Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 22nd December 2023 Written Episode Update

Bhagya Lakshmi 22nd December 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rishi gets up and goes after Lakshmi’s vehicle. The nurse locks Lakshmi in a room. Shalu and Bani feel sad as the asylum people took Lakshmi away. Ayush comes to Shalu and Bani. Ayush learns that the cops came and took Lakshmi away to the mental asylum. Ayush asks Shalu and Bani how did they know that Lakshmi is here. Shalu and Bani say that they never thought about it. Ayush learns that Rishi has gone after Lakshmi. Ayush says he will go and help Rishi.

Shalu and Bani think who might have informed the mental asylum people. Shalu sees Balwinder leaving from there. Bani says to Shalu that Rano might have joined hands with Balwinder and informed him about Lakshmi. Shalu suspects Balwinder might have informed the mental asylum people.

The asylum doctor video calls Malishka and shows

to Malishka that Lakshmi is in the mental asylum. Malishka asks the asylum doctor to make sure that Lakshmi doesn’t escape from the mental asylum again. The asylum doctor assures Malishka that he will take care of it. The asylum doctor also says to Malishka that he will start Lakshmi’s special treatment to make Lakshmi mad from tomorrow onwards. Malishka feels elated hearing this. Malishka thinks everything is going her way.

Ayush calls Virendra and says to him that the police took Lakshmi away to the mental asylum. Virendra asks Ayush how could this happen. Ayush says he doesn’t know about it. Harleen asks Virendra what happened. Virendra says Lakshmi is taken to the mental asylum. Harleen loses consciousness.

Ayush sees Rishi and goes to him. Rishi says to Ayush that he should go and save Lakshmi. Ayush says it’s not possible as right now the police are alert and they will get into trouble if they try to save Lakshmi.

Rishi comes to the temple and asks Maata Rani why is she allowing Lakshmi to be mistreated like this. Rishi says to Maata Rani that she should save Lakshmi as Lakshmi is a big devotee of her. Rishi starts ringing the temple bell continuously.

Lakshmi asks someone to open the door but nobody opens the door for her. Lakshmi misses Rishi.

Shalu and Bani come to Rano and accuse Rano of colluding with Balwinder for money and sending Lakshmi to the mental asylum. Rano defends herself saying she hasn’t seen Balwinder in a long time. Shalu anf Bani don’t believe her so they decide to search for the evidence.

Ayush stops Rishi and says to Rishi that he is only hurting himself by doing this. Rishi says to Ayush that he is waking up Maata Rani as she might be sleeping. Ayush says to Rishi that they should go home and takes him away from there.

Lakshmi gets scared of a cockroach. Lakshmi thinks the cockroach might come again so she recalls how she escaped the room using a Bhoot. So she decides to escape the same way.

Sonia brings sweet to Neelam and Karishma and says that they should celebrate as Lakshmi has finally gone to mental asylum. Virendra gets upset overhearing this.

Episode ends.

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