Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 23rd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Rishi and Lakshmi reach the farmhouse

Bhagya Lakshmi 23rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kiran opens the door but is shocked seeing Karishma and Neelam, Karishma asks if they can come inside to which kiran agrees so then they all sit on the couch, Kiran asks her servant to go and bring water but then turning is shocked seeing Lakshmi and asks Neelam what is she doing here, Rishi replies that Lakshmi was not ready to come and he forced her, Kiran asks what is the reason for their visit, Rishi replies they have come for Malishka and want the best for her but she is behaving in such a way, Neelam says that Rishi should be polite with Kiran and it can be sorted in that way, Neelam then asks Kiran to bring Malishka out but Kiran replies she is not here, Karishma requests Kiran to not behave in this manner when she should be brought out, Kiran angrily says that she did not come here and questions

them all where is Malishka. Neelam gets up in shock wondering then where is Malishka when they had thought she would come to the house of her mother but if she is not here then where did she go, Neelam tries calling her.

Malishka slowly walks to the person and after getting close recognizes him as Balvinder, he taking out the knife reveals his identity with anger in his eyes, Malishka asks what is he doing, he replies he took a lot of loan thinking he would start a business but it got ruined due to Malishka, he says he has not seen a girl more selfish then her and shows the knife mentioning it is what she hit him wit, she pushes him away saying it was a small injury for which he came to her house with the knife. Balvinder pushes her to the couch asking what did she say that he is the uncle of the children of Lakshmi and she was sent to this world for him while if he does not get her then would burn the world. Malishka once again pushes him away asking if she should cry for him when he must look at what happened to her as she lost everything and it has been ruined, Malishka starts throwing the things, Balvinder blames Malishka for ruining everything that he had and she is now blaming him, he tries to stab her with the knife but she falls on the ground and the knife hits the flower pot. Malishka calls Sonal but Balvinder threatens she has to die and no one can save her today, Sonal is unconscious on the bed.

Neelam mentions Malishka is not answering her call so she demands the phone of Rishi saying that she will surely answer his call Neelam is stunned seeing the phone.

Malishka while running is calling Sonal for help but Balvinder says she can run anywhere she desires but he is going to kill her. Malishka calls for help but Balvinder says she is a bad women and a devil so he is going to kill her, Malishka threatens to shoot him demanding he must leave the room, Malishka then falls on the bed while Balvinder also falls on the ed beside him, they both look at each other before getting unconscious on the same bed.

Neelam is stunned when they all ask what has happened, Neelam says Malishka has sent such a message which they cannot bear, she reveals Malishka said she would jump from the cliff. Kiran requests Neelam to save her daughter and do something, Lakshmi asks for the message and then mentions Malishka would not have done anything as there is no cliff near to this place. Lakshmi mentions if they leave now then can save her, they all rush to get in the car. Kiran tells Neelam she is worried of her daughter but Neelam asks Kiran to not be worried and Rishi replies that he knows she is safe, kiran asks if he read the message when Rishi replies she knows her well. Lakshmi suggests they should first go to the cliff but Neelam replies she desires to go to the police station as this is what she said, Lakshmi tries to explain her thought but Neelam insists on going to the police station so Rishi is forced to turn.

Sonal wakes up in the room and realizes the lightening has not ended till now so she feels she might have gone to sleep, Sonal picks the bottle and realizes Malishka came here so she realizes that Malishka would be outside, Sonal tries to get up but thinks it is due to the medicine so she vows to get up to be with her friend, she manages to stand up but is still drowsy, she calls Malishka wondering where has she gone to, she is about to fall due to the headache and even stands leaning against the door. Sonal sits on the floor against the door while holding her head, she keeps calling Malishka before once again falling unconscious.

Kiran runs to the commissioner requesting him to look for her daughters she left the house, Neelam says that Rishi did not see the message and Karishma also asks why is he so calm, the commissioner asks them all to remain calm, Lakshmi informs the commissioner that she is worried because of the decision of the court, Neelam replies that she texted she is going to take her life but she is sure Malishka is not so weak and go somewhere where they cannot find her, the commissioner says this means she has not taken any wrong step, Rishi replies he knows she is not the one who would just jump from the cliff, while explains that she is going to first inform everyone or give a statement to the police. The commissioner informs they should first check at the cliff and mentions someone should have gone there before coming to the office, he orders the Inspector to go with the family. Kiran instructs the Inspector to be quick.

Kiran in the car says they were not able to find Malishka anywhere when Lakshmi also explains that they checked every place where she could have gone to but found nothing belonging to Malishka. Rishi requests kiran to not be worried but she says he does not know anything about Malishka. Karishma says that Malishka might have gone to the house of Sonal and Rishi says she might have even gone to their farm house in Pune. Kiran says she is going with Karishma to the house of Sonal as she is the best friend of Malishka. Neelam says they are going to the farmhouse.

Karishma and Kiran reach the house of Sonal and then start knocking on the door but no one opens it then the Inspector asks them to come back while he would check, then the worker opens the door and informs everyone has gone for vacation, Karishma asks where is Sonal, the worker replies she has gone to Pune, Karishma taking Kiran to the side says that she knew Malishka would have gone with Sonal to the farmhouse and they would know about it very soon.

Neelam also starts knocking at the door but no one opens it, Rishi says that he would check it when Lakshmi suggests they should use the spare key, Rishi goes to call the care taker and then Lakshmi gets worried seeing Neelam so goes after Rishi, the care taker comes informing Rishi about the problem with the electricity due to which he brought the lamp and then even gives the keys, he says Rishi can call him if he needs anything. Rishi then sees Lakshmi so going to her says she must not be worried as they would find Malishka, Lakshmi agrees saying he knows her very well this is why has said it but she asks if Rishi knows where she would go in any trouble, she walks away and Rishi informs she will go the Mandir as he is the one who knows her but she does not understand.

Neelam is worried when Rishi brings the keys and hands Lakshmi the lamp, he opens the door informing Neelam that he did not asks the Caretaker to come with them, they enter the farm house but get shocked seeing the things are placed on the floor and then Neelam wonders what could have happened to to Malishka, Rishi says they would find out about her very soon and so start looking.

Malishka and Balvinder both are in the bed together and then she slowly wakes up, thinking what has happened to her, she gets shocked seeing Balvinder sleeping on the bed beside her so tries to get out but is stunned.

Precap: Rishi and Neelam are searching for Malishka so she gets worried, Lakshmi knocks on the door then Balvinder says they celebrated the first night before being married, Malishka orders him to leave. Neelam hugs Malishka asking if she is fine, Lakshmi is shocked to see Balvinder standing in the room and then drops the lamp. Rishi gets worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • Balwinder and Malishka got intimate 🤣🤣. Now witch Malishka will get pregnant 🤮. Probably generation leap will come and her illegitimate daughter will be the villian.

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    • Nem quero não essa filha de maliska nao. Acho ela nao nasce e espero nao. desculpe, maliksa se for isso, rishi vai ter assumir o filho nao é dele.

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  • Has unfortunate love started showing dis october 2024 in gotv

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  • Malishka is going to make it look like it is Rishi’s baby. She will sedate him and set it up, so it looks like they slept together. Same old storyline dredged up from Kum Kum Bhaghya years ago. Lack of talented writers for these serials. It is unbelievable that they are still on the air.

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