Categories: Bheema

Bheema 16th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Bheema threatens Kalika Singh

Bheema 16th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Bheema takes out the stick after lighting the fire with which she stats walking out of her house, her uncle along with the other people from the class are standing in front of her, Dhania says it is not right to always fight and she must stay quiet, Bheema questions what has happened in the past when they stayed quiet, she says they fought for the sake of education and won so now she is going to fight again and win, she says if they donot fight then the Babu Sahib would start to torture them again, Bheema says 26th January 1950 was the day when the constitution was put into place and this is what she said to go into the class, Bheema says they have to remember this clause of the constitution and understand that they can stop anyone either if it is Kalika Singh or Kalasha Bua. Bheema says she will go

and teach them while no one should come after her, Dhania asks what does Bheema think and she will go so late at night so would she not stop her, Bheema asks for how long would her mother support her but says he must stay here and believe in her. Bheema walks away while holding the lamp.

Pawan is brought to the table where the entire family is standing to celebrate his birthday, Pawan is also smiling. Bheema keeps walking straight to the house of Kalasha Bua.

Kalasha bua says she does not now from where do they get such ideas as they have to wait till midnight when Priya mentions they have waited for so long so should just wait for five more minutes, Bheema entering the house starts calling to Babu Sahib, hearing this the entire family of Kalasha Bua gets worried. Kalasha bua says she would look at it but Kalika stops her explaining Bheema has goten the habit of interrupting them again and again so he would teach her some manners, Kalika angrily goes out asking what is the need to yell as she keeps irritating them when they are celebrating the birthday of his son. Bheema says she has done what she could and explains she has burned his entire storage house, Kalika Singh angrily runs to the store room, he starts checking the sacks placed there for any sort of ire which he could wipe out, Kalika Singh takes a deep breath thinking that there is no fire and wonders why did Bheema say she has set fire to this store, Kalika Singh says she joked with him and has gotten so much courage he turns to find Bheema standing in front of him, Bheema says she just expressed her feelings and it could have happened, she says he beat Harkhu because he was alone, she could have even burned his store but what is the need to cause loss to each other, she asks why is he causing the problems to the people of their class while should not bear anyone from their class in the future, Kalika Singh sits on top of a sack and he angrily says she did this act for such a small talk, he says no matter how many times she says it but he has just one answer, that he can do anything he desires to people like Halku and would see what she does, Bheema looks at the sacks placed around them all, Bheema replies she will burn this store room the next tim so Kalika Singh gets up furiously, he hears Dolly asking him to come quickly as there is not enough time left to cut the cake, Kalika Singh says he is going to cut the cake for his sons birthday but warns Bheema about the future, Bheema keeps looking at the Mashal, Dhania places her hand on the shoulder of Bheema who asks what is her mother doing here, Dhania says she knows Bheema asked her to not come but she is a mother and would support her till she has the strength left in her, Bheema says she knows her mother would never stop supporting her, Dhania asks Bheema if she is actually going to burn the store room if Kalika Singh does anything in the future, Bheema replies her mother warned her to not just threat anyone so if Kalika Singh does beat anyone again.

Kalasha Bua is celebrating the birthday of Pawan with her entire family and she wishes him along with Kalika Singh after which she asks him to cut the cake, Dolly is smiling along with everyone, he first feeds Kalasha Bua with the cake then Dolly forcefully eats it, Pawan is really happy when Kalika Singh thinks how Bheema said he beat Halkhu as he was alone while his store was also vacant, Pawan asks his father to have the cake, Kalasha Bua questions what Kalika what has happened, he replies that Bheema came to talk about the reason he beat Halkhu. Kalasha Bua informs she is going to go to the Mandir tomorrow and they all should listen that there is nothing wrong in the preparations.

In the morning the aunt of Bheema asks her husband to come with her to the Mandir as kalasha Bua would give them a lot of money after the pooja, the uncle even asks Bheema to come as she used to come with them to the Mandir, Bheema says she is getting education to become worthy of gettinga job so she does not have to wait for the birthday of the Babu Sahib, Mehwa comes saying he is going to go and play the drum at the birthday of Pawan, the aunt ridicules them both for having separate thoughts, Dhania says that they both are doing their work so she asks Bheema to go to her school as today Dolly and Pawan would not be present.

Kalasha Bua along with Kalika Singh and her family are walking then the people ask if there is not going to be any dance, Kalasha Bua asks Mehwa to call the Chabelia but Mehwa informs that he has stopped dancing, Kalika Singh thinks about what Bheema said to him so he orders that if the brother of Mehwa would not dance then his daughter is going to dance so he instructs his men to go and bring her. The teacher is scolding Bheema in the class while she is sitting on the floor.

Update Credit to: Sona

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