Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 30th November 2023 Written Episode Update: Malishka’s sinister plan against Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 30th November 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Lakshmi promising Rishi that she will not be afraid of fire and asks him to throw the fire. She takes the glass of water and pours on his palm to set off the fire. She says you are foolish and hugs him. Everyone smiles. Malishka is upset. Pandit ji says God shall keep this couple blessed. Malishka says Lakshmi shall decide if she is afraid of fire or not. She goes from there. Rishi tells Lakshmi about his morning dream in which she has saved him from fire. He asks if morning dream is right. Lakshmi says yes. Rishi says but you are scared of fire and can’t save me. Lakshmi says she will save him from fire and will save him always. She hugs him. Main teri hogayi yaa plays….They pull each other cheeks.

Malishka goes to the room. Sonal asks if you are mad, you would

have hit the door on my face. Malishka asks her not to call her mad. Sonal asks what is your game plan? Malishka says I have planned everything. Sonal says if you don’t want to say then I will not ask. Malishka tells that the Diwali will be memorable for everyone. Pandit ji asks them to take prasad. Lakshmi says first she will eat, as Minto had said. Rishi says we will sit and have it. She eats the prasad and asks for more. He gives her one more sweet and says I will give prasad to everyone. Lakshmi says I want to give and gets happy, her hand touches the plate and some of the prasad falls down. Karishma scolds Lakshmi and calls her Mad. Virender says humans do mistake. Dadi asks her to celebrate Diwali and let her celebrate too.

Karishma says since this inauspicious girl came, everything is ruined. Ayush asks why she is calling her with such name. Karishma says Lakshmi will always be inauspicious all life. Dadi scolds her. Karishma says I don’t want to celebrate this Diwali. Lakshmi holds her hand, and then picks the prasad from the floor. Karishma asks how dare you to hold my hand. Rishi says Lakshmi just wanted Bua not to step on the prasad. Lakshmi tells that she don’t want Bua to get the sin of stepping on the prasad and says I had made it fell down, then I would have also got sin. Neelam says you would have told her to stop her. Rishi says there was no time to stop her. Sonia asks if she has any mind to think all this. Pandit ji tells that she did right. Virender says Lakshmi did this for you and you are scolding her. Rishi thanks Lakshmi for thinking so much for his Bua. Lakshmi says you said that she is my Bua too. She asks if she will scold me? Rishi says there is love in elders’ scoldings and says you shall hear if she scolds you. Lakshmi says ok.

Rishi asks Lakshmi what she will do with this prasad? Lakshmi says she will eat it. Rishi asks her to give prasad to ants, as it had fallen down. Bani takes prasad from her to keep it for ants. Rishi asks Lakshmi to give prasad to everyone. Lakshmi asks him to give to everyone and then she asks prasad for herself. He says you already had two. Lakshmi says she wants more. He says we will sit and have it. Lakshmi takes him from there.

Karishma tells Neelam that Lakshmi is feigning to be mad and made me bad infront of everyone. She says she might harm us. Malishka says Aunty is right and says Lakshmi got a chance to do wrong and Rishi is there to cover up her act. She says Neelam aunty was right that Lakshmi shall be in mental asylum. She says Rishi is trapped in her fake love. Karishma says he is badly trapped to such an extent that he will not come out from her trap. Malishka says Oberoi family owner is mad for Lakshmi, and says I pray to God that God saves you all from Lakshmi. She thinks she lit holika in Neelam’s heart for Lakshmi.

Ayush comes to Virender, Neelam and Karishma and asks them to come and play with the crackers. Karishma says we are not mad like Lakshmi. Lakshmi eats prasad. Rishi asks if she is not done yet. Lakshmi says yes. She makes him have prasad and says she will take care of him. She says she doesn’t like one thing. Ayush asks them to celebrate Diwali. Neelam says it is the start of new year, so they shall celebrate. Lakshmi says you have scolded me. Rishi says she was scared, so he told so that her fear of fire goes away. Lakshmi says sorry and says she will not do this again. He looks at her and says something is on your nose. Lakshmi says the same thing. He asks if she is copying him. She says no and shows that even something is on his nose. Sonia and Dadi burn the crackers. Rishi asks where is the prasad? Lakshmi shows her stomach. Rishi says your stomach will pain. Lakshmi says it is not paining now. Rishi says we shall burn the crackers. He asks if she will get scared. She says no and says she gets afraid of one thing, and that is his scolding. He promises that he will not scold her.

Ayush asks Malishka to lit the fire which she knows. Rishi brings Lakshmi outside and asks her not to get scared of it. She says this is not that fire, and that she is not scared of crackers. She is about to go to charki, when Rishi stops her and says he will get slippers. Malishka thinks Lakshmi is alone, and says now see what I do with her.

Precap: Lakshmi says happy diwali and kisses her toy Rishi. Malishka tells sonal that time has come to execute her plan. Lakshmi hugs Rishi. Sonal asks Malishka what she wants to do. Malishka says she wants to set the house on fire, and asks her to bring Lakshmi. Sonal befriends Lakshmi. Lakshmi comes there. Malishka says after wearing this, you will go to either mental asylum or hell. Everyone gets shocked seeing Lakshmi wearing the crackers chain.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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