Categories: Bheema

Bheema 15th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Mehwa and Dhania decide to get Bhima educated

Bheema 15th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The elder sister in law of dhania says that they have had enough so she asks the family members to come, Dhania tells Bhima that she must swear on her,the father asks Dhania to come and starts pulling her when Dhania says she is going to make Bhima swear that she is always going to chose education over everything. Chabelia and the elder brother of Bhima mention she would be hurting as she kept standing both of them are going to take her. The father of Bhima is pulling Dhania toward the house when the neighbors warn Mehwa that he should control his daughter and wife because if they keep doing according to their desires then their life would be ruined, the elder brother of Mehwa asks him to listen to the problems of everyone who would suffer, the sister in law asks if they would not even listen to the people

of their own class. Chabelia puts Bhima down when one of the elders says they had celebrated the birth of Bhima but did not know it would cause so much problems. Bhima says that anything new causes problem but with time it would seem fine, one of the neighbor asks what if they burn them all in that time, he says that there is a village where in the night people of the lower class are burned and he says what if they are also burned due to the desires of Bhima. The sister in law asks Dhania to answer and not show love for Bhima, she even turning to Bhima demands an answer from her while the elder brother asks Mehwa and Dhania if they have an answer saying that even he does not have any answer but the people of the neighborhood would provide with the solution, the lady walking to the front says she has an answer explaining she came from very far away hearing that there is a girl here who fought with the people of the upper class and got admission so she quickly took the wheat and made the samolina pudding, she asks who is the child when Chabelia and her brother reveals she is the girl name Bhima, the lady is awe struck by her so slowly walking to the front saying that people from their class want to fight and win but they always lose so donot even think about wining, she says that she has for the first time seen a face which will surely win. She asks Bhima to have the pudding mentioning she made it for her, Bhima eats the pudding but is still very tensed, Dhania is smiting along with Mehwa, Dhania turns to look at her husband with a feeling of being proud, she says that there is nothing to talk about now weather her daughter should study or not because it is not just her desire but the hope of some people.

Kalasha Bua sitting in the house is thinking how Bhima insisted on standing there until she got the admission which happened with the help of the collector, the bride says he is thinking a lot and there is no reason to be sad but he must calm down when the son says that Bhima is an idiot who thinks she can study, Vishambar says that one gets education if the hold the books, Kalasha Bua says those who wanted to stop Baba Sahib were weak but she is not and will be able to stop, Vishambar says that he heard a lady came from far away to give pudding to Bhima because she saw hope and victory on the face of Bhima. Vishambar says that when the storm comes then it first throws the tree which stays adamant and they have to have the ability to move, Kalasha Bua says she does not want to hear his foolish words but tea, Vishambar says his words are true just like the tea and is from the same family, he says that no one should get hurt due to the storm which will bring the change, the nephew says the uncle is very weak. Kalasha Bua asks what does Vishambar think that she is going to change the ways if he does not have the tea so orders him to drink it, she is smiling.

In the night Mehwa comes to the room where Bhima is sleeping, he recalls when he left the side of Bhima and her mother at the school so he sits by the side of Bhima and starts massaging her head, he looks at her feet that are sore so even starts to massage them after placing them on his leg, Dhania comes to the room, she is a bit tensed then goes to sit by her husbands side who says he gets scared as had the official not come on the right time what would have happened to Dhania and to him without her, he says if she thinks likes him that a father was watching his daughter and wife in pain but still not able to do anything for them, Dhania also starts crying but says that tomorrow they will need some money to go to the market so they can bring the board and chalk for Bhima, Mehwa looks shocked at Dhania who says that she knows they would have to bear the expense and every penny is worth a lot but they have to do it, Mehwa informs it causes a lot of pain however Dhania says that the pain feels a lot at the start however then they start getting habitual as they usually bear the pain every day and woulds bear even more for Bhima.

In the morning the sister in law scolds Mehwa for being a weak person who could not convince his wife and daughter when the elder brother comes asking if Mehwa also thinks that Bhima will become the officer, Bhima says she will surely become the officer when the elder brother asks Mehwa to realize that the officer would not always come to their help as they only need the vote while for the remaining five years they have to live with people like Kalasha Bua. Mehwa replies even he knows it but Bhima will study if she likes even when he is not happy, the sister in law comes asking then how will they work, Dhania says that they all will work, Bhima replies even she will work after the school. Dhania calls Bhima asking her to see what she brought for her, she show the board and chalk to Bhima who gets excited.

Update Credit to: Sona

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