Categories: Bheema

Bheema 20th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Bhima agrees to clean the school

Bheema 20th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The elder of Bhawan asks all of the members of school to come together and force Bhima to leave the school, the Principal also announces an award from the school to anyone who forces Bhima to leave the school along with the elder of Bhawan before furiously walking out of the school. Bhima is standing looking at all the students along with the teachers who walk into their offices and classes while Bhima is still standing there but just the teacher from the lower class is standing looking at Bhima, he also walks away. Bhima touches her name written on the board when she tells Baba Sahib she is looking at how it feels to see their name written in front of them, Baba Sahib asks Bhima to keep looking at her name which she has to make strong and must realize the stronger she is able to make her run would help

her in doing good for the people of her class.

Dhania is sitting while crying when her husband comes to sit by her side and angrily breaks the stick I his hand, he starts looking at the hand of Dhania which is hurting a lot, he says how he advised her to not see such dreams for which they have to pay the price. The elder brother also says that it would happen if she does not mend he ways, Dhania replies she will only change when she dies and was right to say this fight is of the mother and daughter and they would be able to handle it, the sister in law says that the stick will break each and every day, Dhania mentions the injury is fresh which is why it is hurting but with time she will get habitual, Mehwa says he should see it all happen with his see so she should tell him what can he do about it.

Bhima stops the teacher explaining she has to go to the class of the lowest level, he points her in that direction so Bhima starts walking towards the class in excitement. The two teachers are standing and then even the third teacher joins them both asking Bhima where is she going, he calls her towards them saying they all have brought a gift for her, they are smiling when Bhima slowly starts walking towards them, she asks what gift have they brought so the teacher takes out a broom raising it towards Bhima, she is shocked seeing it when the teacher from the lower class also comes, the Principal walks to stand with a smile on his face, the teachers throws the broom in front of her when the teacher of lower class says it cannot happen as there is a clause in the constitution hat everyone can study, the Principal says that he has written her name with his own hands and now the teacher must wait to see what happens as it is sure that Bhima will have to leave the school otherwise who knows how many Bhima will desire to study. Baba Sahib tells Bhima he had also suffered a lot in his time and she is also suffering but Bhima must not think of any work as small and never forget that she is getting this work as a gift, Bhima holds her hands together thanking all the teachers for this gift, she asks if she is the first student who got the gift, she asks what does she have to do when the teacher says she has to clean each of the class till then the students would study in the ground, the teacher asks what is the teacher from the lower class doing by standing here as he must go to bring all of the other students in the ground, Baba Sahib placing his hand over the head of Bhima says this is what they have to change as a lot of Bhima are doing this work by force, Bhima thinks that she is going to remember all of those who are doing this work by force, she thinks she will fight of everyone. The elder of Bhawan says that Bhima has said she is going to fight when the sister comes asking how long will Bhima fight for but Kalasha Bua says they should keep showing who is powerful from time to time, the wife comes saying she feels they should get the husband of Dhania kidnapped but Kalasha Bua says they should first enjoy the conditions when Priya comes requesting Kalasha Bua to let her enjoy the dance class in city, Kalasha Bua leaves saying that she will not let her daughter become a dancer. Kalika tells his wife that his son really made him proud by punishing Bhima and he is glad to realize that if anyone would come after him then it would be his son Bhawan.

Bhima is cleaning the class room while Bhawan is sitting on top of the table with a smile on his face, he asks Bhima to be quick as she has to clean the other classes when Bhima replies she is cleaning and Bhawan says he has been making it dirty, she asks what is he getting when he replies enjoyment as he wants to see how his father keeps Mehwa in check when he hears the teacher asking who will become the king, Bhawan says the son of the king will become the king, his sister mentions it is the voice of Bhawan and then he teacher asks who is going to be the servant so one of the students said the son of the servant, the teacher agrees and makes them all repeat after him. Bhima is just cleaning the classroom when Bhawan asks her to come as she need to clean the other class. Bhima is walking out of the classroom when she sees Baba Sahib sitting in the class so sits beside him asking if it is true what everyone is saying that the son of the king will become the king, Baba Sahib replies it is their thought and they want to make sure it stays in the same manner, he replies it is not necessary that the son of the king becomes the king while it is also not certain that the son of the servant becomes the king but it should be due to their capability and if the son of the servant has the aptitude of becoming the king then no one can stop him, Bhima starts thinking about it.

Update Credit to: Sona

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