Bhagya Lakshmi 9th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Durga Devi looking at Balwinder who is indisguise of a Pandit. Malishka asks if Balwinder will do the work. Kiran says he is trapped and will do the work. Balwinder thinks if he had known that Durga is coming then he wouldn’t have come here. Dadi sings song main nikla gaddi leke. Lakshmi says Dadi. Ahana says you shall sing a birthday song. Dadi says it is Dadaji’s favorite song. She sings. Everyone claps. Balwinder claps silently. Dadi asks if he is scared. Balwinder says they don’t celebrate birthday etc. Rano says he shall clap. Malishka asks him to clap. Rishi and Lakshmi cut the cake along with Dadi. Rishi asks Dadi is about to make Lakshmi eat it. Rishi says make me eat first. Lakshmi says first Bau ji and Bua ji shall eat it and then the youngsters. Dadi asks Ayush to distribute cake to everyone. Ayush comes to Malishka and gives her cake. She eats it and looks at Balwinder. Balwinder goes behind Malishka in the room. He asks if she doesn’t feel ashamed to have betrayed him and says you didn’t tell me that Inspector Durga Devi has come. Malishka asks him to do the work. He says first ask her to go. Malishka says what, then she will be doubtful that I have done this. She asks him to do his work and go from here. Balwinder says I will not do this work. Malishka says if I have to do it myself then why would I give you money. She gives him a bundle of notes. He says money and wine are my weakness, Lakshmi was my third weakness which will go today. Malishka asks him to go else someone will come. Balwinder goes. Malishka thinks where did I get trap? Durga Devi is coming there. Malishka asks him to hide in the bathroom. Ayush brings Durga Devi and tells that she wants to use the washroom. Malishka says she has come to wash her face due to the cake. Ayush says ok, you go and takes Durga Devi from there. Malishka knocks on the door and asks Balwinder to come out. Balwinder comes out. Malishka says Lakshmi has kept puja for dada ji and her the end. Balwindr comes back to the hall. Ayush also comes. He signs Shalu. Rano and Neha notice it. Neha asks Rano if I shall go to Ayush. Rano says puja is going on, even Shalu refused and asks her to have some manners.
Malishka tells Kiran that she had slapped money on Balwinder, as he was scared. Lady constable tells her colleague that she has to go and get call records. The constable says he has also to leave to get some lead about Balwinder. She says she will message Madam. They leave. Malishka tells Kiran that they are gone, Balwinder will do the work easily.
Durga Devi comes and sits for puja. Balwinder’s eyes blinks and he gets worried. Durga Devi eyes Malishka and reads the message. She thinks Balwinder and his partner shall not be freed. Pandit ji asks Balwinder to give the havan ingredients. Balwinder asks which ingredients. Pandit ji says which is in the plate. Balwinder gives the ingredients. Pandit ji asks Lakshmi to bring the prasad. Karishma tells Neelam that now what will happen, which we want. Lakshmi goes to kitchen, brings the sheera and gives to Pandit ji. Pandit ji checks and says it has garlic in it. Dadi checks. Neelam and Karishma act. Neelam asks who made this prasad. Lakshmi says I made it, but I don’t know how this garlic came in it. Karishma asks what do you mean? Lakshmi says why will I add garlic, I know it shall not be added in sheera. Neelam asks her not to blame others for her wrong doings. Karishma says you have added garlic instead of cashew nuts. Lakshmi says may be I did a mistake. Karishma tells Dadi that they would have got sin, instead of good deeds. They insult her. She says bhabhi is very understanding and kept some prasad separately. Lakshmi says Bua ji. Karishma says don’t. Neelam tells Dadi that she will not let the puja destroyed and scolds her. She says you have tried to destroy the puja. Rishi says Mom. Neelam says it was inauspicious during the puja. Lakshmi tries to say. Neelam asks her not to say anything. Rano says Lakshmi can’t do such mistake, and says may be it is someone else’s mistake. Virender asks Neelam to bring the prasad which she has made. Neelam asks Dadi to say that they would have got sin. Ayush says Lakshmi bhabhi is saying that she has done a sin. Lakshmi tells that the puja will not destroy, and says she will come. Karishma brings prasad and says thank you bhabhi, because of your maturity. Malishka and Kiran get happy seeing Lakshmi humiliated. Malishka says Balwinder is afraid and can change his mind. She asks her to go and talk to him. Kiran says if I say anything then Neelam and Karishma think that I am taking Lakshmi’s side. Balwinder thinks he is scared and the women are fighting over garlic.
Precap: Dadi says everything is done by Lakshmi without any problem. She says aarti will be done by Lakshmi. Rishi and Lakshmi do the aarti. Balwinder says now the bahu of the house will do jal abhishek. Lakshmi picks the kalash and gets electrocuted. She faints and falls down. Rishi asks her to open her eyes, please.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
These two women speaking about sin of lakshmi with the parsad, what about the sin they have committed by putting the garlic in the parsad and then telling untruths about they making parsad.
Ain’t they going to have to pay for their sins or only lakshmi to be insulted for their wrong doings?
What utter crap being shown with no common sense.
Seems only neelam is allowed to speak because why wasn’t malishka scolded with the cake incident but forgiven but lakshmi insulted for their sin.
Yes exactly you are right that they always blames innocent Lakshmi’s mistake but accepted wicked Malikdha’s wrongdoing???? Evil serials! We’re lucky we stopped watching Lakshmi Bhagya in 4 months ago. I just only ready the updates.
LORD please save us from evil and conniving witches
. Well Neelam has truly proved that anything is possible because when you think she can’t stoop lower she still digs her way through. Is this woman even serious? Such hypocrisy, it’s almost hilarious
. I don’t know what the writers are doing but Malishka better get exposed soon and even then Lakshmi should leave this toxic house. I really don’t like Neelam and I hope she gets all the karma she deserves for being such a witch, how would she feel if Ahana or Sonia were to be treated the way she treats Lakshmi.
This serial is really upsetting me right now (poor Lakshmi) and I was so excited cause I thought Malishka was getting exposed today
Maliska will never be exposed. In the bhagya series the evil is never exposed and continue to perform their evil acts.
The writers are recycling scripts now with each one it’s the same plot just different shows.
Wow, they accepted maliksha falling on cake but they blames Lakshmi for lying added garlic by Neelam and Kristma in food???
Mallishka ko kab expose kiya jayega
Show is getting boring. Expose Malishka.Same thing happening in all serials.
Well… this is utter degradation of the character graph of The Neelam Oberoi… she had such class when she was introduced.. a level she had on to her… but now.. what the hell have the writers done with her…. Tooo bad
#Anu this is so true, at the beginning neelam had so much class and status to now stoop to this level is really a degradation of the character. The writers have used the influence of malishka and her mother dirty minds to do a total turn of the character of neelam.
The entire show has changed from the original advertised plot.
The story of Lakshmi and Sai are similar. Both in-laws are insulting the daughter in law . Lakshmi and Sai