Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 2nd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Rohan gives importance to Lakshmi in front of Malishka

Bhagya Lakshmi 2nd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The nurses are talking when Lakshmi enters and goes straight to Rohan but she feels he might have gone back to sleep, she touches him on the head when he calls her Lakshmi maa, she asks him to be careful and explains she is right by his side, he apologizes for not listening to her due to which he fell down but Lakshmi replies he is a very nice boy. Rohan starts crying which worries Lakshmi so she asks him what has happened, he replies he is in a lot of pain. Lakshmi asks him to look at her saying he is lying and she knows there is some other reason due to which he is worried, she asks if he would not tell his Maa but rather tell his Dad so she gets up to call him. Rohan calls her Maa, Lakshmi stops hearing it while getting tears in her eyes she turns back, Rohan says if she was really his mother

then it would be very good but he himself does not know whose his real mother, he says she does not know that he has been adopted. Lakshmi runs to sit beside Rohan asking who said it to him but Rohan replies he knows he is adopted, lakshmi says then this is why he is worried, she asks if it is something to be tensed about as it is a very nice thing, she explains the adopted children are very lucky, because they have two mothers and fathers, Rohan says he is not a child and knows the meaning of adopted, as they are those people whose parents leave them when they are born so Malishka mom and Dad are not his real parents. Lakshmi asks who has said it to him when it is not the truth, Lakshmi mentions Malishka mom loves him a lot along with that of Dad, Rohan asks then why was their blood not a match to his blood group, Rohan asks Lakshmi mom why were their blood group not a match and he says even his real parents left him. Lakshmi says that she is his real mom and he is her son, Rohan asks if she would do something for him then he makes her do cement promise, Rohan mentions he wants to find his real mother so will she help him, she asks what is he saying but Rohan asks Lakshmi if she will help him find his real mother whose blood group would be a match with him, he asks if she would not feel nice when he meets his real mother and she hugs him. Rohan says Lakshmi has made god promise so keeps pleading with her, lakshmi starts to cry a lot. Rohan explains he wants to see how his real mother looks like, Lakshmi agrees to help him find his real mother, she kisses him while he keeps crying. Lakshmi rests her head against his on the bed assuring they both would search for his real mother but he must get better, Rohan replies he wants to go back home while would get better there, she agrees she would take him very soon but he replies he wants to go back home right now. Paru comes to the room calling to Rohan, she asks how is he doing when Rohan replies he is fine but wants to go back home. Lakshmi then asks Rohan to not think about it so much.

Rishi asks the doctor if there is going to be any other complication, Paru comes telling Dad that Rohan wants to go home but Rishi says that the doctor would not allow, Neelam also asks the doctor for the permission when he says they have to just make sure Rohan rests at home and takes the medicine on time, Paru also asks if this means they would go back home when Rishi says if the doctor has allowed it then what is the problem in it. They all enter the room, Lakshmi gets up to move to the side but Rohan holds her hand, Malishka and Neelam come to hug him when he sees his father so calls his Dad, Aayush says he told everyone that Rohan would get fine as he is very brave like his uncle but Karishma replies he was very weak in his childhood , Aanchal says he is the child of Oberoi family so would be brave like his father, Rohan replies he is smart like his Lakshmi mom, Dadi explains he is also mischievous like his elder Grandmother, Lakshmi replies this is why everyone loves him a lot so she kisses him, Rohan gets up but Lakshmi advises him to be careful, Rohan tells his Lakshmi mom that he is fine, she hugs Rohan along with Paru.

Rishi takes Rohan to the room in the night explaining he should get better very soon, Rohan informs he is fine but would get better even more. Paru asks if they all did not hear what the doctor said that they should not gather around Rohan so everyone must leave while she would stay with her brother, Aanchal agrees to the decision of Paru but says they all are just around her if they both need anything, Paru assures she can handle it, Rohan replies he need something, Karishma asks what is it, Rohan replies he needs lakshmi maa hearing which everyone is stunned lakshmi tells Rohan she is right here, Rohan replies he desires to eat the dish made by her, Paru says even she would eat it, Malishka asks Rohan if she can make it for him but Rohan replies he just likes the one made by Lakshmi. Aayush tells Rishi that even they would get to eat the dish but everyone looks at him in shock, Rohan asks everyone to go as he wants to rest then tells Lakshmi maa to make it while he would eat it after getting up, Rohan prepares to lie down when Paru says she is by his side and he can tell her if he needs anything, Rohan goes to sleep.

Malishka furiously enters the room when Karishma asks why did she not behave in the proper manner, Karishma asks how can Malishka be so calm when Paru asked them to leave and she was the first one to leave, Malishka replies she did what they all ask her to do as everyone just listens to the suggestions of Paru. Karishma says that she cannot see any concern in her eyes for Rohan, Malishka replies that Karishma should not judge her by her face as her own son Rohan does not think anything of her and has started to love Lakshmi like a mother but she says that everyone listened to her when she said Lakshmi would not come near her son but Paru came and defended Lakshmi after which everyone agreed to her, lakshmi is now making the dish for Rohan while she is sitting here, she says that no on cares for her even when she is the mother of Rohan. Karishma warns Malishka to behave like elders.

Rishi is sitting while having tears in his eyes, Aayush comes to his side asking why is he emotional when everything is fine, Rishi replies he is still trying to understand it and he did not know of it, Aayush does not know it when Rishi says that everyone told him that the thing which he did right was to adopt Rohan which is true, he says Rohan gave him happiness and ended the void in his life and even taught him to laugh again. Aayush says he knows Rohan changed his life, Rishi replies that Rohan has turned his life as a human.

Karishma says that no one else could be the mother to Rohan, she has also gone through it and Karishma advises Malishka to accept the children with even more open arms while not fight with Paru who is not Lakshmi but a child, she warns Malishka to accept Paru.

Rishi tells Aayush that a child becomes the life of a person, he explains he felt suffocated after finding out that Rohan is ill and he felt so helpless, he was not able to do anything for Rohan but kept praying that Bhagwan should take everything from him but just help Rohan get better, Rishi says he will never forget the day when he met Rohan at the orphanage as Rohan came to him by himself and when their heads hit each other then Rohan hit them again just as Lakshmi did, Rishi says Rohan is the same reason due to which he had to bring Malishka back to his life while what happened today, Aayush says that Rishi Bhai should forget it all and everything will get better, Aayush says that Rohan has returned while is enjoying his life, Aayush says that Rishi should have a hug from him so due to it Rishi starts to smile.

Karishma says Malishka is behaving in a very strange manner and she leaves warning her to settle, Malishka thinks they all leave after scolding her but donot want to listen to her, she exclaims she is not going to let it happen to her and bear this behavior, she is furious.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • They shud get to d truth

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  • I will keep saying this malishka needs medical help. A child knows where they're loved and safe hence why rohan loves lakshmi. I hope the coming will be rohan and lakshmi finding the truth

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