Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Episode Update: The judge orders in favor of Rishi and Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 20th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rishi says Lakshmi wants to separate him from Paru this is why she got her arrested, Rishi replies he did not say it till now but Judge should be aware of it, Lakshmi even blames Rishi for being the one to kidnap Paru, Neelam, Karishma and Anoushka defend Rishi while blame Lakshmi but she replies she is telling the truth as she is the mother of Paru and can do anything for her while she even ran to save her, Rishi replies they all know that she loves Paru a lot but are bothered because Lakshmi wants to take Paru away from her family, Lakshmi replies it is a false accusation, Shalu says her sister is telling the truth then she apologizes to the judge for talking out of way, mentioning the blames being placed of her sister are false and it proves the intention of this family, Karishma asks what is

she talking about, Shalu says it is the truth when even Anoushka questions how did she dare say such a thing, the judge demands order saying she has warned them it is her court so she asks everyone to be seated. The judge replies she has realized the entire family loves Paru a lot and they want to keep her with them which is why she believes Paru should not live with either Lakshmi or Rishi, she says she recalls how they both were just calling Paru as their own daughter but today called Paru as their daughters as parents, which is because of Paru.

The judge says that children tend to bring parents together which is happening in this case too, Paru is bringing them together. Neelam says they both have not come together, Karishma also explains they have seen them both fighting, Anoushka blames Lakshmi for getting Paru kidnapped, Aayush asks why is she being the judge when lakshmi says that she has not gotten Paru kidnapped, Rishi also blames Lakshmi for it. The judge informs that they cannot sort the case of the kidnapping in this court while according to her experience she can say they both would never do anything of the sort while someone else is playing the game with them, the judge says that they both love Paru a lot and she Oslo loves them both, mentioning she has met Paru who even wants the hand of her father over her head along with the security which he can provide, lakshmi remembers how Rishi saved Paru at the warehouse, the judge reveals she even needs a mother to hug as it is the place where children feel secure and safe. The judge reveals it is clear that they both are joined in a secure relation due to Paru so she cannot separate them both like this, which is why she is going to give them a last chance so they can make it even stronger, while they both live like a couple together as the court can see they are made to be with each other. The judge announces the verdict that they would be given another chance. Neelam tries to object to the decision but the judge says it has been decided so now they can leave, Karishma asks Neelam Bhabhi to come and they all walk away from the court. Rishi turns to look at Lakshmi who is also very confused, they both donot know what they have to do now before walking out of the court room.

Malishka is driving the car when she remembers Anoushka coming out from whom she asked if the decision was in their favour but Anoushka replied that Lakshmi will stay with them, Malishka asks why did it happen, Anoushka says that the judge said Par needs bot of her parents and they have gotten close since the last hearing so Malishka asks then what Anoushka replies the court decided they need another chance, Malishka walking to the side says it cannot happen but Anoushka says that the court has decided it so Malishka keeps saying it cannot happen, she then saw Rishi and lakshmi sitting in the car together before driving away so she tried to run after them but she fell on the road crying a lot pleading with Rishi to stop. Malishka once again calls Rishi while driving her car and then she keeps honking thinking of how Neelam came to help her stand up saying she should control herslef, but then she asked Neelam what is left to control when Lakshmi has ruined everything for her. She ten hugged Neelam while warning her to not say anything as Neelam promised she would not come tot heir house but Lakshmi took everything from her including her husband and son, but Neelam mom was not able to do anything. Karishma requests Malishka to calm down as nothing would get better if they behave in this manner assuring everything would be fine. Malishka asks if Karishma still feels that everything would get fine, Karishma replies they all are by her side and would figure out some way Malishka asks what is the point of their support when they were not able to do anything in the past nor would be able to do it now, Malishka angrily goes to sit in the car when Neelam stopped Karishma saying she might go to her mother.

Malishka furiously gets out of the car, she angrily opens the door of Balvinder house who is sitting when he asks if she came back again and did she not feel bad, she takes the glass from him when he replies ti is his house and why did she come, she throws the glass so he questions if she left her ears in the house. Malishka pushing him against the shelf says he turned out to be an idiot and failed person who as not able to do anything, she felt he had the same love as she has for Rishi which is why she thought they both would get everything but she lost it all. Balvinder goes to pour some water and asks what does she have to say, Malishka replies today was the court hearing of Rishi and Lakshmi to decide who would get the custody, Balvinder says he knows it all when Malishka asks what does he know, he replies that Lakshmi is the mother so would get the custody but Malishka then asks who is of Lakshmi, Balvinder replies it is himself when Malishka replies in his dreams, she pushes him away when he gets furious. Malishka replies that Balvinder cannot do anything as the court has decided that Rishi and lakshmi would stay together with thee children, Balvinder is stunned when Malishka says this means that both Rishi and Lakshmi would stay as a family together informing the court case ruined it all, she felt it was a golden opportunity to get back her Rishi while even Balvinder will get his life, but she says that she could not get Rishi and she is going o keep crying like this, she pushing Balvinder blames it all on him, she picking the knife says she would kill him but Balvinder asks if she got mad, she says he should die. Balvinder asks what did he do when he had no idea it would happen, she says had he performed the kidnapping well then Paru would not be with Rishi and Lakshmi and neither the court decision would come in their favor. Balvinder warns Malishka to not blame him as she could not think before and got late in warning him, she asks if she is an employee when Malishka orders him to shutup saying she is not his employee but he should have been alert then why did he not care but she still sent the text, Balvinder warns her to pull the knife away when she asks him to sit and have the tea for the rest of his life while he should see the dreams of Lakshmi as it is the only case he will get her, when in reality Lakshmi is of Rishi and would stay with him in the same house, room and even sleep with him, Balvinder getting furious says he would ruin everyone, she warns him to show the attitude where it was needed saying he has ended it all with his own hands. Malishka informs that Rishi and Lakshmi would have a child who will gave him uncle Balvinder and he should even put the other name as it is all that is left for him, Malishka is furious.

Precap: Dadi says it is a new beginning for both of them, she further says that the feet of the lakshmi of this house should indeed be placed, and everything should be good in this house, they all enter the house. Malishka is shocked to see it all. Aayush says that if they have loved each other then it must be fulfilled, he is happy that someone got his love. Rishi makes Lakshmi promise to not fight or argue. Balvinder vows to show them the real masculinity.

Update Credit to: Sona

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