Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 27th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Neelam’s statement saves Lakshmi from imprisonment

Bhagya Lakshmi 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with the Oberoi family coming to the court. Aanchal tells Karishma and others that Rishi had come to her last night and asked her to take back the complaint, but she refused as she can’t betray her sister and wants justice for her. Rishi and Dadi come there. Lakshmi is brought to the witness box. Dadi asks Rishi to have patience. Rishi tells Dadi that Lakshmi is not looking at him and she is thinking that he has filed the complaint against her, she will be jailed for a long time. Malishka says Lakshmi will be finally oust from our lives, she will go to jail for a long time. Dadi tells that God will not let anything wrong happen and will not snatch a mother from her daughter. Anushka thinks Ayush didn’t come till now, he had gone to park the car. Both the lawyers argue.

Neelam says it is an open and shut case. Rishi’s lawyer tries to defend Lakshmi and says she must have taken the blame to save Paro. Lakshmi says no, I have tried to kill her.

The judge says as Lakshmi has confessed then there is no doubt. She is about to give verdict against Lakshmi, when Neelam comes there and tells that Lakshmi didn’t try to kill me. Judge asks if your name is among the witness. Neelam says I am the one on whom the attempt to murder had happened. Judge adjourns the case for 10 mins and says only Neelam Oberoi and the lawyers shall be here, others shall go out of the court room. Ayush comes there and smiles. Anushka says now you have come now, you can’t stay here and asks him to come out. Aanchal tells that Neelam di hates Lakshmi and says why she said that she didn’t do anything. Malishka is clueless. Rishi tells Dadi that it is shocking that Mom came and told that Lakshmi is innocent. Shalu tells Lakshmi that she thought Neelam will get her jailed, but instead she told that she is innocent.

Anushka says don’t know why Mami has done this, when Lakshmi had confessed. Dadi says a big storm had come and went. Anushka asks Malishka if she will not say anything. Malishka scolds Anushka and says she will talk to Mom. Aanchal says Malishka is in shock. Anushka says we all are in shock, but that doesn’t mean that we will talk in any tone. Aanchal tells that she is not in a right frame, why Neelam di is doing this. Lakshmi says why Neelam aunty is saving me. Rishi says Mom has saved Lakshmi. Dadi tells that she is proud of Neelam, she did what is right and what was needed. Rishi says it seems like a dream. Shalu says whatever Neelam aunty said is right. Lakshmi says there must be some reason. Shalu says we shall not think about it and asks her to come for the court hearing.

The court case resumes. The Judge asks them to start the case. Neelam’s lawyer says he doesn’t know what he is doing here, and tells that whose case, I am fighting is saying that Lakshmi is innocent, but Lakshmi had confessed. Neelam tells the Lawyer that she is the one who fought with the death, and right now she is standing here alive. She says when I came to know that Lakshmi was accused then I thought she would have done it, and I got very angry on her and didn’t want to see her face. She says when I saw that video, then I found that Lakshmi was not near me. The Lawyer says that girl did something with the wall and it fall on you. Neelam says my mother used to say that we shall not indulge in legal fight then things were not in our control. She says I got hurt by that wall, but nobody knows about Lakshmi and my relation. She says Lakshmi was always good with me, I scolded her many times, but she never answered me wrongly or didn’t behave with me wrongly, and that’s why I can say with surety that it was an accident and neither Lakshmi nor Paro had done it. Lawyer says but…Neelam says it was an accident, and tells Lakshmi that she has no complains with her. She tells Judge that she came here, as she don’t want any injustice to happen with anyone. She says my son told me this, and then even I realized that it was an accident. Lakshmi gets emotional.

The Judge tells that when Neelam Oberoi herself said that it was an accident, then it is clear that Lakshmi, Shalu and Paro are innocent and are freed of all charges. She says Lakshmi is free to go, and adjourns the court. Malishka is in shock. Lakshmi comes to Neelam, but Neelam ignores her and goes from there. Shalu comes to Lakshmi and hugs her. She says I had gone to meet Jiju and asked him to take back the FIR, he had talked to Neelam aunty and freed you. She asks Lakshmi to come.

Rishi comes out and hugs Neelam, thanking her. He asks what happened suddenly that you came here. Neelam says so much happened, if I tell you then you will not believe. Rishi asks what happened? Neelam says wrong thing have happened. Malishka asks Aanchal about Neelam’s decision. Aanchal says we shall ask Neelam di. Neelam tells Rishi to come home and says everything will be fine now. Dadi tells Neelam that she is proud of her. Neelam says lets go and calls Dadi. Dadi hugs and thanks her again. They leave.

Shalu stops Lakshmi seeing Rishi. Lakshmi recalls accusing Rishi and asking him to get medal from Police for his hardwork and cleverness. Rishi looks at her. She thanks Rishi. Rishi asks for what? Shalu says I told her that I went to your home and fought with you all, and Ayush told me that you went to Aanchal and asked her to take back the complaint. Lakshmi thanks Rishi and says you have saved Paro, Shalu and me. Rishi asks her not to thank him, and says he is relieved seeing her freed, and says yesterday I went to Aanchal Maasi, and requested her. Lakshmi says she wants to thank his Mom also. Rishi says then…Lakshmi says our ways are different from here on and goes. Rishi looks on.

Precap: Malishka gets angry and says she shouldn’t have diverted Paro’s case and says it was all that inauspicious paro’s mistake. Neelam shouts enough Malishka. She says nobody shall say anything against Paro from now onwards. Malishka asks if you are saying this, or someone else is saying this, standing with your face mask. She asks if you know, what is her real face, how inauspicious she is, she is that inauspicious Lakshmi’s daughter. Neelam shouts she is my grand daughter. Everyone gets shocked. Neelam says she is this house’s blood and this family’s ansh.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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  • Thank God the truth is finally out. Precap is interesting. Neelam scolded malishka for paro's sake🤣🤣. Trp was decreasing may be that's why makers chose to bring out paro's secret

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  • Still when Maliskha will be exposed
    it's unfair she always escapes

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    • She won't be exposed. She NEVER does. Now they will probably try to take Paro away from Lakshmi. Evil always wins.

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      • Yes that is my thought exactly. Neelam already said she is an unfit mother so how could she let such a person raise her grandchild? She will try to take paro and chase away laskhmi

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  • This is my first time to write a comment. I am so loving this, I just hope Malishka will be exposed for all the bad 👎 she has done. The writer did well this time.
    Hope it will not turn to a dream.

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  • Wow finally neelam is playing her role right

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    • Neelam knws that's her grand child. That's the reason she saved all of them. Now she will play her cards right. She will take Paro and chase Luxmi away. Pray and hope Malisha gets exposed 4 all the wrong things she did 2 Luxmi.

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  • ☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️

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  • Oh how the tables have turned. Or rather the table has slightly shifted.
    Enjoyed today's written update but u just hope that this isn't some sort of dream tho?
    And if it isn't,I'm curious to see how the story unfold from here cos from my guess,neelam might file for paro's custody and paro won't want to go to oberoi mansion with Lakshmi.

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  • They better not try taking Paro away from her mom. Lakshmi must fight and not cry for her daughter, I hope Lakshmi gets the respect she deserves. The Oberoi family must apologize to her even if it's fake for Paro's sake coz that child is her mother's child

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