entire family is smiling. Aayush tells Rishi that what he has done today has never happened before and Shalu also says nothing of the sort has ever happened. Rishi then places the bowl for the final ritual asking Lakshmi to come inside, Dadi stops Rishi saying he must also come and stand beside Rishi as they should perform the Grehperwash into their new life together, Lakshmi helps Rishi get ready after which both of them enter their house together, Lakshmi first hits the pot and then after placing her feet in the red color she enters the house while making the prints of her feet.

Neelam is putting all of the toys in the trunk

when Mukesh comes asking if she called him, she instructs him to go and place all these things in the store, she stands up to see the photo of Rishi in which she is kissing him on his forehead, Neelam angrily calls Mukesh who comes back so she also places it in the trunk. Karishma asks Neelam what is all this, she replies why should she care for Rishi when he has no regard for her because he did not come when she called him but then came to invite them for his wedding, even then he came to this house like a worker but not a part of Oberoi family. Neelam says she is never going to remember him in her life.

Virender and Dadi sit down when Dadi mentions the Grehperwash of Lakshmi has ended, she praises that everything went without any problem, Chachi agrees with Dadi mentioning that every time there was a problem but not this time, Aayush sits beside Shalu and even says a verse, Bani mentions she cannot still believe it, Aayush says she must go and check outside informing he just distributed sweets amongst all the neighbors, Dadi explains now their wedding has ended but she is glad that everything would be good because they are together. Chachi asks Lakshmi to come to her house for the ritual since she cannot go to the house of Rishi, but Virender has considered her as his daughter so she desires she must come to her house. Shalu gets excited explain she will make very good dinner for her and it will be so tasty that she will forget even her own food, Aayush says it can never happen as Lakshmi Bhabhi makes the world best food, Bani suggests Shalu should also invite him when Aayush replies he will surely come, they both start arguing. Virender asks if they have had enough, he asks Dadi to come as they must leave, Lakshmi hugs Dadi who says she always has been by the side of Lakshmi and will continue to support them, Rishi and Lakshmi also take the blessing of Virender. Dadi asks Rano to come with them as they would drop her but Rano says that she will go by auto, Dadi says that they are in laws and have the same standard, Virender asks how can they be of the same standard hearing which everyone gets worried when Virender explains they have a very high standard because Lakshmi was born into their family, Shalu and Bani reply this is why Virender has a lot of respect in their eyes because he has given Lakshmi the biggest happiness of her life. Aaysuh says their Bhagya has been connected, asking if Rishi remembers that they went to the jewelry store and the necklace was found from Lakshmi Bhabhi, Bani also asks Rishi I he remember how they first met as they came to his office and got locked there, Rishi replies then he called the police hearing which they all start smiling. Dadi says that nothing can change what is written in Bhagya.

Virender gets out of his car when Dadi says if he remembers what lakshmi said that she will miss the family, Virender replies he is also thinking the same thing as the entire family is here while they both are there and each of them is incomplete without the other, Dadi says they have to end these difference e and make sure they all become one once again, Virender agrees.

Virender and Daid enter the house when Karishma asks Virender if he has competed the wedding so he replies everything happened in a very good manner, Karishma questions why does he talk like this knowing that they do not approve of the wedding, Dadi replies this is what worries her because they should enjoy the wedding but are just adamant on their own desires, Neelam replies they all are just talking of her being adamant when they know that she cares for her children even when she is insisting so Dadi tries to say that even Neelam is behaving in the same manner, Neelam replies that she is talking to Karishma and is glad they did not bring Rishi and Lakshmi here because she thought it would happen with the way they both went to be a part of the wedding, Virender asks what would she do because she was waiting to see if they will bring Rishi and Lakshmi, Virender asks what would she do when Neelam says he would see it once she does it. Karishma tells Virender to not make the second mistake.

Rishi is noticing how Lakshmi is on the phone and even Bani and Shalu are resting while Aayush is waiting, Aayush signals Shalu but she refuses to listen and then texts Bani that Aayush wants them to leave right now, Aayush notices how something is wrong when Shalu replies they would not leave without taking their right, they all get up when Aayush thinks they might have understood they need to leave. Rishi says it is nothing to be worried about and they can stay here if they like because what matters if he has just been married, Bani then immediately sits down on the couch. Aayush tries to signal them to leave but Shalu asks the reason, he in a furious voice questions why are they not understanding that Rishi has been married to Bhabhi and what happens after the marriage, Bani says even they know that Chachi would scold them but need their reward, Rishi says but it would be a threat when Shalu says that they would not leave until they get their right, Lakshmi informs Rishi they are demanding the money which is the right of the sisters of the bride. Shalu asks Aayush to see how Rishi jiju is very good and Shalu asks Aayush to also ask it from Bhabhi, Rishi says he is alone as there is no one from his family, Aayush immediately says that he is always going to be on the side of his brother, he gets up asking Bani and Shalu t not do this since it is not right, he tells if Bani has this behavior in his marriage then she would not get any money, Bani asks if he is going to marry Shalu hearing this they both get a bit nervous, Rishi asks Aayush to give them the money and end it all, but then Rishi himself picks his wallet but only finds a single note in his purse seeing which everyone gets a bit nervous. Bani and Shalu say that they are jus joking and then Bani takes all the money from Aayush when Shalu says that she will keep it safe. Shalu and Bani leave, Aayush tells Rishi and his Bhabhi that today is their wedding night so they must remain calm.

Shalu and Bani are with Aayush when he says that no one can separate them both since first Balvinder came into the life of Lakshmi and then Vikrant but she did not get married both the times and even Rishi bhai did not get married because they are made for each other, they both pray that Rishi Bhabhi and Lakshmi Bhabhi should remain together for the rest of their lives.

Malishka in her room exclaims that today was supposed to be her wedding night after getting married to Rishi, Sonal wonders how can she make her understand as she has just been talking to herself.

Rishi brings two glasses of milk while Lakshmi is sitting on the bed, he exclaims it all seems to be from a film as they both are together, he gives one of the glass to Lakshmi asking her to drink it, he moves a bit closer to Lakshmi who is still wearing the veil.

Precap: Malishka says Lakshmi cheated me and now it’s time to take revenge. Rishi and Lakshmi are getting married. Rishi says you look beautiful. Malishka says the way Lakshmi came between me and Rishi same way I’ll come between Rishi and Lakshmi. Neelam says Lakshmi took my son away from me she is bad influence. Malishka says if Rishi can’t be mine, then I won’t let him be of someone else.

Update Credit to: Sona

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