Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 24th February 2022 Written Episode Update: Rishi and Lakshmi both get injured

Bhagya Lakshmi 24th February 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Inspector Rakesh orders the other to take the keys and place them near the car, some time earlier when the boss allowed everyone to leave they all were really excited but he stopped them ordering Pawan to take out all the masks and gun when he ordered them all to wear them, warning he is going to kill them if they even try to refuse, since he is really frustrated, they all were really shocked to see him loading a gun and handing it to Rishi, he asks what is the gun for when the boss explains it is so he is going to point at him while he will do the same, Rishi doesnot understand but the boss explains they all will point guns to them but there will not be any bullets however their guns will have them and if anyone of them tries to act smart then would be killed with them all, Bhuwan mentions how

they need to change the jacket of Rishi as he already went outside but if he goes the same then would be recognized, the boss gives him one percent extra for his cleverness, Rishi changes the jacket when he orders Bhuwan to wear the jacket of Rishi since he is a really wealthy person.

Inspector Rakesh think how can he find out which of these people are the robbers, even if he notices one of the hostages then would be able to help them all, he manages to recognize Lakshmi who gives him the signals regarding the location of the hostages, he calls them all when they try to walk away, everyone turns except the robbers, Inspector Rakesh thinks they would be the robbers, and he also sees that they are trying to run away taking the keys so he opens fire warning them all to surrender, Rishi along with everyone throws the dirt in the eyes of the robbers, they all manage to throw them but the robbers manage to point a gun on the forehead of Malishka, questioning why did they not listen to his warning, Inspector Rakesh orders him to surrender and look around since he has been blocked, Rishi takes out the mask and walks Infront of the gun which is pined towards Malishka, Neelam along with everyone else is shocked, Rishi asks him to fire it even when they all request him to leave, Virender also offers to give them anything they desire but leave their son, the robber exclaims he has taken everything from the bank but only desires to leave from here, Virender questions the inspector to do something. Shipra calls the boss, seeing the opportunity Rishi fights with the boss who falls to the ground but he still has the gun which he points to Rishi, Lakshmi manages to run and push him away however the bullet hits Rishi after piercing the arm of Lakshmi, they both fall on the ground, Rishi recalls the poetry which he wrote in the card, exclaiming how she is the one who can be with him and only she should be with him, he exclaims his love for her, Virender and Aayush start making calls, he asks Aayush to inform them about the savings bank, Inspector Rakesh pushes the gun away exclaiming now they are going to treat them properly.

Virender walking in the hall exclaims he will talk with he later when the family leaves with Rishi, both the doctors come assuring how they are going to do everything they can for the patients, Virender informs they need to do all they can to save their children, Malishka exclaims she will not be able to forgive herself if something happens to Rishi since all this happened because of her actions, Aayush turns back since he cannot see Rishi in this situation, Karishma comes asking if everything is fine when Aayush hugs her, she exclaims she loves him more then he can ever know, she goes to be with Virender and Neelam Bhabhi, Aayush mentions he knows she loves him a lot, he thinks they all are with Rishi while Shalu will be alone, he goes to be with her.

The doctors are operating on both Rishi and Lakshmi, they both are on the operating table at the same time, Shalu is standing outside the room of Lakshmi, the doctor operating on Rishi asks the nurse to arrange the blood since a lot of it has flowed from the body, Shalu requests Lakshmi to be healthy as they all need her a lot, she turns when Aayush hands her a tissue mentioning that Lakshmi would get healthy, Shalu is standing when her sister comes to hug her she assures that Lakshmi would be fine, however Bani turns away when Aayush going to her questions what is she doing since he thought that she is the most strongest and there is no need to cry but she must only pray as their prayers are listened, so that when they pray for their elders then they are listened as the elders are to take care of the youngsters, so Lakshmi would get healthy and even make sure Rishi is fine so they need to just smile for the sake of their elders, Shalu thanks Aayush, for giving hope to Bani, she exclaims that Bani is the youngest and most loved so it has become very difficult to make her understand after their parents left.

Aayush mentions first she should handle herself, he hugs her wiping off the tears, he questions why is she the only one fighting amongst her sisters, Shalu exclaims she is not always fighting but gets emotional infront of people she loves, the doctor comes out when Shalu asks how is Lakshmi he assures that their prayers have worked since the bullet only grazed her body but did not cause any major injury so she will be fine, he even sees Virender so informs him there is nothing to be worry about since Lakshmi would be fine, Virender replies that he heard but then the nurse comes running, doctor asks about the condition about Rishi so she replies that a lot of blood has flowed from his body, hearing this news he rushes while Aayush and Virender also get really worried.

Precap: Lakshmi hears Neelam saying to Malishka that Lakshmi has been saving Rishi’s life again and again without knowing that her kundali is such. She can save Rishi from ‘markesh dosh’. Marriage was for a year only. After that Rishi was going to leave Lakshmi anyways, but you. We won’t let any other girl come in Rishi’s life. Lakshmi is shocked.

Update Credit to: Sona

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