Categories: Bhagya Lakshmi

Bhagya Lakshmi 4th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Lakshmi and Malishka get in an argument

Bhagya Lakshmi 4th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Karishma asks Kiran what is she doing here so explains she is going to talk with Neelam Bhabhi, Kiran asks where are they going and Karishma says that they are going to go to the Mandir tomorrow as Neelam Bhabhi prayed for their health Rohan, Neelam also comes when Paru gets excited saying even she would go with her, Karishma mentions tomorrow is the school of Paru when Neelam suggests they would go before her school starts and leave early, then they all start cheering for it.

Lakshmi turns off the lights when Rohan goes to sleep so Rishi comes to her asking if Rohan is fine, she goes to close the curtains when Rishi asks what has happened as she never answers his questions, she replies she does not care about it because he always tries to talk with her, Rishi asks what is the problem when

she says he never tells the truth on time, Rishi apologizes saying that she can ask him anything but Lakshmi replies it is not important anymore, she then walks back to Rohan, Malishka comes to the room asking Rishi if her son is fine when Lakshmi replies he is asleep, Lakshmi asks Malishka to stay with Rohan tonight as he might need something then Malishka thinks Lakshmi is trying to be good in front of Rishi, Malishka replies that she knows it but was just going to change and will return then she says she knows Lakshmi tries to be great but she can handle her son, Lakshmi replies she does not know of anything else but Malishka must stay here with Rohan otherwise she would come which Malishka would not like, she leaves when Malishka tries to complain to Rishi but he also walks away.

Lakshmi is in the room when Shalu calls her asking what she is going to wear tomorrow, lakshmi does not remember then Shalu says tomorrow is the first day of Navratri and all the women wear different clothes on the nine days, Lakshmi replies she was so busy due to which she forgot, Shalu says she knows Lakshmi is worried for Rohan and asks what color is she going to wear, Lakshmi says yellow clothes, Shalu informs even she is going to come with them to the Mandir but Lakshmi does not know so Shalu reveals how Neelam aunti said they all would go to the Mandir together, Lakshmi replies even she wants to ask Mata Rani for something, Shalu questions what does she desire, Lakshmi replies she promised Rohan to find his real mother and they will accomplish it with the help of Mata Rani, Shalu agrees.

In the morning everyone heads to the Mandir when Neelam presents the Thal of Pandit jee who says they have arrived on the right time and now should perform the Arthi as Mata Rani would surely grant their desires, Neelam prays to Mata Rani that her family should remain like this as they are all very happy together, Karishma replies the family is from her when Aanchal agrees to mention that Neelam di has done a lot for the family and Neelam says even Aanchal is a member of this family. Pandit jee says that Mata Rani always listens to the prayers which they make with a good heart, Rishi prays that Mata Rani should keep her love with him forever when she knows the truth about his heart, Lakshmi prays to Mata Rani that she should always keep her with the family and then Rohan signals Lakshmi to come listen to him, he says Pandit jee himself said that Mata Rani accepts their prayers so he would ask for help. Pandit jee explains that in the nine days of Navratri they always get their wishes fulfilled, Lakshmi agrees telling Rohan that he should pray as she will surely accept his prayers, Rohan asks if Lakshmi maa is also going to ask mata Rani for help to which she agrees. Malishka notices how Lakshmi is constantly talking with Rohan, Pandit jee asks them all to come up when they family leaves but Lakshmi stops Rohan advising him to pray and Malishka gets furious seeing it when she tries to pull Rohan with her when he goes back to Lakshmi, Paru also comes saying that she is going to Mata Rani that her brother gets all the happiness, Lakshmi agrees saying Mata Rani accepts the prayers of children easily so they should indeed pray. Karishma asks Malishka to come and give Pandit Jee the Thal for the pooja, Dadi says there are no fresh flowers when Lakshmi replies she forgot it at the shop. Rishi and Aayush try to go after her but Dadi says they both must come back to the pooja

Lakshmi is walking with the flowers when Malishka stops her but Lakshmi replies that she knows what Malishka wants to talk about but she is not interested and then Malishka says that Lakshmi is just a self fish person who only cares for what she desires, then Lakshmi tries to leave when Malishka asks what is the problem she is facing when she is living in such a big house and getting all she desires. Lakshmi turns back saying that she warned Malishka to stay away and not talk about such things but Malishka does not listen but should know she would also get a befitting reply today, Malishka warns Lakshmi to stay away from Rohan as he is her son but Lakshmi refuses to say she is also the mother of Rohan and has a bond even if she did not give birth to him but Malishka says if she really is a mother, Lakshmi replies she will never stay away from Rohan and Malishka can do whatever she desires, she walks away when Kiran hears their conversation, Malishka is stunned.

The kidnappers reach the school when his accomplice says that he does not like children and this is why they have not been married, then his accomplice asks where the school is when he says that the school is right beside them, they both get out of the car and wonder how would they know if Paru has come to school or not but then the accomplice suggests they should directly ask Malishka as she would be aware of it, they both decide to go and sit in the car.

Kiran asks Malishka if she knows how Lakshmi was when she married Rishi as she was a simple girl and used to take the help of Malishka, she replies it was in the past tense and she is from this time but Lakshmi does whatever she desires which is because she thought she has the person whom lakshmi prayed would always belong to her. Kiran asks who is that person when Malishka replies he is Rishi, Kiran asks if Malishka thinks like it till now, Malishka questions why does she talk like this when she is her mother, Kiran replies Malishka does not have any right on Rishi and even the house as she has no importance left in this house, Kiran says Malishka must not feel she is trying to say negative things to her but is just trying to help her, Malishka replies she should not think she is going to help her by it when she does not need any help, Rishi would always remain with her and Rohan while even Paru whom she does not like it all but even then she will stay with her. Kiran warns Malishka they have to be very careful but Malishka replies such things have ruined her life but she is now going to write her own life. Malishka answers the call when she does not understand and then gets worried as she did not tell him anything, she asks him to come to the Mandir and kidnap Paru just as he gets the time as they would be busy here in the Mandir, he gets furious at her when she replies she is paying him a lot of money, he agrees mentioning she must tell him if they leave or something changes. Kiran asks Malishka what is she doing she replies she is going to prove to her own mother that she is not a fool and illiterate person, Kiran tries to ask her but Malishka refuses to tell her anything, she is adamant.

Update Credit to: Sona

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  • So you drop so late and still yet no recap

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    • Agree with you Diana …. Very frustrating
      And unusual for this writer to be so late

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