Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 3rd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Malishka plans to kidnap Paru

Bhagya Lakshmi 3rd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shalu is running when she asks the worker about where Lakshmi di, she immediately apologizes to Lakshmi for not finding out about it as she got to know of it in the evening from Mukesh bhai, Lakshmi is stunned, Shalu informs that she tried calling everyone but they did not answer her call so she called Mukesh bhai who was not aware about the hospital they took him to but then Aayush answered the call and informed that they have come back to the house. Shalu is glad that Rohan is fine when Lakshmi says that something else happened and she informs Shalu that the blood group of Rohan was not a match to Malishka, Shalu replies this is why Rohan is different from them all as he is very nice while Malishka is not good, Shalu says then it might be a match to Rishi jiju, Lakshmi replies it is not even a

match to him, Shalu says that it is not the case and only happens when they are adopted, Shalu is not able to say it at first then lakshmi replies it is the truth. Rishi enters the kitchen when he asks what Shalu is doing here, she replies she came to meet Rohan so Rishi says it would be good for him, Shalu leaves to meet Rohan.

Malishka is very furious that even Paru came to their house along with Lakshmi, she bumps into Anoushka and tries to walk away scolding her but Anoushka replies that Malishka should not take out the anger on them all and she says it is because she does not feel nice about it, Malishka warns her when Anoushka replies that the hearing date is coming close so if Malishka is not able to do anything then her cleverness is not good for anything, Anoushka tries to leave warning Malishka to do something but then Malishka forcefully pulls her back in front of her, Anoushka gets scared saying that she knows she has said too much so Malishka must ignore her words, Anoushka sees Kiran coming to them who asks what is going on here, Anoushka apologizes to Malishka who furiously shuns her hand so Anoushka leaves saying she would come back in a while.

Rishi pours the glass of water when he asks Lakshmi what happened that she seems worried, lakshmi recalls when Rohan told her in the hospital that he knows he is adopted and asked for her help to find his real mom, Lakshmi does not say anything, Rishi asks why does she seem worried and would she not tell him,she replies she wished she could trust him and tell the truth, it is not like that she does not try but no matter how hard she tries she is not able to trust him and he is the one who gave the reason. Rishi apologizes to Lakshmi who is walking away, he says he should have been there to help Rohan when he was about to fall and even there for her when she was being blamed by his entire family so he is sorry for it, Lakshmi asks him to let it be as he can never understand her emotions, Rishi stops her saying this is what he is saying that he cannot understand anything and she walks away, Rishi is worried

Malishka goes to hugs her mother who asks what has happened, she reveals that Neelam mom told Lakshmi to stay away from Rohan, Kiran gets excited hearing this news and says she is glad Neelam finally made the decision even if it got a bit late, Malishka replies Lakshmi is still getting the importance but kiran replies that now Neelam has stopped Lakshmi. Malishka says it is true that Neelam mom first stopped Lakshmi but Paru turned everything and Neelam mom herself gave permission to Lakshmi. Kiran asks what is she going to do now, Malishka replies she has thought about it for very long time and come to the conclusion that her real problem is Paru because she is the one who brought Rishi and Lakshmi back together while is the one who changed the decision of Neelam mom and turned her own son against her so she has to attack Paru. Kiran says that Malishka should not think about doing anything bad when Malishka replies it has gotten very late and so she leaves.

Shalu is telling a story to Paru and Rohan who are smiling when Lakshmi comes back saying the dish is ready, Rohan asks Lakshmi maa to feed him with her own hands as it would feel even more tasty, Lakshmi agrees so asks Rohan to not get up while tell her if he feels any problem, Shalu thinks that she has seen her Lakshmi di desire for her son and now that Rohan is getting so much love from Lakshmi is very nice, Paru asks what has happened to their aunt as what is she thinking about, Shalu leaves saying they should eat when Rohan asks Lakshmi maa why did their aunt get worried, lakshmi tries to say it is nothing but Paru says Shalu aunt got angry as they did not ask her for the dish first, then Paru leaves, Rohan asks Lakshmi maa if she remembers what they talked about, Lakshmi replies she knows she has to help him search for his mother, Rohan asks then why did she leave him alone, Lakshmi replies it might be that she lost him unintentionally and did not do it on purpose while was always praying for his return, Rohan says if Lakshmi maa was his real mother then it would be very nice as she would not have lost him, Lakshmi tells Rohan sometimes things are not in their control and happen without their own desire as it is written in fate which is known as Bhagya, Rohan asks what happened to lakshmi maa and why is she crying, he requests her to not cry so wipes the tears. Lakshmi kisses his hand while she just keeps thinking about her own son, she gets emotional telling Rohan it is time to sleep so he agreed. Lakshmi helps Rohan.

Dadi is recalling the names when kiran knocks on the door asking if she can come inside, Dadi asks what has happened and why did Kiran come to her room so suddenly. Dadi says Kiran is a very sorted women and knows how to handle herself so she would be worried about Malishka, Dadi says that Malishka is a very difficult person to understand and she does not have her inner peace while is searching for it in others due to which she keeps blaming them but it is not right, she asks Kiran to talk some sense into Malishka, Kiran thinks she came on the wrong door as Dadi would never stop complaining about Malishka, Kiran then leaves telling Dadi she has something important to do, Dadi starts smiling before saying kiran gave birth to a mother so would have to hear it all.

Aayush is stunned when Rishi replies he does not know what she desires as she sometimes feels very calm but at other times is tensed and Lakshmi has started talking to him that nothing is the same so she cannot trust him, while the photo what Aayush showed him made him feel they are perfect. Aayush says she might be worried for Rohan, Rishi replies he is also the father and Malishka is the mother but they are not tensed, Aayush says that Lakshmi is the mother when Rishi says that Malishka is not that worried, Shalu coming tells Rishi that she saw Malishka going out of the house, Paru comes after her asking why did Shalu not eat the dish made by Lakshmi di, Aayush asks the reason when Paru replies she got angry at them so Shalu sits down saying she can never be angry at the children, Paru asks her to have the dish when they all start eating it, Aayush says that these are very delicious, Rishi says that Lakshmi is the mother of Paru but she replies she is also the mother of Rohan to which Rishi agrees, Kiran coming thinks that there is no place for her daughter Malishka here anymore as she is worthless.

Malishka is waiting when a bike comes stop by her car, the person compliments her when Malishka relies she is not Sonal and Malishka, he says he should tell her that he is not a gun for hire but Malishka replies she needs him to kidnap someone, the person asks who is it when Malishka says that she wants to kidnap a girl named Paru, Ashish agrees when Malishka says that Paru should be kidnapped from her school. Malishka warns Ashish to not cause any harm to Paru, he agrees as he has taken money from her when Malishka questions where is he going to keep her, Ashish replies he there is a vacant flat of Sonal, he leaves on his bike. Malishka is relieved thinking now her problems are going to end very soon.

Precap: Malishka tells Lakshmi she can handle everything and if Rohan needs anything then she would do it. Lakshmi tells Shalu that she seriously desires something from Mata Rani, Shalu asks what is it, Lakshmi replies she wants to find the real mother of Rohan. Rohan tells Lakshmi that he is praying to meet his real mother. Lakshmi says Malishka desires her to stay away from Rohan, Malishka warns her to stay far away but Lakshmi refuses, Malishka questions how did she dare, Lakshmi replies because she is the mother of Rohan.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • I have a question has this show started airing on go tv nigeria this october 2024

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