Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 27th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Rishi stays in the honeymoon suite with Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 27th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rishi and Lakshmi reach the resort, she gets excited when he asks why is she behaving as if she has come to a resort for the first time, Rishi questions then why is she acting like this since she came with him, he asks if she knows who he is, she asks then why should she not get excited if she likes something, Rishi explains that she must first try and control her excitement by looking to any new thing in a more controlled manner, Lakshmi replies but she doesnot want to control her excitement as she wants to enjoy every little happiness that she gets. She asks him to look at the flowers and think as if they are the most beautiful then he would feel really excited, Rishi says this is the most childish way however Lakshmi replies his way he is most stubborn and full of arrogance, she leaves when he

thinks that he would have to do it by thinking as if these flowers are the most beautiful, he starts smiling not knowing that Lakshmi is standing behind him, she exclaims he got the smile hearing which he gets annoyed so leaves asking her to not smile.

Rishi is greeted by the manager when the waiter offers him some drink which Lakshmi refuses but she starts drinking it when he says that it is simple juice, she praises him saying it is really delicious but Rishi signals her to calm down before walking away towards their room.

Malishka gets out of the car and is standing in front of the resort when the taxi driver leaves with her bag, she starts running behind him but is not able to stop the car, she standing in the middle of the road yells that he can take her belongings but not her fate as it is inside the resort, she thinks even if the start of the trip is not that good she will make sure that she ruins the desires of Lakshmi.

Rishi enters the hotel room with Lakshmi, he is shocked to see that it is decorated with the flowers and has the Champaign, he immediately says that he did not do it. The staff informs them that this is the best room of their resort which has been decorated for the newly wed couples, and the strawberry along with the Champaign both are complimentary, he further informs that this room has the best view of the valley while they can also see the sunset and sunrise from this particular room. He explains that any couple which lives in this room then the love between them becomes more stronger, Rishi leaves saying he booked the presidential suite and not the honeymoon.

Rishi reaches the reception asking for the manager, the receptionist asks if she can help him when the worker reveals that he did not like the honeymoon suite, Rishi at once says that it is not like that and it is nice. The manager comes when Rishi asks why was he given the honeymoon suite when he booked the honeymoon suite, the manager explains that Rishi himself called informing that his wife is also coming with him so he thought that he would need the honeymoon suite but Rishi explains that he came here this for a purpose, Manager says that he has come to inspect the resort and if he likes it then can also buy it, rishi replies then why was he given the honeymoon suite but needs the presidential suite once again. Manager apologizes because there is a client who is elderly and has been staying with them for the past one week, Lakshmi at once explains they should not disturb him if he is an elderly person she explains they can live in the honeymoon suite so Rishi finally agrees leaving with her but Malishka is really tensed seeing them.

Malishka calls her mother asking if she can send some of her clothes, Kiran questions what happened because she has been trying to call her but Malishka also end the call, she requests her mother to let her speak but Kiran replies she is her mother so was worried. Malishka explains she ended the call because she hates Lakshmi who came with Rishi when it was her desire even now is with Rishi, Malishka informs she was right as she did not send the driver and when se got out to take out her suitcase he left with them all. Kiran is shocked asking if her clothes have been really stolen, she explains Lakshmi also booked the honeymoon suite yet Kiran replies this might be the entire truth since Rishi might also be the one to book it, she has seen a lot of things so feels that Rishi would have also sided with Lakshmi because she did not put a gun to his head. Malishka replies that she has put the gun by taking the name of the court, Kiran replies even then he is not refusing to anything, she felt the same way by how he cared for her in the court. Malishka requests her to not talk like this as she is feeling she would lose Rishi, Kiran replies she has not lost him but might lose him. Kiran explains that she is going to send her clothes by 9 pm while Malishka must first book a room for herself.
Malishka walking in the resort thinks she will not let Lakshmi enjoy the honeymoons suite with Rishi, she will irritate her so much that Lakshmi will run away. She thinks what her mother said so vows to not make rishi live with Lakshmi.

The worker leaves. Lakshmi brings the bag to open it so he asks what is she doing. Rishi closes the bag asking since when did she become so bold and comfortable, he asks if she will sleep with him on this bed and when she says yes, he replies she will not sleep with him. Lakshmi mentions she is just putting her clothes in the wardrobe, she replies that she doesnot want to sleep with him on the bed since he is a Chargha, he gets mad hearing this and so replies that he doesnot move while sleeping and wakes up in the same position but she replies that he indeed moves, Rishi getting irritated also calls her Charghi hearing which she replies that she sleeps on the same position, Rishi replies even he sleeps on the same position but wakes up in the other, hearing this Lakshmi laughs saying he himself accepted it but then Rishi replies he will not stay with her in this room and is going to stay in some other room, she getting mad exclaims she is for now going to put the clothes, Rishi starts struggling so they both fall on the bed.

Malishka walks to the reception, the manager asks if she has a reservation when Malishka replies that she works for Oberoi Raidant and has come here to work so is there any room available, they inform that the Presidential suite is not available, she asks for any other room when the receptionist replies the executive suite is available so Malishka agrees to stay in it asking if all the balcony are connected, she thinks she will not let Lakshmi do anything until she is able to meet Rishi.

Rishi asks Lakshmi if she would get up, she replies she will get up but for that he must first get up, he asks if she is understanding what is he saying, she replies she will not obey his orders. Rishi gets frustrated saying if this is the case then he will not stay with her because she always wants to do what she feels like, Lakshmi replies even she is going to go with him since he is her husband so it is right, Rishi doesnot agree when she asks if she tells him how she learned to drive a tractor then would he stay with her, Lakshmi explains she is from the village and her Bau jee would take all the sisters to the farm when she learned to change the tire and even knows how to drive it, Rishi asks if she is going to leave or should he change the room, she questions why does he want to leave when she told the story, he replies that it is because the way she told the story is not right, she gets really mad with his behavior. Rishi is adamant to change the room, when Lakshmi questions the reason so he informs that he doesnot want to disturb her as he is going to work the entire night, she allows him to change the room but only in the night. Rishi questions what has happened to her asking if she has fallen in love with him as she is not allowing him to leave her side for even a moment, Lakshmi gets nervous.

Precap: Lakshmi says to Rishi, I also feel like to live with you, I feel good around you.
Shalu, on video call with Rishi, says please take good care of her. Rishi says of of course.
Rishi and Lakshmi are dancing in a party where everyone is wearing mask. Malishka sees them in the party.
Rishi falls in a swimming pool.

Update Credit to: Sona

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