Bhagya Lakshmi 28th December 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Balvinder replies that he just wants his child so Malishka should just come with him but then Kiran enters the room saying she has arranged the cash and he should leave when Balvinder replies he is going to check it but will never accept the money that is stolen so Kiran replies it is not his concern to worry about how she arranged the money and he should just leave. Malishka then takes the bag saying Balvinder no longer wants the money but hearing this Balvinder replies that it was in the past and they should not hold onto it, as he was not getting the entire amount then Malishka warns hi to not even think about speaking of this matter again while understand that this child is of Rishi then Balvinder leaves.
Neel asks why would he be trapped when he would have escaped but Anoushka says she is sure that everything would be ruined and she is not going to be able to do anything she going to the corner says she has made it all with a lot of difficult and then he tries to calm her down but she warns hi to not even think about touching her she says she is going to stop him and he says it would not happen Anoushka asks if he is going to kill her hearing which Neel gets shocked asking if Anoushka really means it then he says she is just joking but Anoushka replies she actually wants him to murder Shalu when Anoushka asks if he still loves her then he replies he still loves her but like an ATM however Anoushka makes him swear on the love which they had before, Neel sends Anoushka away after hugging her but then he asks the kidnapper if the work has been completed so says they should put her in the trunk. Neel then says they are going to kill her after being sure they get the money from her
Rano is with Shalu asking what was the need to do it as her hand got burned then Anoushka is also walking thinking she is glad that Shalu has been kidnapped then Rishi leaves saying he would return after a while when Neelam also says she does not know where is Shalu as she wants to tell her soething important and Anoushka replies she is sure they would not be able to meet her then Anoushka informs that this is the problem with Shalu and Lakshmi as they always causes problems and Karishma agrees while then Anoushka going to the corner thinks that she is not like Malishka and is going to be sure that Shalu is surely killed. Dadi informs them that Shalu is with Rano as her own hand got burned while trying to help them so hearing this Aayush leaves to help her when Aanchal gets worried asking Karishma to see the behavior of Aayush and Karishma replies she is fed up by it
Shalu is sitting on the hair when Rano asks the worker to go and bring the first aid kit while Shalu says it is really hurting then Rano asks what was the need to help as she herself got injured then when Shalu says she would not let them get hurt then Shalu sees Balvinder walking down the stairs and follows him while she sees Balvinder enjoying while celebrating the wealth they just got when Bablu asks Balvinder to also find a wealthy girl for him as then he would also be romantic with her and get the money but Balvinder says that he should just sit with him after which they both leave when Shalu wonders what has happened and why were they given a large amount
Rishi is also tensed and then sits in the ar wondering what has happened as he always keeps hurting Lakshmi without thinking of doing it and then he leaves
Neel is with Kamal and the boss then he says he has not even killed an inset but now is going to give the contract when hearing this the kidnapper agrees to kill Shalu for Neel and then they drive away
Malishka and Kiran reach the hall and wonder where is the Oberoi family and Kiran says that this shows they donot care about their reputation in the society but she feels that they never want Malishka to be married to Rishi then she thinks that till now she felt that everything was going according to their plan but then what has happened today so she starts to question Bhagwan why has he put so troubles in her Bhagya as she is also pregnant but then Kiran advises her to not be worried like so hearing this Kiran leaves to talk with her friend in order to get fine about it then Malishka sees Anoushka leaves so wonders what is the reason that she is so worried
Shalu is walking thinking who would have given Balvinder such a big amount and then she sees Aayush so calls hi from behind and he runs to hug her tightly while she also embraces him and then says she is fine but he starts to panic. Aayush demands to look at her hand but she says he should let it be and then he starts to look when she mentions she is fine he starts to get worried then Neelam walks to them asking Aayush to follow her as she has to talk with him then Rano also asks Shalu where did she go so suddenly.
Lakshmi wonders where is she and then opens the trunk of the ar to find out she is standing on a signal and then she falls back in the trunk and thinks what is that they want from her, Lakshmi wonders what is it and picks phone from the trunk
Update Credit to: Sona
So have the Oberoi women who fought to take Parvati now forgotten she exists?????
Her existence which further cements Lakshmi and Rishi marriage is
Now a mute point
It’s ridiculous after everything Neelam did to the child that Lakshmi even let them keep her even worse knowing how Malishka really is.
Then again Lakshmi’s a hair head.
It a pity the writers have turned the one lovable characters to stupid people that audience now hate (Speaking for myself)
Still like Ayush and Shalu tho -for now.