Categories: Bheema

Bheema 11th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema seeks the help of Baba Sahib for the solution

Bheema 11th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The people ask if everyone can hear the story as he has a new story and Nanku says Bheema has gone to do another act for which they will have to pay the price, the aunt asks what has she done now when Nanku says that Bheema has sent them back after getting the water but she asked Kalika Singh where are the hand pumps located when the aunt questions what is the need for it, Nanku says that Kalasha Bua has give them an ultimatum about the time to return the money otherwise they would forcefully take back the money, the aunt says they should all keep praising Bheema as she will one day get them all killed. Dhania walks away from the people.

Bheema is crying while holding the papers containing the loans that everyone has to give back to Kalasha bua, she kneels down while looking at them when Baba Sahib

comes and stands in front of her, she slowly stands up while holding the papers. Bheema is crying while staring at Baba Sahib and says everyone would get worried due to her mistake and how would they be able to return the loan, Baba Sahib asks for it saying this paper is not just a piece of loan repayment but the difference in the society as it is what causes them to always become helpless at such times. Bheema turns away when baba Sahib says hardships would end when there would be equality in the society and it could only be won with her education and ideas, Bheema turns back towards him, then wonders how can Kalasha bua ask this payment when her mother has come to the call of Kalasha bua so many times at such odd times, while her mother said that when Pawan jee was born then her mother cared for hiss mother for four months which Kalasha Bua did not write in this ledger. Baba Sahib sits by Bheema saying she is still very young and would understand it once she grows up as people tend to behave differently with people from their same class while differently with people from the lower class as they donot talk abut the prices of vegetables with people from the lower class. Dhania comes telling Bheema that everyone is worried due to her when she replies she knows it, Dhania replies if the problems id due to her then she would find the solution for it, Bheema leaves with Dhania.

The people of the neighborhood are sitting around Bheema who is standing in the middle, she says she did not know if she would ask for the location of the hand pump then she will ask for the loan, the aunt says that Bheema does not know anything but still does it, Nanku explains they have to tell about the time they will repay the loan when the person says that they would die of thirst but Nanku says they have taken out the animal from the well and it would be fine in two or three days so Bheema should get them water. Chabelia asks what is the surety that they would not do anything after that, Bheema suggests they should give three days when Gaya and Nanku ask what would she do so quickly and even the other people ask Bheema to at least tell them what is she going to do that would arrange the money for the loan, Bheema walks away when Dhania requests them to not be worried as she promises that she would not let them suffer while she is going to bear it along with her daughter. The aunt says that first Bheema left after making a fake promise and then her mother has done the same to them so what now, Gaya is also worried.

Bheema is constantly calling to Baba Sahib, she thinks that she went out to fight but the people of her society always get hurt so she does not know what to do, Baba Sahib says she cannot go back now, he walks towards her while Bheema is just looking at him and then says if the war if to get the kingdom or their rights then if they retreat then would lose it all because the time she would take to think and retreat would give the enemy the time to attack so Bheema must prepare for the next attack. Bheema replies if she understand something then would do it, Baba Sahib asks her to think clearly with a cool mind as there is surely going to be a way for it ll, Bheema starts to think.

Kalasha Bua exclaims that she knows Bheema is going to do something when Kalika exclaims they must wait to see what she does but Kalasha Bua replies the best thing for war is that they must not wait for the enemy to attack but keep on unleashing the attack as they started this war with water so should let Bheema find the solution for it while thy would find another way to attack. Kalika replies he could not understand when Kalasha Bua asks him to come with her tomorrow as when the fight with the lower class has started then they would fight and win together, someone calls Kalasha Bua when Kalika says it is the voice of Nanku.

Baba Sahib asks Bheema to not just think about water as they would now come to attack from the every direction and Bheema should not forget she just has three days to return the loan. Bheema says it is nice as she can not find a single solution while he is scaring her, Baba Sahib advises her to go to the roots of the problem then he says she is wondering why is there no hand-pump in her neighborhood then she should find the reason behind it.

Kalasha Bua walks out with Kalika when Nanku says the people of the neighborhood have decided to return the loan in three days, Kalika asks how can they repay it when Nanku says that he does not know of it but they all have agreed to request for three days, Kalasha Bua says that they would take care of Bheema by that time.

Bheema after thinking for a while says she has found a solution and is smiling, Dhania comes calling her when she asks what solution did she get, Bheema replies she found a solution by which not only would the problem of the water be solved but there is not going to be any need for a well, Dhania asks what is it when Bheema replies they should see in the morning. Kalasha Bua also exclaims she would see in the morning, Vishambar thinks that he is also very eagerly waiting for the morning to see what happens.

Bheema asks her mother to come assuring she would tell everything on the way when Baba Sahib calls Bheema so she leaves the hand of Dhania. Baba Sahib asks Bheema to not get worried after facing such problems as people tend to get scared after thinking of such fights, while those people who win the fights are also made an example and now it is up to Bheema to decide what sort of example does she want to become, Bheema replies she has understood it and she leaves holding the hand of her mother, Baba Sahib is smiling while standing with his hands clasped together at the back.

Update Credit to: Sona

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