Categories: Bheema

Bheema 17th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Chabelia agrees to dance for the sake of Bheema

Bheema 17th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kalika says that his daughter would dance if not his brother, he orders his men to go and bring Bheema from the school. Mehwa asks why are they causing trouble for his daughter, Kalasha Bua orders Mehwa to stay quiet otherwise he would not get paid, Kalasha Bua asks why are her men standing then they leave to bring Bheema, Kalasha Bua signals so Mehwa is forced to play the drums again, after which they all start going towards the Mandir,

Bheema says he did not teach her but she understood what comes after it, the teacher asks from where did she learn then she remembers that Baba Sahib came to teach her and the teacher once again asks who taught her, Bheema replies her Baba Sahib taught her while the students start laughing at her, the men of Kalasha bua enter the classroom demanding Bheema must

come to dance at the mandir, Bheema replies it is her time to study so why would she come, they threaten to forceful take her, the students start laughing hearing it but Bheema still refuses. The two men then forcefully make Bheema stand after covering their hands, seeing which the teacher along with every student present in the class are smiling, Bheema asks her Baba Sahib what can she do now, he is just staring at her from the window while she keeps asking what can she do now, they all notice her staring straight.

Kalasha Bua reaches the mandir with everyone, the people of the lower class stop outside the mandir when Kalasha Bua starts to pray along with her family members. Kalasha Bua is smiling.

Bheema keeps staring and then notices Baba Sahib has turned away, she gets dizzy and then falls unconscious so they leave her on the floor seeing which the teacher and the students get worried. The men kneels down demanding Bheema should wake up so they wonder what would they do by taking her in this condition, the teacher asks the students to start the education while leave Bheema on the floor in this state. The men discuss they would tell Kalasha Bua that Bheema got unconscious in the class, Dhania hears their conversation so starts running towards the class, the Principal and his peon stop her saying that no one can act like this while order her to go out but Dhania calls Bheema, hearing this the Principal threatens that if she does not leave then it would not be good for the future of Bheema, Dhania is forced to leave while the Principal and the peon start smiling.

The men reach Kalasha Bua informing they forcefully tried to bring Bheema but she got unconscious so they left him there, the uncle of Bheema but Kalasha Bua orders them to bring Chabelia as someone would surely dance, the uncle requests Kalasha Bua to stop it s then the people make fun of him by saying he is the brother of a dancer, Kalasha Bua orders her men to go and bring Chabelia, the Pandit jee arrives informing they should start the pooja of Devi jee.

Bheema is still unconscious in the class while the teacher is teaching the lecture.

The family of Kalasha Bua is sitting when Chabelia is brought to the Mandir, Kalasha Bua asks if he will dance then the uncle of Bheema says Kalasha Bua should stop it as people tend to make a lot of fun, Kalasha bua mentions had Bheema reached the Mandir then Chabelia would not havee to dancce, hearing this Chabelia agrees to dance while they should not call Bheema, Kalasha Bua starts laughing, asking if he would dance being a man then she orders his men to clean his moustabhe and beard as he ahs agreed to dance. The elder brother still requests Kalasha Bua to let it be, kalika Singh orders him to do it, Chabelia also agrees to do it while asking his elder brother to clean his moustache and beard, kalika says he even has to dance so he orders them to hurry up, Chabelia is crying as his eelder brother starts to clean his moustache and beard.

The teacher walks out of the class while Bheema is still unconscious without even worrying for her, Dhania is still standing outside the school and she runs into the school to start searching for Bheema in each and every class, she is finally able to find her in one of the classroom standing on her feet, Dhania asks what happened to her, Bheema says she is fine but Dhania replies she found out Bheema got unconscious, Bheema says the goons forcefully came to take her and Baba sahib wanted her to find out a solution and she thought that if she tries to argue then they would support the goons this is why she acted, Dhania gets emotional and then hugs Bheema tightly while crying.

Chabelia start the performance in the Mandir where Kalasha Bua is sitting with her family performance everyone keeps enjoying his performance and even Priya enjoys the performance.

Dhania asks Bheema to wait outside the school while she wold brig something for her saying she used her intelligencee to study, Baba Sahib comes to bheema who asks if he saw how she managed to stay in the class without even fighting, Baba Sahib asks if she did not see that those people were not bothered, he explains this is why they have to bee strong so in the future no one leaves someone like Bheema if she gets uncosncious.

Kundan comes running to Bheema when Dhania asks what has happened, Kundan informs about what had happened in the Mandir and Kalasha Bua ordered them to bring Chabelia saying he is going to dance, Dhania gets worried, Kundan says Chabelia agreed to dance for the sake of Bheema hearing which she gets worried.

Update Credit to: Sona

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